I was driving through a neighborhood about five miles from my house and ran into this guy! It was just me and him with nobody else around. Seeing a wild bear not behind bars at the zoo is a completely different experience than a wild bear when your not expecting it.
I could not agree more.
I ran into this guy while out hiking in New Mexico. Great experience.
Broncos fan reporting on the Bears lol
HAHA....you caught me! Good one.
don't share your private keys with it....it'll take your whole honey pot
Hi @broncnutz the we don't want more bear man, it's enough with this bear market jajaja. Regards
wuao and how did they catch him? I would be looking for food, these wild bears are very dangerous je je I was out of consciousness of the scare
They wont even try to catch him unless he attacks a person. They live here too!
It is quite risky, the state should send it to your home I was not calm and you have to be more careful with children
What a beautiful animal. How lucky to see that my man. I liked the "reporting on the bears from a Broncos fan" comment........ I would think this to be super kool except for the fact that if I lived there I'd be worried about kids running around playing oblivious to the danger?
I saw a mountain lion last year about 250 yards behind my house. They are around for sure but its rare to see stuff like this in the city.
I believe you and we've seen Cougars here to in GA. Matter of fact the last one we saw was on the side of I20 between Madison and Hot Lanta' and it had a radio collar around it's neck. No shit!
Wonderful wild bear...such a great click..
Why you not try for selfie with bear , haha
You could have posted this under cryptocurrency the way the market is going as well LOL.
This is crazy. In my part of the world we don't have bears or really have to contend with large predators, just highly venomous snakes and spiders. Although if given the chance to decide, I would choose a large predator I can see versus a tiny venomous spider in my shoe or snake coming through my window at night.
Are the bears harmless, are they just displaced and looking for food or have they been known to attack people? If they're just searching for food and not human beings, I would probably be less concerned.
I live in the foothills of the mountainous areas here so the bears are not really displaced, this is their home too. They are just looking for food.