Genesis 1:1 Continued

in #whale6 years ago

… Now… The Bible doesn't claim to be a book of science…. Yet… Whenever it touches on issues of science???… It is absolutely infallible…

… There is no proven scientific fact that CONTRADICTS A SINGLE STATEMENT written in the pages of this book… (This Book hasn’t needed to be updated, corrected or changed)...

… I like to quote… Isaiah 40:21-22 right here...

21 Have you not known?
Have you not heard?
Has it not been told you from the beginning?
Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth?
22 It is He who sits above the circle of the earth,
And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers,
Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain,
And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in.

How’d Isaiah know that?… Every culture… Every nation... Every people (Throughout world history… “Before say… Christopher Columbus")... Each believed the earth TO BE FLAT AS A PANCAKE… (Even the church)...

… Until exploration… Proved it was A CIRCLE… Just Like GOD SAID it was…

Job… (Likely, the oldest written Book of your Bible)… Says this... “He.. (God)... stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.” (Job 26:7)

… God hangs the earth ON NOTHING ???... (How’d Job know that???)...

… The ASIAN ISLANDERS of the SOUTH SEA… Said “The earth is carried on the backs of 2 GIANT TORTOISES”...
… The ancient scholars of INDIA said… “The earth is held up on the backs of Elephants”…

… The GREEKS laughed… And said... “NO… Don’t be silly… The earth is held up on the shoulders of the god ATLAS”...

... We’ve come a long way since then.. (And yet still ???)… THE MORE WE’VE LEARNED ???… ..The MORE we find “THE BIBLE” to be INFALLIBLE... (We haven’t had to change it)...

… If Genesis raises a hair of SKEPTICISM on the back of your neck… Then... I suggest that somewhere along the line (Most likely in public school or on the TV)… You have BELIEVED A LIE…


… It defies the order of things that we see before us… (In fact)... IT IGNORES… One of the most important laws of science.. “THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS”...

… This s not a theory… It’s not a hypothesis.. but a basic principle (An un-escapeable LAW)... WHICH SAYS... Everything goes from order… TO DISORDER !!!...

Like… If I were to create the outline of a horse…. by arranging marbles on a sheet of plywood... and I place my finished work in the backseat of my car… Drive around town for half an hour… When I stop the car… Will the horse be more intricate ???... More detailed ???… Will the horse become a horse of even finer detail ???… More elaborate artistically ???...
… Or will there be A BUNCH OF MARBLES… Lying on the floor of my car ???...

… There’s a great story about SIR ISAAC NEWTON… (Whom many say was the greatest scientific thinker in history)... He was mocked because he believed THERE WAS A GOD…

… So HE MADE this ELABORATE MODEL of the SOLAR SYSTEM that took up the whole front room of his house…

… His colleagues… Impressed by such detail and design… Asked him WHERE HE GOT THE MODEL ???… Who BUILT IT ???… ... Who made this???

… He said to them… “I didn’t buy this… No one made it… nor did anyone put it here… IT JUST APPEARED HERE”... And suddenly THEY GOT HIS POINT…

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