Basic Principles Of Riches And Greatness.

in #wisdom7 years ago

The God first principle.
This is key and father of all other principles, powers, wisdom, strategies, skill and actions.
Nothing works as it ought until a man learns to put God first and aligns every other thought, abilities and universal laws to the lordship of God's word and wisdom.
The God factor is the foundation of all principles and the key to the effective success and powers of all results.

The principle of positive confession.
Life is basically govern by words and actions. Until a man understand the basic law and powers by which the universe was created and made, the journey of greatness has not began.
Greatness is a function of words and those who has be truly trained and informed about the use of positive confession and affirmation would do exploit in life.
Your confession affects your health, finances and riches as well as the total picture of your destiny and direction.

The Principles of positive thinking.
Your thoughts are as seeds in you and are released when you speak.
If your thoughts and thinking process are wrong, your confessions would be wrong also.
Develop the positive mindset.
Work your thoughts patterns to be positive always.
Positive thoughts open you up to a new world of possibilities.

The power of imagination and creative visualisation.
You have an earth shaking desire; you wanted certain things to happen in your life, and has been making practical effort to the actualisation of it. The question is have you seen the picture?
Creative visualisation and imagination is a great tool, powers and resources of the human person. The ability to visualize is a gift given to Man by God to effectively bring to pass or cause to be made whatever he desires on earth.
Put the very powerful principles of visualisation to your advantage.

The principle of works.
Nothing works, but by action!
Until you work it, it would remain a dream. Those who do nothing about their dreams and pictures of greatness are still sleeping.
Work, is a fundamental earth-result principle.
*So much to say about this, but follow me as I expand on each principles in my next post.

The principle of giving.
Life functions by laws, this established laws are generally refers to as principles.
One of the basic law of life, riches and greatness is the law of sowing and reaping.
The ground would produce nothing for you until you first give to it.
Giving is a fundamental universal principles of life. It cut across all nations, tribes, race and being.
Riches and greatness comes to you as a result of what you gave to life.

The powers of service and meeting needs.
Here comes a very powerful and fundamental principle of true prosperity, riches and greatness -the solution provider!
Why do you do what you do?
Are your goals and reasons for working centered on being a blessing, meeting needs and providing solutions to your world.
Wealth, riches and honor comes in a package disguised as problems and needs!

The principle of team work and partnership.
I have so much to say about this, yet I am trying to make this post as brief as possible. But in a nutshell, if you can do a lot all by yourself, think about getting more hands involved in what you do. If you alone can achieve a thousand, what about ten more people running with you in that same vision to achieve such worthy course. All great men knew how to build teams, works in a team and function effectively as members of various team.
Partnership is great wisdom and of worthy benefit.

Further light to be shared on each principles in next post.
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