Steem blockchain and why I am blogging

Hello my dear Steemians and Art Fans,
While waiting for the last fine tune of my new painting I just wanted to share with you my thoughts about blogging.
To tell the truth the life is very busy now, me and my work takes majority of my time. Couple of hours every day I spend for curation on Steem, then there is only couple of hours left for enjoying the rest of evening hours with my hubby.
Sometimes I think why we are doing so much stress for us and if it is worth to work so hard and make Steem a part of our daily routine.
To get reward?.... Maybe but I am recently rarely posting.
The great Rate of Steem?.... But currently it is very static and not much changes for last few months.
OK, I open you my secret: While curating the posts I always leave some personal note, the comment that reflect the post. Not always long because of tight time but on some occasion.
I was so touched to see such wonderful feedback and discover that actually behind the post is a person who is waiting for to communicate and it is enough to do the first step.
@romanie, she is an Artist from Ibiza, she creates an mural painting of fantasy plants, Maps of the place where she lives, beautiful paintings of names. While in this hard time of Covid, she is still doing something for children. We all know how creative children are and that they would be glad for any interesting fun things. So in April, she organized mural painting for children.

This post touched me to see how children still wearing masks but doing the painting and seems enjoying the process.
Here is another user, who is quite interesting blogger from Iceland, he and his girlfriend probably only two from that country in North. If you leave a comment to his post you receive real reply not just simple few words. Having such communication, inspires to still stay and keep working on Steem. Actually after been gone for some time he is back

The other interesting personality is @arcoris, who is Watercolor Artist, who after exchanging couple of comments, made tutorials of Watercolor painting that I really enjoyed. To have such Steem exclusive Professional, it is a luxury.

This one I also wanted to share, @ronthroop is anArtist from America and last post impressed me, Ron he ran for State Senate 2020.

There are so many, many and once again many wonderful communication that I really enjoy and that helps me to work daily searching through hundreds of posts. Sorry that I can’t include all of you but I really appreciate your friendship via blogging.

Also what I enjoy is such little invitations, of course, only God knows what happen and I may travel to one of those countries one day. But it is nice to dream.
Also, on other hand if Steem Price should hit its old target of $8, I may retire from my work and may visit every single of you, my friends.

Thank you so much @stef1 for the work you are doing for the community. Why we still blogging after nearly four yers on Steemit, the reasons can be different, you are right friends should not be taken for granted, they are not so easy to find, my be easier to loose. Like your motivation for doing the blogging work. To be honest, without gaining steem, that is a question about wasting time or not? I think tis is one of reasons why I'm still posting. Hunting pictures is my funnier part and without Steemit it should it be meaningless I still like the whole concept with Steemit and will still create posts for a while.
Franchement, je crois que c'est un peu grâce à toi @stef1 si je suis toujours sur steemit et sur la communauté world of xpilar tout particulièrement... tes petits commentaires et ta sincère implication, ont fait toute la différence pour moi. :)
Bravo et merci à toi !!!
Hi stef,
I tell you again, I'm very impress of all you're doing here and I was thinking about how long this must take you! For my part, read and write articles take me very long time, but it's also because I am still learning English.
This is even more impressive considering that you have a job on the side! Don't put too much pressure on yourself, don't forget to make time for yourself too. :)
But I think that the whole community is grateful to you, you're very precious here.
Also, I was just thinking earlier about the art-venture contests ; and I was asking if you were planning to do it again?
Yes, it's maybe not the good moment since we are talking about the fact that Steemit already takes up a lot of your time, lol.
And I may have just missed the last one, since I have recently returned to Steemit.
But it's just a thought I had, I had so much fun participating in previous years, it motives me a lot to create and it was very enriching to see what others creates to.
Take care of you and family, see you soon! :)
Hi dear @pipoune, thank you for your lovely comment, I always enjoy reading your post and chatting to you. I can imagine that it ti time consuming to read and to do posts. Sometimes it is even difficult to know what to post. I have such blockage too.
I think, the fact that we have a role curating we still keep working, the good side of it that we slowly gain the good audience and know each other more a less good.
After you stopped posting we ran contests for some time but there were not many participants so that we had to abandon the idea.
No plans at present but who knows :)
In meantime it would be great if you still will be around and do not miss completely.
See you around, wishing you nice weekend :)
Taking the time to recommend other authors is to be admired. It shows the level of commitment you have to Steemit and that you understand the essence of blogging. Not just writing, not just reading, but commenting and sharing.
Thanks for your contribution.
Thank you for your great supportive words.We hope that people around feel supported. :)
Muy bellas pinturas @stef1 me encantó la primera de los niños sentados de espalda. Algún día espero Dios me de la dicha de tener hijos e intentar dibujarlos seguramente el amor me lleve a realizarlo súper bien. Te felicito por tu arte, dones de Dios.
Beautiful fiend @stef1.
hello @stef1 i am from indonesia.
I am very impressed with your post. based on your posts I can learn that blogs are not only based on what we post but also how we communicate with readers or connoisseurs of our posts through the comments column.
thank you @stef1
Siempre espero mucho de los usuarios de steem aunque soy un poco ausente, pero despues de leer este post pienso que dedicar un poco mas a mi vida de steem no seria malo para mi..
Gracias por hacerme conocer a estos usuarios
Any new beginning require time and efforts, nothing comes easy, just maybe the lottery if you are lucky :)
how kind of you... always approaching things from the human side... this was a really touching post... thank you for bringing this side of users to the surface and for the great work you offer.
Thank you Stef. I certainly understand the time pressures in a busy day. I appreciate your initial advice when I was a newbie (a whole 3 months ago!). I want to give back as soon as I can. Please write when you have a moment to show me if and how I can give steem power to your platform.
I was particularly moved my Romanie’s story. The mural painted with the children was very beautiful in many ways. My daughter is a dedicated art teaching professional. She does these things too, and remakes the world for the better each day.