The Whistleblowers (Series) #31: Sandy Hook School Shooting: Wolfgang Halbig - The US School Safety Expert Investing Years Into Exposing Sandy Hook As a False Event.

in #whistleblowers7 years ago (edited)

Few concepts can be more controversial than the suggestion that an entire school shooting - involving hundreds of people and where many children/teachers allegedly died - was hoaxed for political and financial gain. The sheer audacity and difficulty involved in pulling off such a scam against the world makes many people ridicule the idea in a knee-jerk fashion... However, when one of America's top school safety experts spends years independently exposing the apparent cover-ups involved - the situation changes drastically.

Those who have been following along with the whistleblowers series here will no doubt, by now, know that even in cases where we might otherwise think cover-ups and 'inside jobs' are impossible, the evidence shows that such giant scams/hoaxes are not only possible but are a significant part of our world's complex story. Indeed, it appears that to some extent, the bigger the scam - the more chance there is that it will be attempted, since we typically will reject the possibility that such large scams can even exist.

We only need listen to CIA/Government whistleblower 'Susan Landauer's testimony that 911 was an inside job, US Military whistleblower Scott Bennet's testimony that CIA funds ISIS directly, Ivy League historian Carroll Quigley's exposure of a massive criminal secret society that designs and manipulates fake 'democracies' around the world or the CIA Whistleblower who exposed that almost the entire US Establishment is covertly and criminally controlled by the CIA to realise that not only is everything not as it 'seems', but that there are very definite, long term agendas at play to manipulate mass consciousness on Earth into believing ideas that aren't true and making decisions that go against the best interests of humanity - all in the name of 'safety'.

If these examples aren't enough, how about we look over the 53 Admitted False Flag Attacks whereby governments and other agencies have ADMITTED committing war crimes and crimes against humanity that involved the murder of innocents - often from their own nations - while framing other people as the alleged perpetrators.... All to further political aims.

In other words, in many cases there is more evidence that supports the reality of large scale, emotionally triggering 'tragedies' either being totally hoaxed or being deliberately engineered from the shadows than there is to support rejection of the idea.

Complexity necessitates thorough investigation

As with many alleged 'inside jobs', highly organised hoaxes and 'false flags' there are numerous complex threads to explore and many questions to be answered. In the case of 911 for example, the issues are so multi-threaded that it has taken hundreds of researchers over a decade to reach some of the more hidden aspects involved and a 2 year specialist investigation into the collapse of building 7 of the World Trade Center complex by an Alaskan University has been needed just to show the extent to which the government's own report into the issue was wrong (and deliberately so).

In the case of Sandy Hook, it has taken the eagle eye of one of America's most qualified school safety experts - a pasttime police officer and also teacher - Wolfgang Halbig - to use his knowledge of school safety protocols to unearth many of the threads that warrant investigation.

Sandy Hook Shooting

To briefly recap, the official narrative is that on December 14th, 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut - 20 year old Adam Lanza - an underweight, mentally ill man shot his own mother and then travelled to the Sandy Hook school where he killed 20 children and 6 adult members of staff before shooting himself.

Politically, the outcome was a renewed vigor behind moves to increase gun control in America and legislation to limit access to certain types of powerful weapons that would otherwise be constitutionally protected as part of the 'right to bare arms' (to protect the public against corrupt governments).

Wolfgang Halbig

wolfgang halbig

Wolfgang is a retired school safety expert, with years of experience in numerous fields that make him a go-to thinker when it comes to school shootings and schools safety in general. He was the author of an emergency action plan adopted by 1000s of schools across America for steps to take in the event of a school shooting event.

He and many other researchers were baffled by the many anomalies in the Sandy Hook case, which he then went on to relentlessly investigate by making Freedom of Information Request Applications to various government agencies. Anomalies and interesting points include, but are not limited to:

  • Numerous records relating to the event are missing.
  • Numerous testimonies made do not match up with the timing of video recordings from Dash cam eras in police cars on the scene.
  • Requests for dash cam footage has resulted in the wrong footage being supplied.
  • The overall condition of the school was so dilapidated and unclean/uncared for that Wolfgang has stated he has never seen a school looking so run down and so finds it highly unlikely that it was even an active school.
  • No record was made of 'shots fired' at the school according to the emergency call records.
  • There are numerous obvious examples of police negligence ranging from officers who failed to attend the event, through to the forcing of small children to hide in rooms allegedly full of bodies with exploded brain parts on the wall.
  • No helicopters were called.
  • No EMT specialised were allowed into the school building.
  • No record exists for who declared 26 people dead within minutes of the shooting.
  • A portapotty company delivered toilets to the site, despite an absolute logjam of traffic that stopped ambulances reaching the school. When Wolfgang attempted to find out who ordered the portapotties he was threatened with arrest.
  • A large sign was erected in Sandy Hook quickly after the event took place which stated 'Everyone must check in' - yet no-one in a position of any authority was able to answer who had put the sign there, why or where the records were for who had or had not 'checked in'. This is relevant, because, it is alleged - this may be evidence of organisation occurring to orchestrate events using crisis actors.
  • A photo of one of the children allegedly killed at Sandy Hook, Noah Pozner, was bizarrely, used as an allleged victim of a completely different shooting in Pakistan - can he die twice?
  • The building right next to Sandy Hook School is a free masonic meeting place - a group who are commonly claimed to be behind such events.
  • The school was bulldozed after the event - making further investigation impossible.

Related Sandy Hook Threads

There are many other threads relating to sandy hook, including the fact that the town appears briefly on a map in a scene from the Batman movie that was playing in the 'Aurora' cinema shooting a few months prior to the event at New town - a movie which included a descendant of 'the evil-est man alive' - Alistair Crowley on it's production team. A highly unusual amount of houses in Newtown were bought/sold prior and after the event - suggesting long term planning and even payment for some of those involved in the form of property.

The location of Sandy Hook is on an apparent ley line that runs through the site of the World Trade Center, Stonehenge and several other sites of mass killings in recent years known as the 188 line:

Video Testimony from Wolfgang Halbig

Marty Leeds -Meet Wolfgang:

Higher Side Chats - Update with Wolfgang to discuss his upcoming court case

Got Comments?

What do you think of this testimony? Do you have any relevant evidence to add? Let us know in the comments below. Thanks.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

Posts in this Series

  1. The Whistleblowers (Series): #1 - Pharmaceutical Professionals Expose the Massive Criminality of the Medical Industry
  2. The Whistleblowers (Series): #2 - German Doctor Admits Being Trained And Paid To Lie in Mass Media by CIA - Says Most Major Journalists Are the Same
  3. The Whistleblowers (Series): #3 - Exposing 911 as an Inside Job - Susan Lindauer, CIA Asset, Imprisoned & Drugged By US Gov/Mil. to Silence Her
  4. The Whistleblowers (Series): #4 - Eyewitness to Dutch 'Royals', Politicians & George Soros Engaging in Ritual Child Sacrifice?
  5. The Whistleblowers (Series): #5 - CIA Pilot Duped Who Flew Cocaine Smuggling Flights During Iran Contra Affair for The CLINTON Crime Syndicate
  6. The Whistleblowers (Series): #6 - A 2nd CIA Agent Describes Clinton/Bush Cocaine Smuggling Operation During the Iran Contra Affair
  7. The Whistleblowers (Series): #7 - UK MI5 Microwave Weapons Scientist - Illegal Microwave Weapons Tests on American & British Populations inc. Service People & Kids | Birth Defects, Cancer, Mental Illness | Crimes Against Humanity | MKUltra & More
  8. The Whistleblowers (Series): #8 - Witness to Child Ritual Murder At America's Bohemian Grove Club By George Bush Snr., Ex Pope Ratzinger, US Colonel Michael Aquino (Admitted Head of a Major Satanic Cult), Warren Buffett & Others.
  9. The Whistleblowers (Series): #9 - POWERFUL TESTIMONY From US Military Officer: ISIS Is Directly Funded By CIA Via Swiss Banks (UBS) And I Have Documentary Proof of Treason by US Government Members.
  10. The Whistleblowers (Series): #10 - US Gov. 'Economic Hitman': We Assassinate World Leaders & Use Corrupt Methods to Steal Resources Globally. America As World's Leading Terrorist State.
  11. The Whistleblowers (Series): #11 - British Police Detective's Attempts to Protect Children from Rape, Prostitution & Murder Were Stopped by His Corrupt Bosses!
  12. The Whistleblowers (Series): #12 - The Plutonium Files: US Government's Secret, Illegal Nuclear Experiments on Unknowing, Innocent Americans.
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  16. The Whistleblowers (Series): #16 - US Government Security Computer Specialist: US Gov. is Fully Infiltrated by Covert Groups & A Massive, Secret Human Implant Tracking Programs Have Existed for Decades - Built by Ex-Nazi Corporation 'Siemens'.
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  19. The Whistleblowers (Series): #19 - George Bush Jr's Own Chief Economist - 911 Was An Inside Job by The George Bush Government For Power Gain and Evil Intentions.
  20. The Whistleblowers (Series): #20 - Donald Trump's Biographer Comes Clean On Lying About Trump's Character For Money: "Trump Is A Habitual Liar, Has A Memory Of A Goldfish & Is Only Interested In His Own Image, In 'Winning' & Self Aggrandizement
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  27. The Whistleblowers (Series): #27 - "Ex British Gov Leaders Were Cocaine/Crack Users, Into Sex With Male/Female Prostitutes And Enjoy Bondage/Torture/Pain. They Are Psychopaths That Perform Rituals Involving Killing Baby Pigeons & Molesting Dead Pigs!" - Natalie Rowe, Ex-'Dominatrix to the Elite'.
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  29. The Whistleblowers (Series) #29: It's Illegal To Pay Tax In UK & War is illegal | Ex Security Service Agent & UK MP: "UK/US Govs Start Illegal Wars, Break Intl. Law, Prosecute Whistleblowers - We Need To Stop Them."
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  31. The Whistleblowers (Series) #31: Sandy Hook School Shooting: Wolfgang Halbig - The US School Safety Expert Investing Years Into Exposing Sandy Hook As a False Event.


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Great post! UPvoted and resteemed with pleasure! =)

Thanks! I followed you here. You might also enjoy the rest of this series, there's a lot to get through!

Yes mate! I will be reading them with pleasure! Excellent work! Well done! Followed for more excellent content and UPvoted! I will be linking to your series in some of my posts!

It's so interesting I was sitting in a bar in Cambodia the other day talking to two americans. One was convinced 9/11 was a false flag but Sandy Hook was real. The other believed Sandy Hook was a false flag but couldn't believe that 9/11 had been staged. I thought they were both half right! LOL! =)


Sandy Hook was and is a disgrace, nothing about it makes sense ! Just as we have seen with the Vegas Killing Law Enforcement just putting up their wall to real information while peddling a ridiculous narrative which nobody with a brain could possibly believe ! nice work @ura-soul !

Great comment! Followed and UPvoted! =)

Why thank you so much @jockey ) All this just makes me so angry as we are treated as children and to be an adult that see,s and understands is to be ridiculed and chastised by the children , as they dont understand but do sadly believe ! Flouride and Mengler being brought here in the 50,s did alot of damage eh ? following you too brother )

Resteemed you, friend, great work publicizing this drama trauma social engineering FF. It's atrocious. I know Mr. Halbig has important court appearances this month-- I pray the discovery process will expose these jerks who sell their sould to terrorize humanity for a fascist agenda!

Thanks for your support! He could definitely do with some whistleblower testimony from those involved if he is right - if he is wrong he has volunteered to put himself into a mental hospital.

Thanks, great stuff, I am following you. I have been posting about conspiracy here too. Do you think the Cabal is about done?

Thanks! From my perspective 'the cabal' is more like a set of programs that runs in a wide variety of people - some who have no idea they are involved and the numbers might be over 51% of the total population. Resolving this is a process of personal evolution, healing and balancing to realign us towards loving balance. In that sense we have long way to go.

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