The Old Dog Explains: What Is It Like To Work For Very Wealthy People? The Good, The Bad And The Really Cheap!

in #wealthy7 years ago (edited)

In my business as a window cleaner to the "stars" I often find myself working for extremely wealthy people! You may wonder what it's like.

Questions You May Have About The Very Wealthy!

  • Are they less generous?
  • Are they suspicious of you while you're working?

Let's Find Out!

I have often thought about and discussed these questions with my employees. In general, our consensus is that when it comes to tipping or offering you something to drink while you're there for the day working the wealthy are less likely to offer either. Maybe that's why they're wealthy!

Let's not generalize too much! The first home that I entered yesterday is owned by a fabulously wealthy family and they are extremely open and generous. As soon as we arrived to wash their windows (we do them once a month) the lady of the house offered us a coffee, prepared it and brought it to us on a serving tray. Keep in mind that they have a cook, a personal trainer and a maid on staff! She then proceeded to pay me in cash for the job and also gave us each $20.00 as a tip! We are always treated with dignity and appreciation....what a great family! 

Here Are Some Photos From Our First Job Yesterday!

This shot is taken from their living room window. Their apartment is the entire floor of a very elegant building!

Looking to the left you see the Lakeside promenade of Lugano leading to the gorgeous Parco Ciani

If you had this view wouldn't you have your windows cleaned every month?

Here you can get an idea of the size of the apartment. I took this from 3/4 of the way back. Every room has a balcony.

What Is My Worst Story Of Stinginess And Paranoia? The Dark Side!

I used to do the windows every month for an equally wealthy family just north of Lugano. The lady of the house wanted the windows done every month but she bartered and bartered to get the price down as low as she could. I actually gave in way too much and ended up doing the job for years at a price below market value.

Each time I went there she would lock the door as soon as I entered. She would then follow me around the house the whole time that I was working. If I went out to the truck to get something she'd lock the door behind me and wait there until I got back (60 seconds). I'd then have to ring the doorbell and she'd open it. Would you want to live like that? Me neither! I put up with it because I was just starting out here in Switzerland and I had a family to feed! 

Why Did I Quit Working For Her?

The last time that I did the job she took me downstairs to where they had an indoor pool and she showed me that the glass doors of the shower area had hard water stains on them and she wanted to know if I could get them off. 

I used my potions, lotions, scrapers and elbow grease and with about an hour of work I brought the doors back to perfection! I knew that she was cheap so I only added $20.00 to the bill and she still flipped out on me. "I asked you to do me a favor" she said. I insisted that she pay but she wouldn't budge and so I told her "fine, it's free, but I won't ever come back." Can you believe that she kept calling me for about a year asking me to continue the service? 

What Are Your Experiences?

  • Do you find the wealthy to be less generous? If yes why do you think that it is so?
  • Are the wealthy generally more suspicious? If yes why would that be?
  • Will you change when Steemit makes you wealthy?
  • Is it foolish, even dangerous to generalize?

I hope that you enjoyed this article about what it's like to work for wealthy people.

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     


I come from a wealthy family and I can tell u that they belong to the dark side on your post. I am quite open and generous I guess thats why Im not rich like them. Still I prefer it like this.... sometimes

Wow I actually earned from this comment than some posts..


Don't scare off the whale...

True that, but for some reason I have gone invisible to the whales since all my problems have started.

No matter what obstacles or what life brings you...



I really try but I have to be honest I dont feel any better and Im quite worried about how Im going to get through this.

Don't try...

Don't worry...

Just DO IT!!!

I don't think any whales vote anymore. After the "experiment" took place, they have been absent in their voting.

That's great! That's how I earned when I started out and it will only get better with the next fork!

interesting story .. I love your posts and I miss answering your questions at the end!
Thank you for all the encouragements btw - you're a Steemit rock!

Great view btw! I won't mind cleaning windows and loose my breath to that but then properly paid please

Do you find the wealthy to be less generous? If yes why do you think that it is so? Are the wealthy generally more suspicious? If yes why would that be?

I honestly don't. I've worked with extremely rich Orientals and Europeans and had diplomats who were born with a golden spoon in their mouths and in my own experience rich people could both be ultra generous and less generous so are the poor. However, I've experienced mostly spoiling from them and yes I was also not trusted (suspicious indeed) at first but I guess the paranoia hits those who have much pretty easy which is probably caused by fear? fear of losing what they have acquired? In general, I can't really say I have negative experiences with the rich nor that they were

Will you change when Steemit makes you wealthy?

Will you change ... we'll cross the bridge when we get there my grandpa used to say but I have a different view on money and the change that happens to people when it showers on them. I think it only enhances what and who the person already is and always has been. I have no reason to change unless its for the better and as much as possible I prefer to watch my thoughts and myself as I get to have more but nobody knows what lies deep in our hearts.

Is it foolish, even dangerous to generalize?

IMHO yes, I live in the principle "Live and let live".. maybe because I've been judged many times for many reasons so i prefer to have no prejudice on things but hey am no saint it aint easy those thoughts could slip away ey? Anyway in my opinion, both in the world of the rich and the poor - there's that yin yang kind'a aura of being generous or less generous but what becomes more dominant and easier to see is that of which we are more exposed to.

Wow @englishtchrivy I almost missed this fab reply. Maybe my feed is a bit off. So great to hear from you. One of my first and best Steemit friends!

@kus-knee - fab .. what a word to use hihi
mustn't be the feed ;) too many replies these days
went online and found 23 already and still counting .. trying to reply back
I can imagine yours must be 5x of that and it's hard to reply to everyone back specially if new replies keep comin
It's touching to be considered one of your first and best Steemit friends Old Dog - I'll treasure that! Moveddddd!!

The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone For Your Nice Comment!

Please check your wallet!

Remember: I reward the best comments on all of my posts so continue to follow me and tell your friends!

Yes, the more you have the more you need to protect, maintain, insure etc.. Give me a cabin in the woods!

Thats exactly what I wish I had right now. Far away from modern society and all its troubles only downside no internet and no Steemit!

Cabin in the woods!! Amen.

The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone For Your Nice Comment!

Please check your wallet!

Remember: I reward the best comments on all of my posts so continue to follow me and tell your friends!

Wow how cool thanks so much :)

I have done alot of security for some very wealthy people and I find its 50/50 mostly ! They are eigther very busy and ignore you all together because who would want to be seen talking to a lowly security guard ! Lol! Or they come from humble beginnings and are very generous and kind ! The way i see it if they work their asses off for their money they can do whatever they want with it , at least show some consideration to others !! 👍👍👍😊

So you've experienced similar things.

Oh yes many times ! 👍😊

Very nice post @kus-knee :)

Thanks so much!

It was an interesting topic. I liked a comment of @mallorcaman :)

Yes he offered some insight from personal experience! Thanks for having a look!

If you are offered drinks or snacks while you are working then they are gracious. If not, then they are stingy bastards according to Filipino local wisdom.

I imagine that there is a very generous spirit in the Philippines!

Yes, there is a tradition of hospitality.

Nice photo, I like to look very good :))

Thanks so much @yasmins!

Are welcome :))

Intresting but not only count for rich people .
Isnt herethe same ? Some of the people with a lot steem are always nice , answering and shering and some are full of ignorance !
If you ask me is all about personality with or without money :)

Yes you make a good observation @patelincho. I'm glad that for the most part Steemit is a very kind and supportive platform! Good thing that we can improve our personalities if we work on them!

I agree in steemit are some really generous and nice people - Like YOU :)

You are too kind!

Not more than you , i wont forget my first days on steemit and you support :)

Oh gosh, whan an aweful woman in your second story. I can't understand people like that, but I guess it's part of why she's wealthy and staying that way.
I believe we all have to be nice to eachother. If it's not money-wise, then at the very least like your first story: Be nice and offer a drink! We need people like that woman in this world.

I do, however, understand distrust. It sounded a bit extreme in the woman from your second story, but I understand how it's hard to leave your precious items with unknown people. There are just too many people on this planet taking advantage of misplaced trust. I guess it depends on how often you see them. If it's a regular, monthly job, I'd feel better about this.

Thanks for your reply. People are the way they are for a reason. Let's hope that we all stay kind, generous and simple once we make it big with Steemit! :)

I hope so! I've always been a saver first, which allows me to spend big when actually needed. I guess that wouldn't change! Tricking people into working for free is just low. Savings are precisely why you can pay workers when needed!

The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone For Your Nice Comment!

Please check your wallet!

Remember: I reward the best comments on all of my posts so continue to follow me and tell your friends!

That view is fabulous !

Yes it's quite nice. I get to work in some really cool places!

That's great.

Interesting tales, as always!

I have never "worked for" extremely wealthy people, but quite a few were customers of my art gallery, back when I lived in Austin, Texas. I have also been friends/acquaintances with a couple of extremely wealthy people... of the kind that live in a world beyond anything we can imagine.

In my case, I'd say the "pretty decent" outnumber the unpleasant by about 2-to-1. My boarding school roommate was a good friend... he was about as "normal" as any of the other kids... aside from the helicopter coming to pick him up when his dad was in London.

The art gallery customers who were unpleasant were mostly what I'd call "new money;" high tech multimillionaries who somehow thought wealth meant they owned the whole world, and everyone in it.

Your comments are better than my articles and much appreciated! There are a lot of stories in your words and I'm sure that sooner or later they will spill out onto the "page"!

I'd love to read your recollections of boarding school. That's a far different life from what I experienced. I still remember the first story of yours that I read about fishing with your dad.

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