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RE: TripleA Witness

in #witness-category4 years ago (edited)

Smart move. Looks like he is buying older accounts now to make it seem that his witnesses are not sock puppets. You are not fooling anyone here...

I bet my ass that we will see 10 more random older accounts pop up in the top 20 in a matter of days...

That dev365 vote is like a stigma if you get it for a prolonged period of time.


This is exactly what's going to happen. He's going to bribe other witnesses to run his version, which will result in him saying: "Well, those are community witnesses". Community witnesses my ass.

I don't have anything against and their project, but this will be hilarious to watch when actual problems arise on Steem and nobody of the "new community witnesses", will know what to do.

This is pretty much the equivalent of hiring a new software developer and making him Lead Developer or Senior Developer instantly.

Please don't get me wrong, but you are literally saying the Korean community is not a "community." @proxy.token discusses who to vote with the KR members, and it's their decision to support There are other 40 more people who upvoted this witness other than proxy.token and justin, and they are not also in the community?? I'm personally getting tired to see the mindset from yourside that thinks ONLY the people who support your voice is a community...?

Also, the lead dev behind the is a LONG-TIME STEEM DEV in Korean community (even far longer than us - Steemhunt). Please don't think that only you guys are the "qualified" Steem dev or witness runner...

(Self-voted due to the long images above)

How can I vote for something that the man who is ruining and causing tension on a platform that I adore, also voted for? With all due respect it is not about one side pretending another doesn't exist, that is called a strawman argument. It is not "the other side" vilifying the Korean community. Justin Sun's actions are making any vote of his null-and-void. He is persona non grata in these parts. Its not Steemaphopia as you are suggesting. This comment neglects to mention any of nuances of the argument instead the comment is hypocritical and trying to label everyone from "the other side" (your word's) as villains. You are guilty of the very same thing you are complaining about in this comment, in fact, many people such as myself have been very humble throughout this whole experience. Let's not fall into that abyss, the witnesses that are being mentioned as socks are highly suspect and receiving votes from the ninja block and accounts of two different exchanges, the blockchain is very transparent and the proof is there if you want to see, this is not just people attacking all that is Korean.

Justin Sun is an awesome guy if you were to actually look and see what he's done with his own blockchain tron. Which I have been on steem since 2017 and i'll tell you right now he will run it way better than Ned ever did. The witnesses caused this, Justin just defended his investment and stake.

No, my Comrade, only their community is The Community!

Have you learned any history? :D

There seems to be a bit of vote shaming going on, in my opinion. It seems a bit like the narrative of the 2016 election in the US, a choice between the lesser of two evils. Guess that's what forks are for.

Novacadian shrugs

@null|Mr. Sun

No, we say the intention is part of a crime. You are guilty.

This looks like a J.S. Server with a new account attached to it, they probably have admins. o.Ó

Hello Hachyn, hows it going? HAtchin, hachin whatever the name is.

You are fooling everybody for years, let the Sun have some fun as well :D

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