in #writing7 years ago

In simple definition, success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose, also success is the achieving of the results wanted or hoped for.
Everybody want to successful in his or her own life or endeavor but the question to ask is that; does everybody have what required to be a successful man/human?
Based on this question, I will like to discuss little of requirements and qualities of successful person. Everybody knew that hardworking is the one requirements to success but the requirement to success is far above hardworking alone because working hard without others factors in the consideration will not make person successful man.
For example, I have seen a student attended lectures, did assignment and other instruction given by the lecturer and at the end of day the student failed that particular course, can we say that student is not hardworking, NO but that kind of student forget to consider other factors that leads to success.
One of the other factor that leads to success is belief, individual must belief in the process that the person embarks upon, by so doing it will possible to transform the vision into reality and be able to achieve desired result (success). But, if there is no belief the person can’t achieve any result no matter the effort contributed to the process.
Also, another factor is to know the purpose of the process or anything embark upon by individual, this is necessary because without purpose of any process to achieve result will be the difficult.
There are other factors that are attached to the success, among them are: focus, accountability, smile and silence.
I will like to let everybody knows that; Smile can solve problems and silence can avoid problems.

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