The Silent Song of Creation (Short Story)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing7 years ago


The fullness of reality existed once.

To say it was long ago, or that it will happen again in the future is believed by some.

The Silent Singers recorded that this era was neither past nor future. Time was not yet made. Eternity blended with void in perfect unison.

This universal power is attributed as being divine in nature, recorded in name as Qis.

Qis opened itself up, and divided the oneness of reality. New divine powers were made. This began the consciousness of historical time.

Primordial beings were made to shape the nature of reality into various realities.

Qis greatly desired that reality be made into more and more realms, to be perceived and appreciated in their own unique splendor. His potential to breathe the spark of life into limitless primordial beings was unwavering.

The mapping out of the universe began with stars, planets, and moons. No two bodies alike. At this time, there was still no life on these worlds, and they have no physical matter. They were merely illusional ideas without purpose.


To augment reality to have meaning, Qis selected two of his primordial beings to bring fulfillment to his efforts. He bade them to use their imaginations to select a greater gift of power over reality. Whatever greater gift they could imagine, he would grant them this power to give the universe a purpose for itself.

Seethys chose for his gift the ability to create Motion.

Molecules took on physical form, and physical nature had come into existence. Planets spun around stars. Moons collided with planets, and planets sank into stars. Stars swallowed stars. Soon systems absorbed other systems.

The other primordials became upset because the worlds they had carefully designed were being taken from their domains. The handwork of Qis would soon be undone. Seethys was gaining possession over nearly all that existed left in reality. The infinity of reality possessed by Qis was starting to shift towards Seethys.


Eventually Seethys had taken everything. The domain of his own new dimensional reality he had made was capable of hiding all of the physical universe. All that remained was an empty void and the spirits of the remaining primordials. There was one last gift to be given by Qis that even Seethys could never possess.

Theot chose for his gift the ability to create Order.

With the power of Order, Theot attempted to obliterate the heart of Seethys, and restore the galaxies. It shattered all parts of reality. Many more physical bodies than the primordials had previously designed now existed as pieces of their previous incarnations. Their structures were lost and aimless. Theot would need to assert his new power to rebuild balance in the cosmos.


It is said that Qis faded from existence upon this cataclysmic event. Though it is not clearly known why or if Qis would ever return. Some believe that the blow struck by Theot had broken a universal commandment, which had killed Qis and therefore cursed the universe to a finite end. Others believe that Qis had vanished to another dimension, content that his gifts had been given. There he has made Eternos, which can be found only by souls of mortal beings, seeking to rejoin infinite reality after they have surpassed the limitations of this finite reality.

After Theot had set the universe free, he made a doorway to lock Seethys away so that he would not continue to devour the power of the universe as before into his own dimension. The key to this door was hidden and given to one of the great primordials to keep it a secret. Although Theot had tried to seal Seethys away completely, he could not undo the presence of Motion that Seethys maintained control over. Though he loathed to admit it, Theot needed to allow Seethys to continue to maintain a balance in the power over matter. Fortunately Theot knew he could carefully regulate this power.

Seethys could not be stopped entirely from restoring ultimate power over the universe. Through the keyhole, Seethys used his powers to form a vacuum in space. Over time he would reclaim what was once lost.

With Qis no more an active presence in this reality, Theot decided to make it his mission to use Order to rule over universe and work to prolong its new existence as long as possible. With the power of Order, and now Rulership, Theot sculpted his gift into the power of divine Will. To every moving particle that now made up the physical reality, he introduced a spark of his own will. Planets were assigned placements bound by their orbits among the stars. Molecules began to have instinct to want to bond with other molecules. This began the process of life.

Seethys refused to allow Theot to defeat him completely. For this reason he inspired life to have natural instincts in conflict with the divine will. As much as life might want to work together according to Theot's will, it would also tear itself apart out of natural necessity and incidental occurrences.

Theot was pleased with the creation of life living under his dominion. Life began to multiply. In this way it would gain strength and power, and fulfill a purpose-driven destiny as commanded by Qis. However, Theot was sad that living beings would never know of their grander purpose in the universe. Furthermore, Seethys knew how to use his power of motion to prevent Theot from interacting directly with mortal beings, by placing them on different frequencies within reality. Therefore, out of desire to grant mortal beings knowledge of their divine purpose, he created Light.


Light, would move infinitely as a guiding force towards Eternos. It would illuminate the minds of mortal beings to wonder about things beyond their own existence. Having no physical form, the light of Theot could never be tainted by Seethys. Some attribute the divine light as the reason that mortals were granted the ability to care selflessly for others in new ways, such as: compassion, generosity, kindness, honesty, trust, loyalty, and love.

In contrast, Seethys hoped to muddle the minds of mortals. Wherever light was absent, in would move darkness. Attributed to darkness are the blessings of nature, disguised as appearing as gifts for order. These are cleverness, beauty, talent, charisma, and inspiration.

This is one version of the recorded Creation mythos as recorded by the Silent Singers.

Pellis approached the outer gates. Beyond those walls she would find her revenge against Snow Panther, and she would take the treasure guarded within the Temple of Spirits.

Her heart beat faster.

This was her moment. All of her life had led her to this point.

She rubbed her ring between her fingers and kissed the inset black pearl to her lips.

In a swift motion she plunged her spear against the earth, and vaulted into the air.

As she descended inside the gated compound, a man guarding the temple doors spotted her. Finely dressed in loose silk clothes that allowed for ease of motion. With a sharp whistle, he signaled the presence of the intruder. Guards up on the walls, responded by pounding metal gongs, an alarm.

Pellis remembered this man. Yurgis, was a master fencer. It is said that no other swordsman has ever defeated him in a fair duel. He was also known for being vain and cruel. She hardly believed his won his small measure of fame through honorable duels, so she had no intention of challenging in fair combat.

"Impressive", he stated sarcastically. "Flying over the walls like that, and under the cover of night. There is no need for secrecy. You could have entered through the front gates. We knew you were coming."

As he finished his words, she was no longer there. Instead she was standing behind Yurgis with her obsidian edged spear-tip impaled though his lower abdomen.

"Bet you didn't see that coming."

The courtyard soon swarmed with guards and captains wielding various weapons. Archers crested the walls, and aimed their arrows. One of the captains gave the order to fire, and all at once dozens of arrows peppered the air.

Pellis was no longer there. At least thirty arrows turned Yurgis into a human pin-cushion before he hit the floor.

Thank you for taking the time to read this far. The video at the top is meant to be background music to help enhance your imagination as you read this short story. All of the images are provided by, which they share freely for our enjoyment. This story is my own fictional writing and meant to be an exploration of concepts and characters, and I am posting it here because it would otherwise be lost from memory, never to be known it ever existed in thought. There are more possibilities of where I could continue this story, but I thought it would be nice to begin with a creation story to open this up as a truly epic setting.


Where there is love there is life.

- Mahatma Gandhi

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