How are you learning this year ?
Yesterday I visited the best bookstore/library in Hangzhou and took this picture.
Never seen a bookstore that beautiful.
I fell in love with the atmosphere, lighting was perfect with music in the background and felt like I have been missing a lot for not reading as i previously use to.
So, last year I stumbled on some very powerful books that have the potential of helping me make more money this year.
I started reading one of them (NeuroMarketing) because this year I want to play pretty-much in that field, in addition to what I do at DressUp Academy
unfortunately, i haven't finished it, I have about 4 more (marketing, psychology, internet and persuasion themed) books to finish before February 28.
I actually stopped reading voraciously when I discovered podcasting.
I know reading is not the only way to learn, but for those books I have no other option.
Meanwhile, I love learning in audio-visual formats.
I do most of my reading on social media (that one too counts 😂😂)
What do you think, is reading overrated in this age and time we live in ?
What's your favorite way of learning too ?
I'd say books, when I wish to increase my knowledge I always pick up a book. I dream to have a room in my house just for books.
Oh wow that's to know... i love the smell of the pages of books but i am not sure i want to buy so many books especially that i wouldn't read. i prefer sound over text mehn... i just love listening.
Nice, I am just setting up my room of books, which I use as my recording studio as well.
And that picture though.... 😊 I kept looking at it and almost forgot to read the content.
My takeaway, ambiance and serenity matters to your reading and ascimilation.
@stephenade love love the hood lol. Gangster in the library things.