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RE: Hugs for Everyone! (A rant on growing up wild)

in #wild7 years ago

our contemporary notions of 'parks' are gleaned from the European aristocracy estate's taming of nature as an idolized perfection of heaven. From the age of twelve when we moved from suburban los angeles to semi rural Riverside county, I too got a taste of wild life were there were few if any rules and we were allowed to grow up as we pleased. this provides a certain breadth of freedom that you retain in later years I think.
I too have exceed my expected 'shelf life' by some time as males in my family are notoriously short-lived ;)
Great post which I think points out the necessity of children living less constricted regimented and less tech heavy lives


Less tech heavy might be good for me, still. A couple days ago I shot my finger with a nail gun.

I've hit my finger with a low tech hammer before, but never pinned it to the wall.

I'm amazed every day I wake up.

I once shot a framing nail through 4 fingers and got the mechanic on the jobsite to pull it. After I recovered from the shock. I finished the wall I was working on. I have pictures of the day it happened.

It is kinda shocking, when you learn how being less careful than you should be isn't reasonable.

Man, you're digging deep! I clean forgot about this post.

Hope you only learn good things from your dissection of me =p

When I shot myself ,I was not doing something I should have not of done. Of which being a carpenter for a lifetime happens often. I hit a knot and the nail came out of that wood crazy and got me. I was framing up a second story of an office building by myself. I was nailing the bottom plate to a jack for a door opening it was only 3''x3'' and it got me. It was the last piece before I could stand up the wall and nail it to the deck.

For most of my life I had to work alone because I could not find responsible helpful help.
I had a few guys over the years, lost one to meth, one to brain cancer, and to many to mention over cell phones(I fired their ass). I did not care if they smoked weed as long as they came on time and did good work. Most of them did smoke. I guess it is a requirement if you want to be creative and work with your hands and back.
The best help I ever had was my wife. I could teach her to do a task in minutes and then I could go up the scaffolding and she could handle it like a lifelong pro.
Most of the times I have been shot was with a pin gun or staple gun trying to hold small parts together for outside corner nailing.

I was not trying to dissect you just trying to find your name. I hate all this stupid anonymous crap where only the government knows who you really are.
There was a time when a persons face and name were what identified them and made them trustworthy of not.

"I hit a knot and the nail came out of that wood crazy and got me."

That's how it works. I was happy it was only an 18 guage pin nailer too! Even so, it pierced the knuckle and swelled up fiercely, thus the poultice.

Last time I shot myself it was again the pin nailer, and just into the meat of the thigh. Hardly noticed =p.

You won't find my name here, or anywhere. I have experienced actual death threats, and have kids. So, no name.


Have you removed all the safeties from your nail /staple guns like me?

If your really in danger you better shut this account down.
You mentioned you drive______ visit a trailer park laundry mat every day. Live in ?? so I think you gave away enough for someone that might be after you to find you. I don't see how a first name would do that. But you should be more careful if you really think someone is after you.

I have given plenty of information about me, but names, addresses, SSNs etc., are just guarantees of targeting.

I haven't been merely harassed, I have been physically assaulted by a snitch in front of my youngest son, and the DA then protected the thug.

The NSA isn't gonna drive here and beat me up, nor go pick on my kids. Locals will. Particularly when I reveal information about the criminal activity local law enforcement undertake.

Which they do. Big money in meth hereabouts.

I am not trying to expose you. You should move meth people are not a good neighbours under any circumstances.
I got attacked by sneak when I was asleep last night.
Steemit sucks because of little punks like him!
I was at 37 rep when the bitch attacked me, he is one sick mofo He used both of his shit accounts. Seems he is just all over steemit attacking people. Doesn't that ass have anything better to do with his time?

Good lord. Is it healing okay?

Presumably someone helped disconnect you from the wall and you're not still standing there posting to Steemit with an iphone in your other hand.

LOL I am amply supplied with nail pulling equipment, the best being Mark I fingers.

The lady next door, who buries cats in her planters, and names the flies that are born therefrom, recommended I steep my swollen finger with extract of Goldenseal and Epsom Salts, in hot water. That has miraculously reduced the inflammation.

Once, long ago, I pierced a knuckle with a piece of wire that had been coated in pigeon dung, and suffered a similar injury. White coated doctors threatened to amputate my finger! When I objected (I play guitar with that finger), they allowed that they could merely flay it open and scrape the innards clean. Adamant, I held out for a better offer, and they then conceded that they'd let me try a course of Cephalexin, before flaying and amputating.

Thankfully the Cipro worked, and I only had to replace all my gut flora after the antibiotic did it's job.

Accordingly, I recommend making a poultice of common weeds (Mullein, a fuzzy leaf that grows in my gravel driveway) with Goldenseal, Epsom Salts, and hot water. It's proven easier on my intestinal ecosystem - and my wallet. While you're steeping I further recommend the hot blues licks of Samantha Fish on her Cigar Box guitar.

Just for fun =)

Edit: gawdawful spelling

This is the most fun I've had reading a comment in ages.

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