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RE: Glasses and feelings, the endless battle in my heart

in #writing7 years ago

It is important to discern the difference between spirit and emotion, there is the spirit of love and there is the emotion of love. Emotions are transient, they can rise and they can ebb, they originate in your soul but they are tightly bonded with to your body and mind such that chemical changes and electrical responses follow and mimic these changes. The spirit of love, on the other hand, is simply there or it is not.

The love between a parent and a child and between siblings is a natural bond that in normal circumstances will remain even if they grow apart as individuals and no longer enjoy each others company. Emotional love comes and goes and the ties that are created from it are easily broken. But a spiritual bond of love can not easily be severed and to tear it apart can be extremely painful. An emotional love separation needs an emotional band-aide, a spiritual love bond separation needs the equivalent of a spiritual hospital to recover from.

If natural love becomes broken or is missing this indicates that a possible spiritual deformity or disease exists, that person is lacking something that should have been inherent at birth. A parent that does not and can not love their own child is spiritually severely handicaped and should never have children and is not capable of properly nurturing and raising children. A child that is born without the capacity to love a parent may never be able to spiritually love anyone, it has a spiritual deficit, a birth defect.

You do not have to like someone or have anything in common with a person to love them in spirit, you can disagree on politics, religion, music or anything else and still love someone with spirit. These things are not true with emotional love because they inherently cause emotional conflicts which soon leads to a mutual desire to separate and declare peace, or at least a truce.

To go any deeper into this subject from my point of view would require a discussion about the Creator and about how and why we were formed and about our relationship to both the physical and spiritual worlds. So I will leave that off for now, but I am always open to such discussions from those who are seeking answers to the deeper spiritual aspects of life.


I guess it is true, you can never compare the love for your family, the one that just comes, without any ffort, to the love of other humans. For me it is just a weird concept because I believe that we should love everyone equally, we should have the capacity for that because initially we are all the same, we are all connected. I do not think that there should be circumstances that should dictate how much we could truest strangers.

You know, in the ideal world...

I think we are incapable of equal love between each other because we are very self centered creatures and we can not trust each other. If there was more compassion and readiness to help each other without judgment, in my opinion, it would increase all of our capacity to love, no matter if we are closely related or not.