in #writing7 years ago (edited)

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What are you waiting on? Prince or Princess charming? Your husband to be more romantic? Your child to be more appreciative? Your doctor to call with your test results? Your boss to offer a promotion?.

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Truth be known, I don't wait well. I get antsy. Hurry is my theme song. I strum my fingers on table tops, and I don't like waiting rooms. In fact it is a discipline to sit through dinner. I squirm a lot. When I fly I take a carryon the size of a steamer trunk, filled with items to entertain myself. So, with this confession, you can imagine what a learning experience it has been for me to "wait all the day" on the lord.

I want to know the lord ways; I want him to teach me his parts and lead me in his truth but I want it to happen now. The verse

be still and know that I am God

Psalm 46:10, was definitely written for folks like me wired like me that's one thing that God word: it would expose weaknesses, flaws, and motive for the purpose of resolve. I guess that is why the psalmist exclaims,

The entrance of your words gives light Psalm 119:130

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Is it possible that those of us who bolt easily miss the finished work of the lord in our lives? I've often wondered why I've had to go through some difficulties repeatedly, and I believe it could be my inability to tarry with the lord. I've confessed that my "tarrier" is broken and the lord could reinstall a new one in the night, while I'm asleep, if he'd like. So far that hasn't occurred, but hears what has happened: I've gone through misunderstanding that I've taken years to heal; I've gone through loses that I'm still recovering from; and I've been forced to wait for others to change. What I'm learning is that I'm not in control of this world, the choices of others, or even my own destiny. Now that is not easy to live with, especially for a right-now-gal.

The same is just as true today in our lives; waiting on God is wisdom. If we would allow the lord to show up his ways, teach us his part, and lead us in his truth, our faith would deepen, as would our personal dignity that's thing about truth. It frees us up to make wise choice and truth set us free even if others never come true for us.



This is beautiful @krehss... You just inspired me.. Many of us today fail to have patience in common things we do, not to talk of the things of the Lord... Keep up the Good Work

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