Oh, Say! Can You See? Management and Maintenance of Groupthink in the USA: The Flag

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Deliberately placed in the dawn’s early light, it’s there, flapping proudly overhead. Standing to worship it’s existence is how the average child in the USA typically begins their day.

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What so mindlessly we praise, raised high upon a staff from morning until the twilight’s last gleaming-- that red, white and blue flag-- it might be one of the best mind-control devices ever conceived.

Before They Can Read, Give Them Some Symbology

Here in the USA, the most war-hungry nation on Earth, we adults build indoctrination camps for our youth so that the next generations will be thoroughly conditioned to accept a life of armed conflict, so that they will inherit our vile business of war without a flinch.

The whole point of public school in the USA is to train the children to accept war and violence as being normal and good, and to condition them to submit to the authority of their commanders.

An Army of Enchanted Babies

The first thing the children do at school is salute a flag, so that their young minds will see the symbol as a god-- far more potent than their own parents or teachers-- and that god wants YOU to join the armed forces.

Before classes can even begin, the flag must be hoisted before the children, it’s dire importance popping in the morning breezes as the little cadets march into their cubicles.

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Daily Chanting of Spells

The children are properly seated, but only so that they can then ritualistically stand again, and once again the colorful flag is the focus, it’s symbols designed specifically to penetrate the fertile young psyche that cowers before it.

Religiously they chant together, reciting the spell that will bind them to the starry pentagrams above, pledging their allegiance to an entity that then hides it’s darkness in their innocent spirit and their youthful glow.

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You keep using that word, ‘allegiance’...

What does that flag really mean to a child? It seems to be running with spilled blood, and the device is riddled with pentagrams, symbology and numbers that are absorbed deep into a child’s subconscious mind.

By such stealth the idea of war enters the American children’s mind. We shan’t call it sorcery though, we will call that feeling of anxiety patriotism, and we shall name any child who pledges their allegiance to this symbol of death and war as a ‘good’ citizen.

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We Don’t Call It ‘Sorcery’

The very word is forbidden, and any inquiry into the idea of sorcery is discouraged, so that the flag and it’s symbolic meanings can remain in the shadows of the subconscious mind, a peaceful place where Old Glory can go about the business of making the dreams of our future’s wars come true without being disturbed.

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Walt Disney and Dr. Wernher von Braun

Let Disney Take Over

Take those poor children out of that wicked schoolhouse then, and plop them down in front of the TV so that Disney’s Imagineers can continue with the cultural conditioning; these little warriors won’t fight without some daily programming.

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Disney programming will ensure that the children will notice that the hero of the movie is an orphan who must choose a flag, a flag which will represent their missing parents, and the orphan must then become a warrior for that flag in order to become knighted as the beloved hero.
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Those children who are too girly for such violence will be comforted in knowing that while they too are orphans, that they also secretly possess royal blood, and will one day inherit the whole kingdom anyway.

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These gentler souls can easily believe that they are princesses disguised as peasants, waiting for the valiant warrior to come and recognize their royalty when he’s finished his day’s killing.

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Some Say Guns are Bad

Many will insist that guns should be removed from society forever, but how confusing that must be for the average child in the USA, who has daily been reminded that a flag is to be fought for if it is to mean anything at all, and every kid is taught that the best way to fight for a flag is with a good old gun.

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What is a modern warrior without a gun? Was that mighty flag there on the wall not made by the light of gunfire, sewn by riflemen with three-cornered hats? ’Guns are bad...’ they say, but try telling that to an American schoolboy, who has been thoroughly conditioned and expertly programmed to produce some good gunfire at some point in their lives.

The children may know and agree that killing is wrong, but dare not say so in front of the US flag.

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Management and Maintenance of Groupthink in the USA

So that groupthink and newspeak will seem like fictional ideas from a forgotten world, here in the USA we pretend to force our most rebellious teenagers to read George Orwell’s novel ’1984’, knowing that they’ll refuse to read it, and will thereby not recognize the psychology that is being used upon them.

It’s handy, it’s reverse psychology for herds of humans, and of course by the time they figure out that groupthink is what they have been part of their whole lives, their spirit of rebellion is spent, and they are too old and beat to admit that they were so easily led to war by something as simple as a piece of cloth like a flag.

An Orwellian thing like groupthink-- where a society polices one another’s thoughts, words and actions according to a collective belief system’s ever-changing morals and unwritten laws of obedience-- can never be unseen once seen, so we put it in a place where we knew that our youth would never find it; on the high-school’s ’required reading’ list.

’If the grown-ups say that something is required, it must be horrible.’

If you have ever told a young person that they were required to do something, then you’ll understand why we offered our youth such important sociological and psychological knowledge in this way. There’s war to be made, and we can’t have individual thought gumming up the war machine’s gears, we need daily focus here, and it takes a lot of work.

If for just a few days we were to let our next generation do as they pleased without our constant mental tampering, there would be no wars for us to fight anymore.

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We Could Have Peace if We’re Not Careful Here

Without our wars, the flag can flap all it wants, but without an enchanted youth to empower it daily, the flag would quickly begin to droop, and our children might realize where the cloth’s power was really coming from-- they might figure out that they are actually creating their own futures, and that they have no real use for such a mass mind-control device like an ever-flapping flag.

Without our constant wars going on, who can imagine what these young people would do with the planet!

all images above thanks to Wikimedia Commons, for more variety, click beneath these birds:


click @therealpaul for more


Look a picture of Hitler and Van Braun

If indeed we stop sending our precious children to govern-cement schools, in only a couple generations, there will be no war, because they won't be trained for it, nor will they think it is a good idea. The idea of war will be repulsive and stupid.

"Why don't we sit down and find out what our friends really need, and see if we can provide it in a mutually beneficial way."

Haha, nothing like a bit of Dallas Goldbug to cloud up the waters a bit more! Then when it's played backwards, with Hitler being just some artist who happened to make a good MK Ultra victim, and Disney being the biggest psychopathic threat that the world had ever seen, it kinda makes ya go 'hmm'.

That cultural conditioning on the children has to be kept up daily, their little minds tend to wander off to play, entertaining more peaceful things.

The trouble is, looking at the whole WWII thing from Goldbug's start, to many things make sense. Like why did grandpappy Bush finance an insane artist? Why did German propaganda films look so much like Dizney. Where did someone very good at moving crowds come from?

If we accept that Dizney is Hitler, the path that Dizney studios has taken makes sense. All of the resources to Germany makes sense (of course you help out your own) And the nitty gritty of project paper-clip makes sense. So, it is really hard not to go where Goldbug has lead.

I know, it does all make sense, and I can't even begin to argue with the Disney/Hitler theory. Goldbug has a lot of matches that are hard to deny, while the few that require some stretch of imagination tend to make his work hard to share. The Disney one hardly makes sense any other way when all of factors that you mentioned are taken into account, and knowing how little we really know about our history.

We live in a disputed state, so we don't really feel patriotic about the flag.
But our education was like this, it still didn't change our minds

You are absolutely right, the government of all the countries always influence the masses against humanity. It have been creating narrow vision of humanity and brotherhood by adopting various methods from the school level, by creating patriotic songs, by saluting the people who fight for the country etc. The innocent are victimised vastly without knowing that they have been utilise by someone against humanity. Thanks for sharing such a valuable lesson friend.You are always superb in your thoughts and talents, Have a great night my friend.

A narrow vision of humanity, that is an excellent way to word it. The little ones seem to be taught that killing is ok if they are wearing the right costume or badge. Thanks for reading!

In Canada, when I was a kid, we had a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II staring down at us in every classroom. I remember how I could feel the authority vibes.

That sounds creepy indeed. Equally creepy is that down here in 'South Canada', the general population actually believes that they escaped that crown years ago, and that they are now "free."

I can still remember her face. When you flip a coin, she's there about half of the time as well. She's everywhere...



This is one of the best articles I have read so far!!!!! You have discussed a very sensitive but very crucial topic with a humanistic view!!!! I am with you.Whatever the logic that you are bringing into discussion are the best and it is how it should change!!!! Great job

When I started writing it was with a sarcastic tone, but I prefer not to use sarcasm when the truth is available. I do like to look at things from all sides, and sometimes I play the part of the bad guy here to make a statement. Maybe this was written from the perspective of the objective observer, who was also in a sarcastic mood :)

good post my friends like your friends post, I upvote and resteem yes

I hope that you read this before resteeming, but I appreciate the upvote either way. Thank you.

In Russia, the same education as in the United States, I think it's an education all over the world.

That doesn't surprise me, I didn't want to speak for the whole world, as my experience is in the USA, but the formula for control seems to be international.

Yes, you are right friend.

I fully agree, man! Flags do serve the purpose of dividing more than uniting. Dividing among nation or race, or even species. It's one thing to force someone to take a side, but it's another to consciously segregate people. What if we were all united under one flag? Would that be such a bad thing?

I tried to think of a flag that we are already all under together, and I thought of the sky, but unfortunately that shady outfit the UN already claimed sky blue as their color. Maybe the starry night sky is our true flag, each of us beaming from the display in starlight.

Be careful when you talk about going against the governmental norm they want everyone to go by. they will label you all kinds of things. But in honestly this is one reason I chose to home school my children. I want them to be able to think for themselves and learn the real truth about things. I loved your writing.

I'm happy to hear that you have home schooled, that is the way of the future I believe, and you are a pioneer in the creation of that generation of independently intelligent beings who will know better.

Spot-on. The US educational system is babysitting, brainwashing, and recruiting.