Why Most People Suck At WritingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing7 years ago


Writing is nothing more than thinking.

And most people are lazy thinkers. Most people have some idea about what “great” writing is supposed to look like because they were taught at school what “great” writing was. Then they try to copy the style of these “great” writers and also think of all the people who will be impressed by their “great” writing.

But teachers forgot to mention thinking.

The best kind of thinking emerges organically without conscious control. Thoughts collect energy and flash themselves to you throughout the day and night. Some of these mental collections are more interesting to you than others. Most people ignore these constant flashings because they are too busy or too stressed out or too self-critical.
These flashes are what I pay attention to when I write and I wait until my mind collects them before I begin. The more you notice and collect these mind flashes, the easier this process becomes.


The real trick, however, involves becoming free enough to have time to collect and share these mind flashes.

Also, you have to feel that your mind flashes are worthy enough to be documented. People have been made to feel that they are not important enough to have their mind flashes documented. No one is better than anyone else. We are all humans. We all have a mind.

Most jobs are detrimental to writing.

I've spent my entire adult working life trying to escape from meaningless jobs so that I could have time and space to think. I have always had a very rich imagination that refuses to be quiet. The things that were constantly getting in the way were jobs.

So financial freedom is what is needed before you can start really becoming good at thinking. But you can’t take your free time for granted once you get it. Once you become free and good at thinking, you might decide to share these collections of mental flashes in the form of writing.

But you also might find yourself worrying about losing the money that made you free enough to think clearly and write.

At this point you might want to join Steemit where you can turn writing and social energy into money.

That’s what I did.



Writing is an expression of thought as you did say..
People need to follow their heart. And express what they feel.. Its no good forcing yourself to be creative if you don't feel it..
Great post and much love from me

Thanks for you kind comment.....now, time to relax:

Writing is a lot of things. I like to think that when I write I am giving a part of me. Aloha!

Thank you for your thought provoking ideas about achieving financial freedom before you are truly able to think. At least a dedication of a larger portion of your time to thinking.

Great and insightful! The best writing is when you tap into core of your being, embrace by the creative juices flowing through you. It always turn out to be your own authentic voice and original. Holding nothing back by the ego drive - "what would people think", "what i could be perceived"...The beauty part of the creative process is that it also sometimes liberate you from "who you are not".

I did write the post titled, "How to Write As If You're Dead"....

Thanks for the tips. I hope to get my brain unscrambled enough to write some decent posts.

key: "and social energy"

If you don't like to write, there are plenty of other things to do on here to generate money.
There are dank memes for example

It's the sharing I like; the money is a nice bonus. I've always liked commenting and supporting others posts. Recently I've been sharing some of my photos.

yes, me too. Sharing is the original hook for me.....
If I look back on my life, it was sharing that has been my main activity.
As a child i had over 20 penpals from all over the world, and nearly every day i'd write a letter to someone, and get a hand-written letter sent to me. I'm still that same person.

Keep going. You have a gift. I've enjoyed following your posts over the past year.

thanks. I feel like i'm all over the map as far as topics go....

Great article🌞 You made some great points. I remember when I first joined I asked you how you how you are so free and open in your writing- and you told me to spill my guts out! Anyway, I love all your posts and I don't tell a lot that people that either. Your posts suck me in and keep me glued. Have a great day! 📝

Aww sweet :)
Oops, I just noticed I had some errors in my first comment, I fixed it!!

Great post, and so true! Writing is just thinking.
I am far from a writer, but I have time to think now which must be why I'm here on steemit.
Thanks for this insight

Thinking is the most underrated activity ever.

There are no commercials for thinking.

Fair point.

There should be a thinking Olympics

There are, kind of, in several forms-

but because they're not called such and promoted to the billions of not-terribly-advanced primates swarming the planet, they don't generate the kind of buzz, rewards, or mass motivation any college or pro team of mostly-not-excellent thinkers who might be excellent at kicking or hitting a ball can
Have you noticed there used to be nothing else of significance in the mass-appeal sports world other than the big 3 of football, baseball, and b-ball in the US, and football/soccer (and maybe cricket), golf and tennis to a far lesser extent as the main modes of maintaining blind hysteria in the masses, but now there is opportunity to package and promote nearly any team sport, and a lot of individual activites?
Of course, AIs are robbing a lot of potential interest for games humans used to be the only participants, but when robots do the same thing to physical sports, we might come up with a solution to both out of necessity.

As someone that often have to write for work I have learned to think about writing as "thinking out loud - on paper". Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

For me you spoke volume in what I see is wrong with the school systems. Everyone is always so concerned about having to pass tests that are only good at putting you in a box, and the way you think in a box. Some of the best classes I ever had the teacher was the book that taught the class. The book didn’t teach the class.

The same can be said for most job markets. Every company wants that “perfect” employee that fits in their box of checkmarks. They often overlook and even miss out on great problem solvers that could have solve issues their standard cookie cutter employee will not. Even when they do hire that great problem solver the company’s internal politics and policies restrict that employee in such a way they underutilize those skillsets.

good points. I did go to a private school run by hippies until third grade. I believe this helped to form my imagination...

I was a security guard for 10 years.
That decade of vacantly staring into the distance, thinking my own thoughts, made me who I am today.*
*Not handsome though, I was already handsome.

I was a security guard at a museum, so i get it.

I dont see my original comment here...weird.

@stellabelle i love this. I think people can tend to overthink as well, which can cause a lot of confusion in a persons head when they are trying to write something, writing should just be natural and organic like you said. Thanks for that interview yesterday with Terry, i learned a lot from it!

Peace and Bliss.

it is better when it goes like this:

Third eye explosion!

The greatest gift we can teach a person is "how" to think. We all assume we already know how. Usually, in almost every academic setting, we are only taught the information; we are told "what" to think. The mind is a muscle and thoughts, idead, concepts and images are the different kinds of mental activity, like weights at the gym. Thinking well takes effort and practice. We will never think well on accident because thinking and feeling about anything is by choice which is a function of our will; our will is our personal power to make things happen. If we live on autopilot, dragged around by thoughts and feelings you do not consciously and perposefully choose, we can live under the "power" of someone or something which is not what we want or who we are, and it can leave the inner realm of the heart and mind in a helpless state of boredom, frustration and restlessness. Great post. Happy thinking:)

I can't stop watching this....ahahahaha...Booyakahshaaaa!!!

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