The Cat with Crystal Eyes (Original Story)

in #writing6 years ago (edited)


9:30 am

After a long night I get up, put on my slippers and walk to the window, open the curtains, the sun invades my face; I can see a beautiful garden, full of flowers, trees and a cute little bird in the window, looking towards the interior of the room. When I decide to walk towards it, it flies away, I can see the beautiful blue sky that reminded me of the sea, the wind shaking the leaves, the smell of pure air that caused me to run a little, the day was beautiful. I stay for a while looking out the window, next door was a woman named Jasmine, 38 years old. Very affectionate she, of slight build, big brown eyes and had a black mane that reached to her waist, it was very well preserved. I had two beautiful twins already 12 years old. In front of the house lived a very particular couple, two old people who never left their house, just to make market, the rest you did not see them in the streets. They had no children, of course, considering the 7 cats that lived in that house; maybe they considered them as their children. It seemed very strange to me, apart from the fact that the cats always went out was at night, never during the day. I turn around to see the clock...
Alexa rays, it's 9 in the morning, as I could have fallen asleep like that. Mom! Because you did not get up! My mother always lost, I'm sure she forgot that today I had my first job interview. I had studied psychology in a university here, in my city, I graduated last year and I did a criminology course, I have always liked the criminal and psychological part. I've been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. A week ago I was having a coffee and listened out of curiosity to two policemen talking that they needed a specialist in criminal psychology to attend a case with a prisoner, when I heard him approach me and I offered, of course, they at first observed me surprised, I never knew they would have imagined. They told me that on Monday I would show up at 8 in the morning and see what happened. I better hurry, before it's too late.

Now ready to go, I drink some lemon juice and say goodbye to my mother. Goodbye mother, see you in the afternoon, I said, heading for the door. Sorry Alexa, I had forgotten. I hope everything goes well, you eat something over there. Actually I was not mad at her, it was my fault, it was my responsibility, my duty. When I left the house, Mrs. Jasmine was still in the garden watering the flowers. Good morning, Mrs. Jasmine. Good day honey. How are you? He said, concentrating on the flowers, well, thank you. I hope you like it. -If darling, I'm better than ever-always so nice and funny. When I got into the car, my eyes focused on the house at the front, it felt so empty and alone, that it even gave me the chills. Suddenly, I see that in the upper part of the house, in the window that was there, something moves, I saw as if someone were suddenly looking and when he turned around he disappeared. It would be better if I hurry, sure they are my things and turned on the car and left.

The police station was about 30 minutes from my house. When I arrive, I park the car and leave. I enter the part of the parking lot, where there was an elevator and subway. When I finally arrived I got very nervous, it was my first interview and I had no idea what questions they were going to ask me. My mother said that I did not have to fear, however, my stomach was already beginning to stir.

Alexa Rawa? - I suddenly heard my name and when I turned around I was a police officer. He looked very nice, robust; you could tell he was doing a lot of exercises, black hair and light brown eyes. My heart started to beat more, but I took a deep breath and after a few minutes I said...
Yes? That's me. "I extended my arm and the very kind took it." Nice to meet you, I'm agent Freddy Escoth, they told me to look out for a very pretty girl who was coming today, although I do not know if I believe it, I was supposed to I had to arrive an hour ago. - I do not know if he was funny or just wanted to get my attention - Excuse me, sometimes I get silly ... With all due respect, it must be the psychologist we were waiting for - Yes, it's me. The psychologist, I know I'm late and I'm sorry, but ... At that moment he interrupted me.
You do not apologize, I'm just in time. Follow me please, And so I did, we walked a long corridor, where we would have several offices and in one of those we entered. There were 3 other agents ... Welcome, Senor Rawa, a pleasure, my name is Federico Núñez, agent in charge and they are my partners, Mr. René Pol and Mark Hoyer. We are not going to start with the typical, doing an interview, since today you are hired, we trust you fully and your work speaks for itself. I sincerely dying, you cannot really believe it, thank you very much, you will not regret it. I extended my hand.
The case is the follow…
After 3 hours in a meeting, it was finally over, I was very hungry and I was dying of thirst ... Everything was very good, the case was interesting and tragic at the same time. A criminal who had murdered a relative, brother of his wife. Uncle of his 4 year old daughter because he had imagined things that were not happening in reality. And I was confused and I had to be present every time he was questioned. Going down to the parking lot to look for the car, I see something shining near the wheel. Sure it must be the light thought ... But when I was approaching more the brightness was increasing and it was getting bigger and bigger, like a balloon when you inflate it, but in this crystal case ... When I get closer, I take out the Quick car keys to drive and get out of here ... Until suddenly, I feel something behind me.
Hello beautiful girl, you thought you were going to forget me. What are you doing here? The meeting is over. I know sweetheart, my car is next to yours, what a coincidence you do not believe, No, well ... See you tomorrow, how annoying it is, I did not have other things to do. And if I invite you to eat tonight, you know, to go out for a while and so we celebrate your welcome. I thought about it several times, it did not sound so bad after all, today was a great day and I had to celebrate it. Okay, come by me at 8pm. I got in the car and left. He gave me a smile and also left.

7:40 pm

I was almost ready; I just needed my shoes, a little makeup. It was very hot so I decided to open the window. I looked to see if there were signs but not, when I saw the front of my house, where the elders lived. The cats were starting to come out and meow, they were all black with green eyes, very green. That gave me a bit of fear and more at night. I finish fixing and I decide to wait outside. It was hot the same, or I was nervous, I do not know. Suddenly I heard that something had fallen, it had to be glass. But it was not at home, nor was it at the side, there was no one ... It was heard in the house of the elders. What will be happening, I said to myself. "Heard again" It was the cats, or the old people who might mistake a ball with a glass plate. But when I looked carefully, there was not the old people's car and the lights were off. I decided to go to the house, maybe I could be a thief What if I call the police? Sure, to Freddy. - Hi, Freddy ... Where are you coming from? -I'm here, honey. When I turned around, he stopped in front of me and told me.

What are you doing so lonely here? Were you waiting for someone else? Do not be funny, I left because I was hot, something strange happened in that house, I heard both times as if I had thrown two plates of glass on the floor, the worst thing is that there is nobody, he lives the two days but his car no this . What if he is a thief? Honey, sure son the cats, maybe not the time. Apparently they have more than 10. Let's not ruin the beautiful night, Freddy was right, it was logical. Besides, it was very rare here for someone to steal around here, so it made sense. I got in the car and started.

Freddy took me to a very nice place, it was an outdoor place, where you could walk and breathe the smell of pure air. He brought me a drink and we started celebrating. How are you doing honey? Very good, the atmosphere is great, I like it a lot, I had never come here. Well, you will know many places like that with me. We talked for hours, he lived with his mother, his parents had died in a plane crash, he was also a policeman and one of the best in the city. I had a 10 year old sister and a puppy. He was from a good family, very polite and gentlemanly.

It was getting late, Freddy understood and went to prepare the car while going to the bathroom. I feel so tired, but so happy. I told myself, this day had been one of the best. When I open the door, it does not open. What happened? What the hell. HELP! I was locked in the bathroom. Oh God! Now that I do ... This can not be happening to me. You're not alone, I hear you said in a very low tone, Who's there? I charge a knife, he lied, but I was very scared. Suddenly the lights go out and my heart starts to beat very hard. When I look at the mirror, I see two circles, like two balls shining, like crystals that are getting closer and closer ... I stumble over something and fall to the ground, I try to find my phone. Laughter, laughter, laughter. Who is there? Please, the fear was taking over me, when suddenly I see that they open the door and it was Freddy, he folds me, charges me and takes me out of this place. Honey, you're fine, what happened in there? No ... No ... I cannot speak, I felt that my breathing was going away, there was someone with me, I turn off the lights, her eyes shone, I was sure they were eyes, I was so afraid ... Quiet, do not you Nothing will happen, I'm here. I'll carry to your home. Along the way I did not say a word, I was afraid, I had not assimilated it yet. "Phone" Hi mom, I'm coming home ... Alexa, listen. Please do not come, mom! What happens? Why do you tell me that? -Alexa listen to me ... no, she hung up. Did something happen with your mom? hurry please, something terrible is happening. When I came running into the house, Mom! -but he does not answer me, everything was dark and messy. Freddy I can not find it, I feel something bad happened to him. I'll call emergencies -No, wait, I know where I need to go. Where darling? To that house, I'm sure there's been a hundred people watching me for a long time, but I just did not pay attention. But are you sure? Yes, do you come with me or not? Wait, here is a note. Where was it? on the bedside table, in your room ...

"Dear Alexa, maybe you have no idea who we are, we are your neighbors at the front. We have decided to leave, because we can not take it anymore. If we stay, he will kill us and maybe his anger will increase more and more. He has been watching you all this time and discovered that you met a boy. I do not mention it this morning, but we have never seen it like this, we throw all the things of the house and we have to leave. Please be careful and get out of there ".

- But who are you talking about? She told herself-they had no children, nothing. Who is in that house? Whatever it is, it has my mom. -I'll call the police. -No, it can be dangerous, if you've been watching me, it means that you want me, I should go. You're crazy, you do not know what you're up against. You will not go alone - This is not your problem. - She was angry, so she went out alone to that house. The cats ran out, the door was open, I enter and suddenly it closed - I was waiting for you - Who are you? Please do not hurt my mom - As you think I will hurt her, she is your mother and you are very important to me - I see the house, very old-fashioned, paintings everywhere. There was a giant one in the whole room. They were the elders, well there they looked very young. I was not surprised by the cats, but, there was something strange, all the cats were shining their eyes and there was a child sitting with them. He was very scared, the boy's eyes were also shining. He ran screaming -mama! Where are you? -Alexa! -I heard her name, it was mom, you could hear her coming from above. He climbed the stairs and ran down the hall, at the end there was a door open -Alexa! -I hear again, I go in and the door closes ... When he looked, he was surprised and left in shock for a second. The whole room was full of pictures of cats with eyes that looked like glass, porcelain cats. -Alexa here I am! When suddenly I saw that one of the porcelain cats shone a light - here I am Alexa, help me - mom, mom and I go ... I grabbed the porcelain cat and ran. When I arrived in the room, everything had changed. It was like a whole cage, suddenly you hear someone running. - Behind! Let us out, what have you done to my mother, get her out of here - I look forward, up and see two eyes shining, suddenly she sees a smile and when that thing gets closer and closer ... I could not believe it, It was huge !!! The shadow reflected it, the ears began to come out, then the legs, the hair ... It was a huge cat! I backed out - What thing are you? What do you want? - At last I see you so close, you're much prettier! - Now please let us out - You will be mine. Only mine! -In that the glass-eyed cat is approaching and I decide to run to the front door ... In that I open it and Freddy enters -Please, Freddy take this, there is my mother inside - But what is that? -Please take it away, I'll solve this - He ignored me and left. I turn to see the cat with glass eyes and ran upwards - where do you think you are going? - He reached the top, went into the room and when he saw around him it was apparently the room of the elders. I search everywhere for some paper that told him it was that thing. Until, in the closet, an envelope fell. - What it hell. "Samuel Patrick Castillo, was born on April 2, 1987. Son of Sofia Castillo and Lorenzo Patrick. Samuel was born with a deformity in his head, which affected his left eye and that caused him problems to see”

This is a joke, started to see photos. Apparently the boy was given a glass eye when he was little and they kept him locked up at home, his only friends were the cats.

What is this?

"Samuel Patrick, he dies on November 10, 2010. They never got his body"

Come here pretty -I'm talking, the cat was getting closer - So it's real, that sick cursed! But what did he do to my mother? I will have to play his game. I'm coming, give me a moment - try to make him calm -voy! Here I am, what do you need me for? -I want you to play and be my wife. Be your wife, but my mother needs her to be a witness. How do we get it out of there? - You just have to take out his eyes, when you take out his eyes his soul goes away, but in her, not because she is alive, it is like rubbing a lamp, but you will only take your eyes off. - by removing his eyes his soul leaves, of course! there is. - Well, let's go eat something, I'm hungry -yes, you cook very rich, I've watched you. -While we went to the kitchen, he sat down and prepared a meatloaf. In that I see in the window that Freddy approaches, luckily the cat is on his back. I beckon him in the eyes ... The cat enjoying his cake, Freddy coming in through the window, makes a vase fall - stupid little one - the cat turns around - I shoot the glass -Perdón, I slip. It's good? How are you? - This is terrific, my parents never cooked me like that, they always gave me bread and water, I only had my cats - I get a bit nostalgic - I always watched you, you looked like a smart girl, sweet, who fought for everything, even if you stayed asleep. But when I saw you with that I became very jealous, sorry for the scare in the bathroom - do not worry ... - in that I see that Freddy goes to him with a knife and sticks it in one eye ... The cat screaming -I will kill you! Freddy went around the dining room, pushed me away and the cat jumped on him, scratched his arm, it was too heavy ... The cat was on top of it, the knife was a few inches away from him, he entered into reason, grabbed the knife and the cat looked at me - Kill it Alexa, give me the knife, let's be happy, you have to die. Freddy looks at me, I look at him. I look at the cat. I did not know what to do, I felt somehow feeling for Samuel, but I knew that it was not real, that it hurt, that it was dangerous ... so the knife was given to Freddy, he stuck it in the other eye and the cat starts convulsing ... - NOOOOOOO -My mother. Where is? -here, have -in that I take out his eyes and a light rises, sparks and my mother appears -Alexa, you did it, you are great -Mama was so afraid, did you know all this? - Very little, but I did not want to scare you, that's why the elders never left, because of shame, this morning I saw the car turn on, there was a note under the door to your name and I put it on your bedside table, I guess that explained "Not exactly, I just said that there was someone in that house watching me. His name was Samuel, he was his son, he lived locked up until 2010 when his body disappeared, but his soul got into the body of a cat. -What a scare. Freddy, are you okay? - Yes darling, now we go home. This is over. By the way, they called from the station. They got two dead bodies in a forest, apparently two elders. And there was a note with them. -What did he say? -Not much, just ...

"Forgive us"

Thanks for reading .. I hope you like it

Author: María José Quiroz

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