Burglars broke into my house while I was at home!

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

For already 6 years, I live in a small house in a kind of poor hood like area in the Netherlands. It’s called Woensel West in Eindhoven. It’s a place where a lot has happened the last 2 decades. It was in the past the place to be if you wanted to become a gangster. There where hookers all over the area and red light hooker houses. It was kind of chaos all the time. Criminality was high and police was checking out the area all the time. Since there where living a lot of people who use social renting (social security for renting and living) a lot of people where secretly trying to earn money illegally. That, however, all changed slowly when the area got cleaned up, the hookers centralised on a square and under observation of camera and when they started to place students in the houses that came free for renting. The goal was to fix the image of the area.
So since 6 year I live here and there has been a lot of event which I withnessed over time. Some funny and others less funny. I will tell you now a story less funny.

The red light kind of square where you can bang a hooker for 50euro (I've heard) centralised and observed

Picture of how it looks like in the area

It was a monday evening on a sunny day. I got hooked up at a party in Germany Dusseldorf over the weekend and got myself not so much sleep, and maybe a little too much alcohol. So I was planning to catch it up early monday evening. I was tired and went to bed around half past 8 or so in the evening. As some time passed I woke up by the doorbel. There was 1 ring as I remember but I was too tired to go check out who it was. At first I thought it was a friend of mine who lives in a street next to me, he probably would understand. After that I closed my eyes again and started to dream on. However at a certain point I heard strange noises. Like someone was replacing furniture or something. Since the houses are connected I can hear a lot of my neighbour. For example when my living room was furnished at the beginning when I just lived hear. I could hear my neighbour shitting on the toilet if you sat on a certain point on the cough so I had to change it. But I didn’t gave too much attention on hearing more. Almost right after those noises I hear somebody very clearly walking on the my stairways. But I thought ohhh it’s on of my friends. I have 3 mates in the area who have my homekey because I somehow managed to lock myself out a couple of times, and we live all really close in the area to each other.

I was so tired I thought he really needed me for something and I thinking ‘’why didn’t he text me’’ . I hear the steps now on the 1st floor. Opening the two doors of the 2 rooms I have there and I was laying in my bedroom. Then there person tried to open my door and I simply said ‘’ey’’ but I saw nothing. Immediately I heard a sound like ‘’shh’’ and he started to sprint down the stairways downside and out of my house. I was thinking ‘’huh’’ why would he do that, because I still thought it was a friend of mine. Because I cannot believe someone thinks there is some valuable stuff to steal in this area I totally didn’t think of a burglar. I always said, who is crazy enough to steal in his own living area? My thoughts where more like ‘’oh I was almost going to get pranked or something or about to get trolled. But I went to check out and slowly went downside where I saw all furniture was opened literally all. And so I immediaetly called the friend who I thought was pranking me and asked him if he was in the house. He said no… and that’s when I finally knew I was probably robbed and I finally got the chance to destroy someone completely with a legit reason..I’m not a aggressive guy or something but I’m not weak and I’m a Dutchy 1.90 high with experience in some martial arts in the past.

Of course I called the police immidiatly and they where there in maybe 10 or 15 seconds.. like they teleported to my street but they are always near in this area. Standing outside a young couple my age who live 3 houses further came back from grocery shopping. They came to me and mentioned that they saw two young guys of age 16 or 17 where looking through my window as they left. They where sitting on the dirtycontainer that is standing in front of my house al the time and looking trough the window of the toilet from the outside to the inside. They even said hello to them when they left. So the police got from them both the description and the police officers almost recognised them immediately based on their profile told the couple. I checked out in the every corner of the house to check out if something is missing. The most valuable is my laptop and financial papers which I always store on a safe place, and my laptop lays mostly in the bedroom on a table. I had the luck that nothing seemed to be stolen. The police said that those home intruders are young people, immigrant youngster from about 15 to 18 years. And one police officer said where they where hanging out often too. At a place where I almost daily walk by. In my head I was already planning a complete massacre to finish them off and or their father but I was adviced to do nothing. Since they are underaged it’s indeed not clever.

This is the place where they hang out, right under that round moon hanging on the roof... this spot

Everytime I walk by that place now, I watch them if they are there but since I could not see was the one in my house I do not know exactly who it was. They are the kind of kids that grow up in situations where parents don’t speak the language here well, and don’t know what is going on for their kids on let’s say school or what happened when they do something wrong and get arrested. They act and they try to profile themselves as a gang, guys from the streets… no strikt order to dutch rules and society… maybe feel like outsiders and eventually have trouble in trying to behave to the values of the dutch society. Promoting the fatherland of their parents more than the people in that country will ever do. Only social workers from the same ethnic group can do something about it.

Video funny satire of new kids turbo and nitro of woensel youth

I think personally it’s the parents fault and I was thinking to punish them too at a cerain point but that was just the unbelieve I had the couple of days.

What further happened is that I found the equipment where they forced my door with in the garden. Ofcourse in the act of scare they forgot it. I got called by victim help organisations but I said I didn’t need it. I also got called by a company selling security camera’s and stuff. The cool thing though is a visit from a technical crime team to find and look for fingerprints which they found on a box of a 360 camera that was empty.

I feel pretty amazed people try to steal so near by but of course they know the place and can check out from different corners if something happens. Nowadays I double check everything and lock with an extra lock. I am not a scare person, this situation is something I always wanted to know how it would be, and that’s why I imagined I just beat the crap out of the intruder.. I grew up with 2 brothers so we where thinking how we would do it together as teens. I have now become victim of immigration too I guess, well at least I think it’s sad that the stereotypes and the accuses towards immigrants (that they bring crime etc.) are now completely real to me. The thing I am the most upset about is that I let it happen and was to naive by thinking it was one of my friends. I cannot or may not do something and I have to watch how they stand their gang playground area each time I walk by. But I am lucky to be awakened in my behavior and will the rest of my life think not so easy about things like this and that the will not happen to me. That way of thinking I can apply in other things that may look like ‘’probably not going to happen to me’’ I guess.

Bonus: A video of the life in woensel in early 2000s

Thnx for reading, please like and follow @seveaux

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This is pretty crazy. Good thing they were scared away by the sound of you and didn't get anything of value. BTW...

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I only wonder what it could bring extra in terms of value since only posts that are under 7 days can still receive some up.. so 5 more days to go... what are you going to do with it exactly ?

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awesome! thanks a lot for this, really appreciate it.

super thnx btw for your nice comment

Wow, what a frightening experience. Thanks for sharing your story and glad neither person nor property were hurt.

This is a dangerous place!!

it went really downwards when too many ethnic minority's became a majority there

but at that time there was no social help or something so they moved straight to a ghetto without knowing it..

Crazy store. Glad you're okay. Kind of sad but not a surprise kids would be doing noensense like that.

well those kids feel they either don't belong in society but also not in marokko or turkey because they are grown up here where the parents at home keep to their cultural values and out side those values aren't fitting to the western world I guess. atleast that's what some experts say about it

Damn, getting robbed while being home...
Luckily nothing got stolen and you weren't harmed. If they had some weapons it could easily end up with a different scenario...

I am very able to defend myself but you are right, what if... and I also was tired as hell but I am very lucky I learned a lot from this experience... hope u guys all won't have this

Well, you did not expected them to be burglars so they'd be surprising you. And even though you're able to defend yourself, as soon as there's a gun into play it's a completely different story.

I live in Tiel. Nothing much is happening around here so I don't really have to worry a lot haha.

omg, how scary :-o glad nothing is missing!

I could claim it back I should go to there with the guy who saw them so he could point him out if something was stolen

Sucks but I see you've taken it quite well. Did you get your laptop and financial papers back?

There is nothing stolen they werent stolen.. they where only for 2 minutes in the house and first checked if no body was at home upstairs where they found out I was laying there past out

OK misunderstood that, thanks!

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