Ideal investments: invest in yourself

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

invest in yourself

Probably, there is no person who would be not familiar with the phrase 'If you want to change the world, start with yourself'. The first part of this statement, as well as its author Mahatma Gandhi are likely to be omitted in user's speech, but the question of self-advancement remains on the agenda. Self-development (in other words, investing in yourself) is a kind of insurance air bag in case tomorrow we will be given an unpleasant surprise (stuff reduction, absence of demand in the professional field, etc.). What are the outlooks of this kind of investments? Let's find it out in today's article...

What is our understanding of investing in yourself?

It's a sort of a preparatory process that requires financial and volitional efforts and is initiated for further dividends reception. Depending on your priorities, the target direction in your self-education can be:

  1. Health (physical and mental)
  2. Image and appearance
  3. Skills and abilities

Health. Many people do not devote enough attention to health and give priorities to other vital points. However, it is difficult or even impossible to reach aims without good health. Moreover, it is important to work not only on the physical tone, but also take into account mental health (to get rid of stress, to arm yourself with positive attitudes and so on). Your success tomorrow is a correct attitude to yourself today.

Image and appearance. The phrase 'Clothes make the man' seems to be so trite that its each mentioning is an idle talk. Nevertheless, in some professional spheres (for instance, in PR) pleasant looks predetermine the attitude of clients to yourself...

Finally, let's talk about advancement of skills and abilities. This direction is a universal one. It allows broadening the knowledge base in your specialty and gaining new skills without spending much money. A saving option is downloading a free book on a certain topic, a more costly one is signing up for courses or theme training. By developing your 'mental' sphere, you create your own portfolio for diversification of your makings (for instance, you can consider PAMM, P2P lending, TM).

What are the benefits of investing in yourself?

  1. You are your own master. Unlike Forex trade or HYIP investments, in this activity you do not depend on external factors. You control the whole process and can fulfill yourself in various directions.
  2. The volume of future dividends is related just to your efforts. Freedom of actions lets you be in searches, keep fit and generate ideas all the time…
  3. You can enjoy the process. If common office work brings first financial benefits, self-cultivation provides not only profits in the future but also moral satisfaction right now.

What hardship can you face?

  1. You will be supposed to improve yourself. Freedom in actions does not work for everyone. That’s why some prefer office atmosphere with smaller pay to freelance space. Idleness and inertia are the main enemies of investing in yourself.
  2. Your expectations may not come true/You will have to wait longer till the result is reached. Since you are involved into trial and error self-development, you may fail sometimes or wait for months or even years until the aim is achieved. The one, who loses faith in positive end, automatically wastes all applied efforts. The final result is quite predictable.

Who should practice investing in oneself?

This kind of investments is an ideal way-out for those who are tired from making the ends meet, ‘killing’ the personality in oneself and working by the supervisor’s schedule. The most important point is that you should not give up your current employment. Treat your activity as a hobby and remember believing in its outlooks.

And what is your opinion on this topic? Join the discussion!


Wholeheartedly agree. I see this from writer James Altucher all the time. As a teacher I didn't go and get my master's degree because it would have cost me $15,000 and three years of my life. At $15,000 it would have taken an additional ten years to breakeven. So 3 years to get the degree and 10 years to pay it off. I realized that photographing two weddings a year would have gotten me the same increase in pay without the added debt. When I publish books on Kindle the return has been WAY More than any stock could have given me. I completely agree.

Then there's the flip side - someone like me who took out 100K to do my MFA. But like I wrote in my post the other day, I'd do it all again because it was a huge investment in myself.

I actually have a Master's of Divinity. I'm a former minister. That Masters cost a lot of money but I learned more from that one than any of my other degrees. (I have three.) So I guess it depends on the program.

People change health on money when young, then change back. Unfortunately it's reality.

I was not familiar with that phrase.

Agree on all counts!

Very interesting! I like it! Good Luck To You!

Of all investments I find that knowledge is one of the most scaleable.

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