Tears and family love

in #writing6 years ago (edited)


The morning sun shine woke me from my beautiful dream. Today is Saturday, school holidays because teachers meet with heads of departments and downtown.

"Andis ..." the mother called from the kitchen.

"Yes mother ..." I answered as I walked toward the kitchen.

"Today mum and dad may be coming home late, because father and mother will plant rice in Rinting Village, so later in the day please bring food for father and mother. Because the father can not go home, you know Rinting Village, so please let ya ... "

"Fine, ma'am..."

"Ouch! this is noon, I have to go home now. But my work is not done yet. Aah ... let Andis do it later, "father thought as he watched the sun start high.

Introduce my name Andis syafira, I am the first child of 2 siblings, my little brother is a sweet boy, his name is Muhammad hamza. My father is a farmer, to me my father is a hero, his name is Hamdani and my mother is a housewife. To me mother is an angel who always cool my heart name Nasri. I love them all. It never crossed my mind to argue with them. I live in a simple family, but happy and peaceful. So many promises and dreams in my mind. What I want to say to my family, but I'm embarrassed because I think it's too high to be achieved by an Andis syafira. Only prayer, effort and inspiration make me believe in divine will.


Time runs so fast. Father and mother have been leaving home since 7:30 am. Hours show at 10:00 am, I must immediately prepare lunch for my father, mother, and for me, because I have to
continue the work of the father in the garden.

Note: This article is a social project

Some income / earnings from this account will be used for social activities

Tok ... tok ... tok ... "Assalamu'alaikum" hello Hamza after school.

"Wa'alaikumsalam, Hamza already home."
"Sister, mother and father are coming home?"
"Mom and dad come home late on the deck, because the village is far away with our village."
"Well please, kak Hamza go play first yes ..."
"Yes, but then pray and have lunch at home !!!"
"Yes brother, but sister where to go? why bring 2 bushels? "
"Oh yes, my sister wants to go to rinting village and continue the father's work in the garden. After 10:30 nie, sister go ok ... do not be naughty, bye ... "

I went from home to rinting village, a trip that weakened my bones, about 2 hours full of my bicycle. Pretty tiring. I also arrived at the village with 2 rantang rinting at 12.00, I also took a break under the wheel tree. I saw my parents working, bending rice cultivation. Sweat continued pouring down their foreheads, under the hot sun for divine sustenance.

"Andis, hurry to the nursery! Later the banana tree is not fresh again, if long under the hot sun would be like this "Dad woke up from my reverie.

"Well dad, Andis go first ya ...!" I replied.
I also left my parents in the paddy fields. Time runs a few minutes later.

"Allahu akbar Allahu akbar ..." The call to prayer has echoed from one of the mosques.
"Alhamdulillah already dzuhur, I should pray first ...!"

I also stopped at the Baburrahman mosque to perform my duties in the village of Sandung. After performing the dhuhur prayer, I continued my journey to the garden in Danting village, my beloved village.
I arrived at the garden at 14.00 pm. Immediately I do the work of the father who is not ready, that is planting bananas that only a few more. I've helped mom and dad in the garden so much I know how to plant trees in the garden. I love to be in the garden, many plants that make me full there. In the garden there is a small shack, which I often like to jamboo to rest, in jambooada some small english dictionaries that my friend bought for me and some other little books there. In jamboo there are also mukena, prayer mat and al-qur'an. My family often spends his time in the garden, so we often pray in jamboo.

I also finish right as Azan call to prayer, I immediately cleanse my body with holy water ablution, then pray in jamboo. After the prayer, I placed myself leaning under a shady munjee tree.

I looked around. "As far as the universe is concerned, Subhanaallah" I thought as I watched the people planting the rice under the foot of Sunanngung Mountain. With a gentle breeze. Taking me into the imaginary world I imagine it is afternoon in England, London, France and others. "It's beautiful, but it's impossible, impossible for me to achieve."

I came home with my bike with some mangoes. "Andisss .... !!!", someone called me, I see the left side "iyaaa !!, why Melya?" I asked. "Come here, hurry!" Melya begged. I also fulfilled his call. "Why, hurry so hurry?" I asked. "Ndis, there is good news, Ndis opportunity, you must follow Ndis I pay, you must follow Ndis, I'm sure you can ndis, okay ndis, okay, can kok," explained Melya while showing a brochure. I'm getting confused, "what's Mel doing?" I asked. "Exchanger, ndis, exchanger !! But ... "" Ah not no buts, I've listin really "cut it. "Mel, that's right, mel?" I asked. "Yes, suwer. The test is next month. Way to go yes good luck, good luck "he replied. "Alhamdulillah, may Allah reward him with kindness, thank you very much mel!" My prayer .... "Amieen ... .. hopefully you can realize your wishes ndin, you have to berktitiar ndis. Success is necessary DUIT. Do'a, effort, endeavor and tawakal, you have to try hard, do not be lazy and lazy ya ndis, the road is still long ndis, we must pass through with effort and tawakkal. "Melya's advice at the same time give motivation to me. "You're right mel, I'm proud of you. It turns out you're not just spoiled it turns out you're an adult too, "I joked. "Iii ndis, I'm not a spoiled child ... !! Strictly speaking. "Yes, yes, joking kok, yaudah I go home yes, pity Hamza own home, once more thanks a lot ya, already listin me" farewell. "Yes it is the same, greetings to your father and dad for the dwarf also, be careful, remember another month at UDN !!! He shouted. "Yes, iyaaa ... .. !!!!.


a month later ......

After trying my hardest, with stock of parents and teachers and knowledge, I dare to take the test at UDN. "Bismillahirrahmanirahim, O God help the servant of Allah, the servant put your trust, give the best of Allah." My door when the matter is distributed.

A few hours later.

"It is expected for all participants to gather in the main building right now!" Said the committee with a microphone. We also gathered, who participated in the test amounted to about 500 participants. I'm increasingly unsure of passing. But for the matter, I found no difficulty.

Then the committee read out the name of the pass for the next test phase. And Alhamdulillah I am one of those who passed to the next stage of the interview test. About 200 participants graduated. Each divided into 50 rooms according to the order of names.

"Well, my brother joined what is the old time, Hamza hungry already at 12.00. Father, mother ... ..! "Said Hamza.

"Hamza laper yes, yaudah let's eat first, yuk buk." Invite father.

"Andis graduated is not ya dad ...?" Sighed mother

"Pass bu, a smart child. From elementary through high school he always gets the first rank. His brain is like a dictionary, his son diligent, obedient, sure father Andis will pass 100%. I'm sure. "Reverend father assured her.

"Amin well, hopefully successful Andis ya well. Let be a role model for Hamza. Amen ya Allah, "said the mother.


Time flies…

After the interview test and selecting the destination country, we participants of 200 people put up with Allah. Because that can join exchange only 35 people and pengumumanya today in the newspaper porch. I'm busy looking for a newspaper today, I turn the paper over and over, hoping my name will be on it on page 10 of the pod. I see the title of exchange 2016, my heart deg-degan, I read from prefix B until the names listed there and .............

"Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah yes Allah, Subhanallah, Masya Allah I graduated, I graduated to England." My throne in my prostration of gratitude without tears dropped my tears.

"Dad's mother ... dad's mom ... I graduated to England." I cried even more as the tears came out of my father and mother's clear eyes as did Hamza. I kissed their hands repeatedly and also their legs. I am very grateful to God, thank you God.

"Andiiis, I'm glad you graduated ndis!" Said Melya.

"Thanks Mel, for your help, maybe without you I do not know this exchange news, thanks Mel." Clearly me.

"Yes equally, when did Ndis leave ...?" Asked Melya.
"Mel next week" I replied.

"Oh yes, do not forget the souvenir for me." Pinta Melya

"Insha Allah Mel" I replied.

My bar is all ready. "Tit ... tit ... the horn of a newly arrived bus car to pick up the exchange participants and their families."
"Andis, is it ready? Ayuk leave ... "Invite father. I saw the sad faces of father and mother help me lift my things.
upon arrival at the airport "Father, mother do'akan Andis yes, hopefully until the goal, Hamzah father and mother keep ya bro!" I said with tears deraian.
"Andis .. mother, father and Hamza always pray for you son. Well yes son, never forget your parents son, do not mix with people, take care of yourself and remember Allah. God always watches his servants, do not change son ya ... "said father sadly.
"Both father, mother. Andis leave yes, greetings for Meliya "I said, after that I kissed hands with cheeks to my parents who wet with tears. I hugged my parents and my sister Hamza.
"I will never forget all of you, mother is an angel for me, your father is my hero and Hamza you are my inspiration. I love you, without you I will not be in this world. Thank you for all the services I can never repay, my pelvis in the darkness, thank you say once more. Only God can repay you, I love you. "I thought as I stepped into the plane with tears streaming down my cheeks and jibab. I waved my hand to those who were there. My last break, I saw parents let go of me with happy tears ... ..
"Thank you for everything." I thought, looking at the window.

Ridho Allah lies in the blessing of the parents and the wrath of God rests on the wrath of the parents.

Note: This article is a social project

Some income / earnings from this account will be used for social activities

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