Your freedom is paid by the people who are working every day and hasn´t the freedom to do what they want.
So why should the community pay for your freedom and for their own slavery?
Ok - you try to work at steemit wiht photography, but do you think this is enough for real life?
To do some nice pics didn´t solve problems of people every day life.
Some of them enjoy your work, but the price of steem is a question of demand.
Maybe a summer depression, maybe more, who knows.
Try to find a good paid job and then you can support your dreams of freedom at steemit.
The system don´t want freedom of the people, the need slavery and I fear that cryptocurrencies will be abolished sometimes in the future.
Go to where the money is - and try to do your best...
Good luck.
Excuse me but what the fuck?
LOL dick.