Marijuana versus Bullets

in #weapons7 years ago

In legal states, cannabis is precisely tracked from the minuscule seed all the way to the final bud or product and yet NO ONE has ever died from marijuana.
Yet there is something so deadly it has killed millions of people, rendered people crippled for life, and created huge amounts of illness and suffering that is not tracked at all...Bullets


Why do we closely track cannabis which has never killed anyone and track nothing for weapons and ammo which has lead to the death, maiming, and crippling of countless people????

I believe 100% in the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

There is NOTHING in this statement that says weapons and arms should not be tracked. There is nothing in this statement that says we can or can not control military grade assault weapons. There is nothing in this statement that requires or prevents people from being licensed and trained for weapons and ammo.

WHY is something so deadly not tracked AT ALL?

It’s now time to Track every weapon, every bullet, all arms and ammo. We have the technology to do this easily, cheaply, and accurately using BlockChain technologies. We also don’t need any government or centralized authorities to make this happen.

Here is how it could work:

  • Everyone registers all their weapons and ammo in their possession on a blockchain: Type of weapon or ammo, Quantity, Jurisdiction/Approx Location.
  • When you discharge weapons you record spent ammo on the blockchain: Type, -Quantity, Jurisdiction
  • When a manufacturer creates weapons or ammo, the register on the blockchain.
  • When a store buys, the register on the blockchain. If a store doesn't track and you think they should don't buy.
  • When a store sells, they register on the blockchain.
  • Users are licensed for the weapons they carry, hold or hodl. They are certified for training, use and safety and the certification is registered on the blockchain
  • Heat maps are created showing unusual areas of concentration of weapons and ammo. This tells everyone, you better leave those people alone in that jurisdiction!
  • Users can remain anonymous or public, it’s their freedom of choice. If their weapons and ammo are public, this will be the biggest deterrent of anyone trying to mess with their family or their stuff.

This requires no government laws and does nothing to remove anyone's liberty or freedom.

Let’s track Weapons and Ammo!

Let’s make this happen!

Let’s REsensitize ourselves to tragedies happening with pointless deaths and terrorism: 17 People Died In The Parkland Shooting. Here Are Their Names.


At first I didn't like where you were going with it, but then I was like hey that's not a bad idea. I do have one small problem at the part where you use licensing and certification interchangeably. Licensing is typically imposed by state appointed industry boards while certification is completely voluntary and simply confirms to others that one possess whatever they may be looking for.

I will probably resteem this tomorrow, unless you get 4 or more upvotes.

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