How do you say someone I love you with signs?

in #women7 years ago


Love Is the strongest and most important qualities that we desperately need in our lives, so, saying love you and knowing how, when and everything related to them is as important as the attribute itself. Communication, cohesion and presence together with our hearts before our tongues are our means to deliver love and its meaning and to meet that strong and important desire. But not saying love you with the tongue is only what expresses love, but considers this saying one of many things is much more important than saying I love you only. So, if you want to know how to express your love for others - whether this is a member of your family, your friend, your life partner or even your co-worker - without needing to say "love you" frankly, you should follow this article and follow the steps Which we will mention in detail in order to achieve this. With our wishes for a life full of love, attention and communication. Contents [hide] 1 How can you say I love you by deeds only? 1.1 Why Love? 1.2 Why Love? - Scientific way this time - 1.3 We communicate together for communication only! 1.4 You have enough 1.5 Why say I love you if? 1.6 What relationships do you need to say I love you? Steps to say I love you without words 1.8 Step 1 Be there. 1.8.1 Listen to your loved ones 1.8.2 Keep small details together 1.8.3 Do a lot in the early morning 1.8.4 Stay at their crazy ideas 1.9 Step 2 Stay connected! 1.9.1 Who said that the embrace is not important! 1.9.2 Observe some deep conversations 1.10 Step 3 Put a few spices! 1.10.1 Tihua Love 1.10.2 Put some small touches on your relationship 1.10.3 Do something you hate for who you love How can you say I love you only? 1 Why Love? Before we try to figure out how to say I love you without words or try to convey the feelings of love to others, try to ask ourselves once in the beginning? why love? Why is it important to love or to feel loved? Why is it important to show love in words or deeds? Why is this article available and why are you reading it now? Why is there all this dependence on emotions and why our day may be corrupted just because someone we love does not care about us or we can not help someone we love? Was not the world to be a better place without all these feelings and lack of psychological independence and so on? Yawah, is not it a word why it is so great! You can put it in front of any sentence and create a wonderful existential question, but we will not talk now about the grandeur of the word Why or existential questions, we will just talk about "Why Love?". The answer to this question - and any questions about why it is so - lies in the myth that when God created humans they were in the form of one body with two heads and two hands and two feet, but they were cursed one day and each of them separated into two and scattered all over the earth. And it became the fate of each one is to find the other half that completes to find safety and reassurance. For this love was the need to love. Because we were created at first as two and did not create as one. Hmmmmmm, no .. this is not the answer! - Announcements - 2 Why Love? This time, of course, our answer to these existential questions will not be answered by a myth that no one knows a path of health. But because we are scientific people - let us pretend this - and because we love the area of ​​all things even if this is love - which is the most absurd thing - we will answer those questions in a scientific way now. However, if the legend has been admired and your romantic nature has made it a good answer, then you do not have to listen to the boring scientific answer. Stay in your dream world and go to the next paragraph immediately. Science says that communicating with each other and mutual interest stimulates the secretion of hormones of happiness and euphoria. And that relationships of love - all from family to simple good relationships - can leave the same effect when we feel love and attention. Have your warm mother in the morning and kiss your wife at the end of a hard day, both of them are firing the sprinklers of hormones within you. There is research at Max Planck University trying to find out why we interact with each other and what affects them. 3 We communicate only for communication! After the discovery of glass neurons, you can read more about this subject in neuroscience if you are interested. The discovery that two people in one place and one doing something makes some cells in his body do something. The same cells in the other person The same thing without that person doing the same thing! That is, if someone grabbed a glass of water and started to drink, the same brain cells work in the two persons, the person who drinks and the person watching the drinking. That is, our brains are designed so that others share their actions and feelings without even going through the same thing. So what did scientists do? Scientists have tried to find out whether the reaction in this person has a purpose or cause deeper than mere observation or that he or she needs an incentive to occur. There has been a lot of research and studies in this area, but we will jump into a particular study in which Dr. Dalia Danish, a doctor of neuroscience and psychology, participated in a group of babies where children were brought in front of a big red button when pressed. How will this game lead us to answer our questions and know how to say I love you without words? Answer this question in the next paragraph. 4 Your presence is enough What happened in that experience is that it has been divided into four stages, the first stage in which a person presses the button and the game appears, the second stage in which someone presses the button but does not show the game this time. In the third stage the human element is replaced by a bright arrow indicating the button and showing the game. In the final stage the arrow indicates nothing. When studying the reactions, the researchers found that the child pressed the BM buttonAlmost in case the arrow without a game! The result of this experiment was that we care more about each other than about having a goal or motivation behind it! That is, the young child did not care whether the game appeared or not as much as he was interested in the tradition of the existing person to communicate with him and build a base of attention. This is exactly what we do in our lives. In many situations, our first concern is that we have shared much of the same goal. That great job that you could get today would be meaningless if you did not find someone to share and celebrate with you. The answer to the science was that we exist to communicate and coexist. And that we seek not to remain alone and to find those who share our lives. Hmmm .. Does not that result remind you of the legend! Myths do not seem to be superstitions in the end. Congratulations to that dreamer who did not have to read all these words in order to reach the same result. 5 Why say I love you if? It is great that we have come to this question, this means that we have been able to know the fact that love is important and that it exists in our nature and we have no control over it. For the rest of the questions of the quality of why the instability and psychological dependence of the foundation .. P means mean, life is harsh for all of us. Let's take love from his beautiful side and try to deal with his bad side. Everything has its pros and cons. But we will not try to prove this with science this time. It is very important to know how to say love you and how to do love you as well because this is our way of communicating and interacting. The young child in the previous experiment was his way of simulating in order to draw attention and get the communication and interaction he needs, as well as our way will be through the next steps in the article. It is very important to know how to say love you and how to do love you because we need to know it. We need to know that we are loved and that there are those who care about us and worry about us and share some of what we are going through in our lives. Because we do not like to be alone and because loneliness kills us sadly and quantitatively. Because we are very fragile on our own and we need a great arm to stand next to us. It is very important that you say I love you to make sure that there are those who love us, and that we can say love you to others to make sure we are able to love and attention as well. 6 What relationships do you need to say I love you? I also bake you first that love is not limited to a species alone and that hormones do not care as much about the opposite person as they really care. Therefore, if we try to talk about how to say I love you in a relationship, we have to first determine those relationships in order to know how to deal with each relationship. There is a family relationship that begins from the moment of the birth of the human being and his association with those people who will not deal with others for some time before he has his own thinking and way of living. There are those very beautiful relationships called friendship where other people enter your life with or without choice to go into adventures and problems together without being forced to do so. Just your desire to share life together.

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