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RE: SPAM, milking, doxing, threatening, what else have you got?

in #witness-category4 years ago

So doctor Zhihua lay, how soon do you think the bobbies will pluck you out of your girton flat for your 6 million dollar heist? And if they don't, how soon do you think people will take justice into their own hands. Your days of scamming people are soon over.

All you needed was to use reason. Stealing may be ok to you communist bandits where you use unlawful fear and force to carry out state craft, but not to the west that is based upon reason where we do not tolerate tyrants-we go to war with them.

This makes it lawful for a man to kill a thief, who has not in the least hurt him, nor declared any design upon his life, any farther than, by the use of force, so to get him in his power, as to take away his money, or what he pleases, from him; because using force, where he has no right, to get me into his power, let his pretence be what it will, I have no reason to suppose, that he, who would take away my liberty, would not, when he had me in his power, take away every thing else.
John Locke's the two treatises of civil government (1689), book 2, ch3, section 18.

Keep looking over your shoulders, especially when you go to tesco, I see there are people reading here that live near you, you live in the west where western values are still practiced. You chose your own destruction justyy. You should turn yourself in and admit your deeds, and provide full doc about all parties involved. And get used to Muhammad the Somalian porking your wife as she sells herself for cash, because you chose to engage in criminal conduct and will be locked up in prison for decades. You chose your own destruction. Play stupid games,win stupid prizes.


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