There are only 4 things you do in business!

in #welovesteemit7 years ago (edited)

4 c's of marketing.jpg

There are only 4 things you do in a business…

When one of my mentors introduced this concept to me, I was all over it. Just 4 key things to focus on in business… and you are golden! Sounds simple? That's because it really is.

Yes, there are a lot of moving parts within these 4 things but they all fall into these 4 basic things.

The truth is, people tend to over-complicate things in business… always looking for more complex things to add to the equation, hoping that this other tool, training, coach or that other opportunity will fix what is wrong.

Stop. Don’t buy another thing. If you just take a moment and focus on these 4 basic things to determine where there might be a gap, you may just alter your results in a profound way.

Learn those 4 things, focus on those 4 things… and everything will change. Some have called these the 4 C’s of marketing, I call them the Fundamental Four:


Simply put, you need to have a way to “collect” viewers, eyeballs, visitors. In an online business, this could include Facebook lives, blogging, banner advertising and social media, to name a few methods. In any other business, it could include anything like print advertising, radio, television, signs… anything that gets people to see you and gets them through the door whether it be onto a website page, or literally through the doors of your place of business.

There could be thousands of ways. You should have a few that you focus on with consistency.

Ask yourself every day… what are you doing to get those “eyeballs”?


So, you have got them onto you site, in your store, at your open house… whatever the case may be for your business. Don't fool yourself, they can be gone in an instant, never to be seen again. All that effort to get them there … wasted! But, it doesn't need to be that way. The second C goes hand in hand with the first. Don't bring them there, only to lose them. Instead, “Capture” them, get their info!

On the internet, in the home business arena, we us what we call a capture page, opt-in page or lead capture page – a way to have prospects, potential customers give you their information willingly, usually in exchange for something of value, basically giving you permission to market to them!

Other ways to do this, perhaps in an offline business would be to collect business cards, add visitors info to your phone, offer contests or discounts in exchange for their information.

Got an event going on… ask people to sign in!

Bottom line: How are you capturing people's information so that you can speak to them over and over again? How are you generating leads? How are you maximizing the value of the “eyeballs” you are collecting ?


Leads are useless unless you have a plan to communicate with them. You must have a method of communicating with people regularly until they are ready to make a buying decision. Here are just a few suggestions:


Mail/Post cards

Facebook message

Social Media/ Facebook Groups

Phone/ text and calls




Once you have collected them, captured them …you absolutely need to have a plan to communicate with these people repeatedly and do it in a way that they want to receive the ongoing communication from you.

Send content and provide value via email or mail (an email autoresponder like Get Response or Aweber is essential). Send them something relevant to them and what had their eyeballs on you in the first place. Send them your blog posts, links to valuable videos. Let them know what's new, when you have an upcoming event, a webinar … get them to love you and expect you in their inbox, their mailbox, their phone.

You must also have a plan to get them in front of your offer so they can make a buying decision when they are ready. The key here is when they are ready.

They may not be ready when you first ” Collect” them. When you ” Capture” their info, they are just beginning to trust you… getting to know you enough to give you permission to market to them.

Communicating with them on a regular basis is where they are getting to really know you and decide if they like you and if what you are about is what they are really looking for. After these 3 are in place, and only then make sure your you have a way to present your offer.

It is essential that you learn to mass communicate and get your offer in front of a lot of people. Sometimes this is in the form of an email to your list, telling them about your offer. Sometimes, it is a webinar, tele-seminar, or event you invite your list to where you will present them your offer….

The point is… you need all 4 of these to be working in order to make sales…. and if you are not getting the results you want, there is a gap somewhere in the Fundamental Four that you need to evaluate and fill.

To your success and outrageous goals,

Tereza Kumric

Images used are public domain images.

P.S I am everywhere. Here are some other places I hangout. Would love to connect!



wow.. thanks tereza for sharing this.. this article is really helpful!
looking forward for more business articles from you @terezakumric :)
Keep steemiting!!

Thank you @abhisteem. Appreciate you stopping by. Looking forward to your posts, as well.

thanks tereza :)

You got a 11.11% upvote from @bearwards courtesy of @terezakumric!

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