Massive 10 Gigabyte Leak by Anonymous Bulgaria - "Silkway Helps Terrorists" (UPDATE - ARCHIVE IS UP!)

in #weapons-smuggling7 years ago (edited)

This is an update and clarification on the Silkway Airlines Weapons Smuggling Operation.

In my last post, I reviewed the leaks made by Anonymous Bulgaria on Twitter.

At the time of posting, the extent of the data leak was not entirely known. I described the most recent, July 15th, tweet that included a 313mb rar file link.

However, the previous tweets made by Anon_bg in late June link to ab archive containing:

10 Gigabytes

8900 files

jpegs, docs, emails, zip-files

! Warning Downloading Files from Unknown Sources Can Be Potentially Dangerous and I do not Advise anyone to do so !

You can find the links to the document dump by visiting Anon_bg on twitter. The download is password protected but the password was also made available in an subsequent tweet

Password: #SilkWayHelpTerrorists

Anonymous Bulgaria Tweets

- June 27th -

Anonymous Bulgaria on Twitter    hacked Azer Embussy in Bulgaria. Full backup files   diplomatic emails.  Military Cargo on  SilkWay  for terrorists https jtLuD1bKns .png

- June 28th -

Anonymous Bulgaria on Twitter   password for archive   SilkWayHelpTerrorists .png

-June 30th -

Anonymous Bulgaria on Twitter    2 link Azer Embussy in Bulgaria. Full backup files   diplomatic emails.  Military Cargo on  SilkWay  for terrorists https fk4Tb6kOvL .png

Safe Option - Wait and See

The archive has been downloaded by who are affiliated with online investigator George Webb and his partner at Crowd Source the Truth Jason Goodman.

The website is affiliated with Crowd Source the Truth but is run by a researcher in Panama known as Panama Mike who is providing assistance to the crowd source investigation by creating a website dedicated to the work of GW and Crowd Source.

Independent researchers, who are skilled and comfortable downloading large anonymous files, have been asked to volunteer to help sift through the material, and upload their findings to or by posting screenshots to social media.

Crowd Source the Truth also provided a google drive link in their live stream:

2nd Warning - Do Not Download if you don't know WTF you're doing.

(Again - Not Recommended)

For those who are wary of potential malware or unable to assist in the process can simply wait until the contents of the archive become available on the website which should occur over the next several days.

Original Article:

Edit - Adding the Crowd Source the Truth live stream (start @ - 57:00)


Image -




Thanks for sharing this. Downloading from strange places is very scary indeed, especially when it is information like this. Your posts are always very interesting, thank you! :)

VERY interesting indeed and also quite valuable.

So I can click this link to get the information your bringing to light in this post?

The link to brings you to their index of the 10gb leak. Sill, be cautious if you decide to download any files, there's always some level of risk involved. You can also periodically check for updates and analysis on the leaked documents.

In recent days they have obtained an additional 65gb! Seems like it's going to take some time for people to sort through.

So do you download and sort through lots of it to form your new posts?

I have downloaded a few dozen emails but honestly I don't have the time atm because of real life responsibilities. Next month however, I should have more free time and intend on combing through some of the emails/pdfs for clues.

What kind of real life stuff takes ur time?
It seems like you could easily live off of Steemit income with the consistency of your rewards....Unless that is you live a super high baller life and this is just little chump change for ya ;-)>
I haven't gone through all your posts.....I have been wanting to but also am SOO busy. Are you an anonymous account or do you have personal info on Steemit?
You don't have to answer if you don't want. Just wondering as I have genuine interest in you.
Best Regards~*~

We should tell Mike Cernovich, Info Wars, Drudge, and Wiki Leaks about these leaks.

Yes, get this out there to as many people as possible.

Cernovich is a meme master, he will get this trending with appropriate hashtag.

"Cernovich is a meme master, he will get this trending with appropriate hashtag."

This is a sentence that would be completely indecipherable if someone from the 1950's were to read this. We're basically speaking an entirely new English language...

@rieki hahahahahaha GOOD POINT!

Yes, 100% true, and it made me chuckle.🤗

I would tell Cerno and my contact at WL if Twitter didn't suspend me. :P

Copy and paste this to Mike on Facebook.

I would tell Cerno and my contact at WL if Twitter didn't suspend me. :P Ill try to get in contact with Britt Pettibone and relay a message to Cerno I kind of need Cerno's help calling out Twitter's suspension.

Also, contact Mike or his people through Facebook and YouTube. Copy and paste the messages to people everywhere. Send messages to Mark Dice and Milo and Tomi too.

The photo is great :)

Reasons like this are why I use 2fa to log into my accounts. At least those compatible with that security standard.

I fucking love you guys!

el gobierno esta detras de todo esto... i follow you

Okay I'm a Bulgarian and didn't even know there was a Bulgarian Anonymous organisation. I feel like America will always find a way to supply their terrorists with whatever they need even if you bring down one piece of the puzzle.. everything is so wrong in the world, we need more organizations exposing

By definition, anyone can use the title 'anonymous', they may be Bulgarian we have no real way of knowing who or where the archive comes from. I'm very interested to see what emerges over the next several days.

True that and I'll follow what is happening seems might be a massive scandal incoming.

What do you mean by "their terrorist?

Oh we all know how "terrorism" works.. it gets funded by someone to so the organisation does whatever for their investors interests (occupying petrol stations, causing disturbance into others stability etc.) but It does get out of hand at some point and you have a screwed up eastern world that is causing trouble for Europe as an aftereffect. It is too long and I don't even want to get into debates about these things since we will just spam this post. But I do believe the real terrorists are quite "legal" organisations with quite a lot of power and resources (who might these be..).

You watch too much TV.

Haven't watched tv in more than 10 years.. don't own a TV in fact.

I was about to say, you make arguments that are inconsistent with the propaganda mainstream media spews.

Damn! Thank you for this info. I had no clue this had happened @v4vapid