⏺How anyone can become wealthy with as little as even $1!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #whalepower7 years ago (edited)

In this post I will be discussing a concept known as Dollar Cost Averaging. Be prepared to change your perspective..

You may follow my content if you are serious about changing your life!

It's no joke. The title is very accurate with regards to making ton of money using even $1!

I don't want to waste to much time rambling, let's get straight into it!


It's a concept designed to beat volatility of the market conditions.. In simple terms, it's the closest the to "BULLETPROOF" that you can use in terms of risk.

See, everything in life works based upon the Law Of Averages. By using this technique, you are basically accommodating for this law even more!

I have done a ton of research on investing, wealth creation, and expansion in my life so far, and the number one most powerful, and influential conclusion I was able to find was the power of REGULAR INPUT. Now, when I talk about these concepts, don't just limit yourself by only applying them to investing.. These are based upon the building foundations of most aspects in life! However, in this particular article, I will use it for investing :)

So, to put that into investing terms.. The most powerful key to successful wealth creation is regular, consistent contributions!

I will show you examples to compare to this concept.

Most people would take a sum of money, not know what to do so just put it into something that will grow the money (Which is a great thing!). The problem is that they only do it once. Then they are not satisfied that their portfolio isn't increasing in size as fast as they'd like it to.

Let's say you put away $1000 into something that will grow at 40% per year (Very achievable)

Here's what you will have after 15 years:
invest 1.PNG.jpg

Cool right? You have made a great amount on that $1000..

But look what happens if you start with only $100.. And decide to put away $100 every month..

Here's what you will have after 15 years:
invest 2.PNG.jpg

And you started with a FAR smaller balance.

Remember I mentioned you can create wealth with as little as $1? Let me show you :)

Let's say you decide to put away $1 per month for 50 years at 40%.. It's achievable with patience. Who doesn't have a spare $1 LOL!

Get ready..
invest 3.PNG.jpg

Through consistency, over 50 years, with using just $1 you can make more than $750 Million.

And it's multipliable with they more you decide to regularly invest.

If you put away just $10 monthly using the same formula, you can equate to over $7.5 Billion.

$100 monthly would equate to $75 Billion.

And it is realistic since Warren Buffet has been able to equate to over $150 Billion already. (His net worth + Donations)



Time and consistency is an essence.

I hope you were able to take value out of my content. I believe my information if life-changing and should be shared with many others. With that being said, I would really appreciate it if you shared this content with those who need it most! Resteem too :)

Don't Forget To Upvote, and Comment your opinion!

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You Can Follow Your Boy Here @ENAZWAHSDARB (310+ Amazing Followers Strong)


This is by far one of the best investing posts i have seen here. I recently discovered the phenomenon of consistency by accident and i must say it works 100%. Consistency is key in everything in life. Especially when it comes to investing. If you are consistent it does not matter if you bought a high,because you will also be buying at every low that comes thereafter. Correctly scaled this advise is pure gold.
Upvoted and resteemed.

Advise for you: don't let your voting power get below 80% as it will take more time to recover..

Great comment brother. It's comments like these that make me super thrilled! Whenever I search for financial advice almost anywhere online, all I find is just the basic crap. No one goes into the depth where the fire sits. I think a part of that is because the information is so valuable.

So over the years, I have been able to come to my own conclusions with these topics. Finding out what works, and what doesn't. But more importantly, identifying the natural laws that associate with each one.

Everything in life is interlinked. That's why there are just so many analogies out there. That's also why, when you are able to understand these natural laws, you have the true power to concur anything.

You are right :) Correctly scaled, this advice is pure gold! All that power is held in the term 'correctly scaled'. Just like in everything in life, you will have those who use the information, those who ponder, and those that just store.. It's all about focus at the end of the day :)

And thanks for that advice. I honestly didn't realize it would have a negative compounding effect, the lower the power got :)

If you find value in my content, check my newer posts! I am posting at least daily. Talk soon :)

I will check out your new stuff. Hope to talk soon. Have a great day ;-)

So much wise words.

I just do not understand why the author of such an awesome post is powering down 650 Steem Power.

Thank you for your kind words! Appreciate the fact that you liked the content!

I am honestly just experimenting :) Quite frankly, I'm just storing some Steem until we start seeing price go down again, so that I can convert to SBD for just some fun profit. Nothing serious.

I don't think I'll take this investment to seriously until I have like 50k SP anyways.. It's not worth it. Rather just grind :)

Can you explain with more details? Its not just fun profit, its money.
How can you make profit with steem if its always more pricey than SBD?
1 - SBD is 1 USD, rougly.
So even when Steem falls behind 1 USD what you do next? Just exchange to SBD to say you made fun profit?
So its just a backup basically? Steem falls down and you buy SBD which is always 1 USD, is that your plan? :)

Okay, so just a general rule of thumb..

When Steem price is rising, you should have Steem. When Steem price is dropping, you should convert to SBD as soon as possible until it's lower. Then when Steem price is lower, you can convert it for more Steem than previously, but your account value is still the same. Then when price goes back up, you will make profit.

Right, simple. Thanks.

Glad you understand :) Nothing complicated you see? :P

Yes.. I see, sir

You didn't mention how the 40% is created :)

I will leave that for a future post :) Otherwise it's way too much info in one post haha! Stay in touch, I will post something like that soon

If I can achieve 5 resteems on this post, I will reveal it in the next post :)

Whats up, I will resteem and Upvote now.

Lets get that other post.
supreme money gun gif.gif

Brother, you're a flipping beast. Can't describe it right now. Thank you for your support. I will always remember the OG's when I was starting.

Next post coming up with the beans!

hahah good stuff waitin on those beans!

They are up and posted as scheduled :)

Good work bro. I took a look and you hit the nail on the head with that post.

The pressure is on.. xD

Excellent post and explanations! However 40% is just a biiittt optimistic haha

Thanks. Haha, everyone has that opinion when reading this information. That why I made an update post telling people where they can invest to get that ROI. You go check it out :)

Hm this will take almost 100 years to become rich with 01 dollar rich program.....

Uhm.. How rich is your 'rich'? I clearly showed in the post how the $1 concept will become $750 Million over 50 years.. That's a lot. Did you read the post? :P If not, I recommend doing so :) It reveals a lot! Thanks for stopping by regardless!

Thanks for the shoutout @enazwahsdarb. I'm glad to see you covered the concept of DCA in more detail. For all interested, Tony Robbins tells a story of a mailman who saved 20% every year and put that money into the stock market, untouched. After 40 years he had 80 million dollars or some astronomical number to that effect.

Yeah, I see. Wow. I completely retract what I said. None of these mentions or comments came up as notifications on my profile. My apologies my man. Let the record show I am redacting my previous comment.

I forgive you :) Just trying to keep positive vibes here! What can you do but laugh hey :P

Yeah, is there a way to get every mention on steemit to come up as a notification? They did not even show me you responded to my comment!

I'm not sure actually. I have also noticed lately that I am not getting notified with replies at all in the last few days.

Basically all I do know is refresh the 'replies' tab on my profile every few minutes to see who has replied. Hope that helps :)

PS. If I achieve 5 resteems on this post, I will reveal what I think are the best investments to achieve higher yields (Like everyone is asking LOL).

I am not sure if you cover index funds as 401k options over managed funds by major investment companies. The lesser expense ratio of index funds can earn you an extra 1% a year. Within the options that one's employer provides, there are always market mirroring index funds one can move into instead of the ones they automatically put you in.

Index funds are actually one of the things I haven't put too much of my attention to. I don't even consider them simply because there are more than enough very promising, strong investments out there nowadays.. I don't want to overwhelm myself if that makes sense :)

Zane maybe edit this one now.. seems out of place.

Haha true brother. Thanks :)

Much better :) And only my pleasure my dude! It's insane. Just shows you that it's purely mentality. So long as a person has an income, they have no excuse :)

Exactly that :) Most people get lost in their own work because they try and over complicate things.. I believe focus is what creates results in life. But how can one focus on something if they are losing themselves :P

There's a acronym I use: K.I.S.S - Keep It Stupid Simple :)

Lol! Yes me too! I didn't wanna offend!

If a person gets offended by that, then they are way too sensitive :D I don't really like to sympathize too much.. Instead, rather to keep things real and help people change for the better! :)

Yes, consistency is the key to success in many areas of life. Consistency is hard to achieve for lots of folks due to character flaws. Distractions, insecurity in oneself and time are the biggest holdbacks to consistency. But even if a person is consistent, but running out of time...then what does one do? Just wondering? !

Good question. That is very intense towards thought..

The thing is, everyone is always running out of time. The part that is detrimental to most people isn't the fact that the time is running out, but rather the fact that that's what they are focusing on.

Everyone has the choice to simply give-up, or decide no matter what, they are going to keep on pushing until the very last breath.

I think about this mostly when I think about people who consider themselves 'old'. Those people are mostly aged 60 or older.. THEY consider THEMSELVES old. However, my opinion is that that still have 40 years left until they are potentially 100 years old. Many people are able to live until that age, but limit their life-spansimply because they accept their so called 'fate'.

To answer your question, I don't think time should ever be a deciding factor. Whether you are 10 years old, or 80 years old. Because, sure the older person could not have as much time left, but who knows if the 10 year old won't die today by accident..

Thanks for your comment :) I love it when people get me thinking!

Wow, 40%...now I'm interested in learning more about that. I just followed you, so I'm looking forward to that post about your 40% annual rate, but more so, that 100% per year "effortlessly"!

Thanks! I am glad you found value in my content :) That is really the bulk of what I strive for! It appears many of you are very interested on that topic of how I actually invest :) I will inform you all soon :) I think if I can achieve 5 resteems on this post, I will reveal the info in my very next post!

I wouldn't go as far as to say 40% is achievable every year. In the cryptocurrency market it seems to be. But it can't last for ever. Because if you apply that 40% to 100 billion and 50 years... Yeah, I won't even start calculating how many..I don't even know what that count is much more than thousands of trillions.

However, I like to take a more cautions stance on this. 8% is achievable for anyone. That won't make you a millionaire with 1 dollar, but it will make you a millionaire with 1000 dollars a month in a few decades. You can even make 8-12%, but when you go above those sums it get rather hard. You might be able to pull of 40% for a few years if you're lucky, but eventually averages start hitting you.

I've discussed compound interest multiple times in my articles and I like using the 8% value, because that can be achieved by multiple index funds in many countries.

Haha I thought your reaction would be such.

It is what many other people were saying in this post. That's why I made THIS POST to tell what investments can give a decent return of at least 40% :)

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