We are usually tempted with what we like/need.

in #writing7 years ago

 In Luke Chapter 4 verse 1-13, the devil tempted Jesus with food (bread) and lther things, right after a 40-day fast which left him very hungry. Guess what? The devil will always tempt you with what you need or what he feels you desire at the very moment. Remember the story of Esau and Jacob? His birthright was bought with a plate of porridge which he loved.

In a nutshell, we are usually tempted with what we like/need. Take the case of a man that loves women a lot, he is usually ruined by just one wrong woman sent from the pit of hell to destroy him. A girl that loves money a lot may eventually fall into the trap of a ritualist who just enticed her with little money.

I remember back then in secondary school days, there were cases of initiations happening among boarding school students, though no longer rampant. Those agents would usually initiate others using what they loved most eg. weavon, lipstick, sweet, chocolate, etc. 

Now for the alcohol lovers, have you not seen or heard of cases where a "frienemy" knows a friend's brand (Ezikoba palm-wine, Hero, Star, Gulder, Heineken, etc) and uses same to destroy a supposed friend or relation?  

Very soon, lots of churches will commence their 21-day or 40-day fasting and prayer for the year as the case may be, and lots of prayer points will be written. For those that give God ultimatum like: "God in February, my life partner must artive or I sieze to serve you" (don't even scream because some people pray that way), a young man or woman could come your way in February (on 14th February even, being Valentine's Day) and you tag it Divine Intervention! Hmmmmm. The person may be everything wrong in terms of attitude, looks and more, but because he/she apoeared in February as you asked God, you conclude he/she is your life partner. Watch it! Use your brain and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit as you pray! Lots of tragedies have happened this way.

You desperately need money this January, and then you are currently being tempted with getting involved in some financial fraud at your office, watch it, so you dont use "God understands" to mortgage your destiny.

You are having misunderstanding with your spouse and that's when your EX will remember to call you on phone and before you say JACK, you are losing feelings for your spouse and getting back on track with your EX because you need someone to talk to at that time. Lots are best left unsaid, but the main issue is to ask God to help us resist every temptation that comes our way this season.



Your experience is great, I am proud to see your post that is so classy .. Sometimes I think want to like you but I can not make a post like you .. very genius in that case .. I am amazed at your intelligence.

thank you for encouragement , god reward you back

The devil is a wolf in sheeps clothing. He takes advantage of our earthly desires to pull us away from the lord. If we stay connected to the Holy Spirit and abide in the lord’s secrete place, no weapon formed against us shall prosper.
Great points you made on the the evil one like to work his evil to cause havoc in our live. Thank you