Human Brain Analysis – Man vs. Woman

in #women7 years ago

The myth that male are intelligent than female has a long history, but in the war of the genders, who basically has the predominant smartness ?

Are men smarter than women?
Previous researches show that male brains are 8 to 13 % bigger than female brains in volume. Nevertheless, this has been regarded to variations in body size. Female brains have bigger quantity of gyrofication or brain folding, and therefore,
a larger cortical surface area.

Bigger is not always often better. Sperm whales, elephants , dolphins and so on have bigger brains when compared to humans, and are they are ofcourse smart, but their cognitive potentials are lesser than our own.

After researching 1400 brains and differentiating the sexes, researchers noticed that almost all men and woman show
a mosaic of men and women common structures in the brain. This research also calculated gender stereotypical behaviors.
and the output found that 0.1% of test subjects showed only male or only female representative behaviors.

Tests on smartness find similar output with major IQ researches showing negligible, or no gender differences in general smartness. However, it showed females have powerful verbal potential, while males showed powerful visual-spatial abilities.
Apparently, researches show more male inconsistent in tests with their results being both the worst and the best.

Where as in educational performance of language, science and mathematics, women persistently received much better grades in 70% of places. However, on SAT examining in the U.S. men get 33 points higher in mathematics and science.

In many nations with women presents better in some like Iceland proposing cultural and environmental variations and not certainly biological differences at play. But study has found that myths about female’s performance actually affect how good they do. When women were told that a particular mathematics exam had considerable gender differences, women performed considerably worse than the male peers. On the other hand, when the women were declared there was no variation, scored the better. This phenomenon is called the stereotype threat.

In a nutshell, We have to considerably regard men and women equally as world is getting better with both contributions with men, more ability of finding excellence in women's work.



Thanks for the interesting post. My belief is that we all have much more similarities vs differences.

I believe women are more similar to aliens than men.

I too believe that we have much similarities.. We should focus on that common things..

Normal male brains are normal, the biggest part is sex. Men every few minutes there must be thinking about sex. ha ha

There is a marriage expert named Mark Gungo who talks about the difference between the two brains of a men and women. He is hilarious to watch and me and my girlfriend can sometimes relate about the things he discuss :p this is the url of a tiny part of his show. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did but keep in mind it is exaggerated from both point of views ;)

I watched all the videos of this Dr... He was in the past chaplain

What about the other 56 genders that have recently been added?

Lol, I really like how we, men, are more simple minded than women.
Good post!

On average male and female I.Q is about even. However, there are more extremely intelligent men than women, and more extremely stupid men than women. Female I.Q has fewer variations whereas with men the range is wider. That's why there's lots of male Nobel Prize winners and also why there's a lot of men doing extremely stupid stuff compared to women.

There's an interesting Forbes article about it, but I won't link it as you need to disable ad-block.

Thank you for this great post... Upvoted and resteemed for others to see

nice post ,,, you have good blog , Good luck. Comrade

The myth that male are intelligent than female has a long history, but in the war of the genders, who basically has the predominant smartness ?

Answer is women...