Question 18: What is the longest you’ve had a “borrowed” item but not been able to return it because they moved?

From October 18, 2012:
I like how it has borrowed in quotation marks because that's how I feel about most borrowed items. The idea of ownership is subjective and one of those domains I find a bit murky in terms of who owns what. If they forgot you have it, and you forgot you borrowed it, where is the true place for the object in question? If you forgot about even giving it to me, did you really care about it?
At any rate, the longest borrowed item I can remember borrowing is a bowl I got from a friend who used to have a crush on me. He wanted to share takeout Japanese cuisine from the restaurant on campus at the time (Tamaki and Tea) but do it in these plastic (but fancy) bowls with chopsticks. I've lost the chopsticks since then, but I still use the bowl all the time. It's not microwaveable, but I don't microwave ramen anyway.
I'm usually good to remind people I like that I have something of theirs, but for the case with the bowl, I didn't want to contact him to remind him. Things are always awkward when they admit they had a crush on you the entire time you were going out with their friend. Really hard to return the feelings on that one. Really hard to return their romantically-infused stuff, too.
- Anya

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Honestly something similar has happened to me, only that of course. There was no love anywhere. It was just that I was sorry to give it to him because I liked her. And she did not know it, until she never knew it because she already had someone else.
I still have 6 big boxes of my Ex's belongings. They are functioning as a sideboard under a throw. She's back in Japan now. When I get wealthy I will send them back .......assuming that she starts talking to me and will tell me her address that is ....sigh......