Chapter 3: Ricky Bobby and Cookie the Cow.

in #writing7 years ago

I hope you are following the Story of Ricky Bobby. If you need to catch up , here are the links below.

Now as all good things must come to an end... and sometimes a little sooner that later to little donkeys that get into the things on the bedside and kitchen tables! Ricky Bobby's "living in the house" period was over. And, as we have already discussed in earlier post... I do not believe in coincidences. So, I found it no coincidence when about that time, we ( Meaning Dawn and I while working at HSNT) were asked to take a little baby cow.

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The baby cow was actually taken by authorities in a crystal meth bust. She was lying on a hay bale with a large bucket of adult cow feed by her. We took her to a very fancy vet... the kind that works on very fancy horses.. and they put her in a climate controlled stall and gave her i.v. fluids. Also, their sweet intern from South America stayed up and bottle fed her all night.

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Dawn and I brought her home, and named her Cookie. Cookie was the perfect answer to our dilemma with Ricky Bobby. We needed to bring him to the barn, but I didn't want him to be lonely. God gave us a perfect solution for both, Ricky Bobby and Cookie Cow!

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Every morning Dawn and i would meet at the barn. We had a milk bucket with a nipple attached. Cookie would drink her milky milk from the nipple ( thats what we called it...) and Ricky would drink from the bucket. We fed them twice a day every day for what seemed like an eternity. Those two loved it and they loved each other!

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Cookie thought she was a donkey. Ricky Bobby was just a bit older, so she followed him around and did everything he did! They were the favorite of the barn! Everyone loved them... and wanted them.. but they were really in the best place they could be. They were home.

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Although Dawn and I neither one were cattle ranchers, I guess we did alright because boy did that little cow grow... and grow.... and grow! She out grew her brother donkey ! They were getting into everything. Ricky Bobby and Cookie Cow pretty much had the run of the barnyard all day and went to bed in their shared stall every evening after their ... ahem... milky milk, which they were steadily outgrowing.

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But it all worked out for the best. Ricky had an animal friend... and he didn't have to wear those darn diapers anymore. Well almost no more. There was a occasional public appearance Ricky Bobby would be asked to attend and we would put the diapers on... He did not love the diapers but they worked. Cookie Cow loved her new brother and her new home. Win Win.

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Change is inevitable -- it's hard-- it's scary.. but it can be the best thing in the world! I'm sure Ricky Bobby and Cookie Cow would have both loved to be raised by their respective moms in their herds in green pastures. We don't always have control of what happens around us. I don't care what new age propaganda comes around and tries to tell you we control all the universe with our positive thoughts; while yes... positive energy is a real thing.. It's only part of the equation. Sometimes.. Sometimes bad things still happen to the innocent. But being human is encompassing the great ability to have faith and making great things out of the worst things .

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Ricky Bobby and Cookie Cow have a magical childhood. Stay tuned and follow through to the final chapter and see where this journey goes. There is a surprise ending...or maybe we can call it a new beginning!

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