Janet Yellen Just Said The Most Ridiculous Thing We've Heard All Year!

in #yellen7 years ago (edited)

Of all people, the last person you should ever ask about what is going to happen in the economy is a central banker or a Keynesian economist.

They are, after all, communists trying to centrally plan the economy. Commies are always clueless about economics.

And, their track record of predicting the economic future is almost perfect in that they almost always say “this time things are different” just moments before another crash happens.

In September of 1929, Keynesian Yale Economist, Irving Fisher, said, “Stocks have reached a permanently high plateau.”

Less than two months later, the most devastating stock market crash in US history occurred along with a 12-year depression.

More recently, Ben Bernanke, in 2007, said, “Our assessment is that there's not much indication at this point that subprime mortgage issues have spread into the broader mortgage market, which still seems to be healthy.”

And he went on to say,

“The global economy continues to be strong, supported by solid economic growth abroad. U.S. exports should expand further in coming quarters. Overall, the U.S. economy seems likely to expand at a moderate pace over the second half of 2007, with growth then strengthening a bit in 2008 to a rate close to the economy's underlying trend.”

Then within weeks, the biggest housing crash in US history occurred along with the biggest stock market collapse of all time.

And, now, Janet Yellen has come out with a shockingly moronic statement, saying,

“Would I say there will never, ever be another financial crisis? You know probably that would be going too far, but I do think we're much safer and I hope that it will not be in our lifetimes and I don't believe it will be.”

Well, it is either moronic, or she is outright telling us that the US will soon be entering into hyperinflation.

Let’s analyze what she said.

First, she was speaking without a teleprompter, so it’s possible she was off her meds today and was just rambling and making stuff up at random… because a lot of what she said in that interview was really meaningless. But, Greenspan was a master of that, so maybe she is learning Greenspeak.

But, her statement that she doesn’t think there will be another financial crisis in our lifetimes needs to be considered.

At first, I thought she meant, in “her” lifetime. And, being 70 years old my first thought was maybe, hopefully, she has cancer and was going to die soon.

But, she didn’t say “her” lifetime, she said in “our” lifetimes. What’s that even supposed to mean? Children alive today should expect to live at least 70 years. Or longer. Did Janet Yellen really say that she doesn’t believe we’ll have a financial crisis in the next 70 years??

There was one less than a decade ago in 2008. And, almost every metric is far worse now.

US government debt has doubled since then to $20 trillion. The stock market is at all-time highs having nearly tripled since the lows in 2009.

Well, if Janet is claiming the banks are so solid now, their capital to assets ratio must have gotten much better since 2008, right?

Hmm, it’s gotten worse. And don’t forget we are nearing the end of the nearly 40-year long bond bull market.

So worldwide government debt has skyrocketed, stocks are at all-time highs, the bond bubble is close to popping and banks are leveraged more than they were during the last crisis in 2008/2009.

And this data makes Ol’ Yellen quite comfortable in predicting that we’ve got 70 years of smooth sailing ahead?


So, really, there are four possible reasons she said that.

#1 is she accidentally took an extra handful of Prozac that morning and she just kinda went a bit loopy.

#2 is that her and all her communist economists got together and tried to make a prediction… and just like almost every other central bank and Keynesian economics prediction in the past… it is almost exactly wrong at almost the exact time when things fall apart.

#3 is that her handlers told her to say it because they love giving the public the exact wrong info at the exact right time and think it is funny that a lot of people will be trapped in the stock market and banks just as they pull the plug on the entire financial system.

Or, #4, is that the Federal Reserve has already planned to go into hyperinflation in the event of any crises which would technically save the banking system from a “crisis” but leave all bank account holders with worthless dollars.

Now that I look back on all four options, I actually think all four could be correct.

If that is the case, Yellen saying there won’t be a crisis for at least 70 years should be all the warning you need to begin to prepare for a crisis to happen imminently.

Cryptocurrencies have been skyrocketing, and some people are suggesting that it is because a lot of the smart money is preparing for a complete financial and banking collapse to begin soon.

This could be the case as I have met many Wall Streeters who’ve told me that this is what they are doing.

It could also be the case that the cryptos are the recipient of some of the inflation the Federal Reserve and other central banks have been pumping into the economy.

But, whatever the case, cryptocurrencies are certainly one way to protect yourself from a banking crisis. So, if you don’t know enough about cryptocurrencies yet, please check out my free four-video webinar HERE.

And, as well, I want to give away our book, Getting Your Gold Out Of Dodge, for free to you today to make sure you have some of the basics to prepare for the coming collapse. You can get it free, for a limited time only, HERE. It normally sells for $44.95, but we want to help as many as possible to survive the coming financial crisis.

Because if Yellen says there won’t be a financial crisis for at least 70 years, then that is all the evidence you need to know that we are just weeks or months away from the next big crisis which could leave your bank collapsed or the dollars in your account nearly worthless.


"It depends upon what the meaning of the words "our lifetimes" is."

Skip to :17s for the good stuff.

I try 🤣😎😂😎🤣😎😂

OMG! That video is funny! Now look what you've started, President Pussy Grabber...


crypto is the future and I personally dont accept any other point of view from a Bnaker.
they are damn sucking people's blood and don't even care about what is happening with cryptocurrency, they rather want to destroy it.
crypto is easy, fast, secured and ability to dominate is 100% coming soon, as ordinary people accept it day by day. It can take people out of poverty and then peace.

For every blood sucker there's a pied piper. Dollar Virgil presented his video blog of how wrong Bernanke was. Here's Dollar Virgil going into the "great" memorial day 2107 bitcoin dump.

Like a little kid who just busted open the pinata. A few days latter...the great memorial day dump begins. The low for that dumpf? Bitcoin 1880 on sat night of memeorial day weekend. But where was Dollar Virgil to sound the alarm about the great buy opportunity? He was down in Mexico shooting coffee lattes up his ass. Nice post on Facebook, Jeff...I'm sure that one went viral too.

Next? A move in bitcoin to just under $3000. Do ya think Dollar Virgil noticed? Why hell yeah he did. Here's our boi right here.

Nice work on the first try Jeff. 30% from peak to trough. Any one who actually listened to your sorry ass is only down 20% right now from your most recent Bitcoin $3000 party where the idiots who fell for your hype were served fruit punch flavored with your piss test that you do each day to make sure you're sugar level is right. Great health tip videos. Maybe you should just get off bitcoin and become a health guru and let the guy you pick on for being a health guru bitcoin wannabee alone. He "obviously" has more of a clue than you do. I think you can accomplish a 40% drop this time...out-"Cramering" even Jim Cramer. Janet Yellen sure hasn't been able to make the markets drop 30% twice in 4 to 6 weeks. You'll be a fukkin legend if you can do it. :-)

LOL I have been recommending bitcoin since $3 in 2011.... making many 100,000% gains. Go fuck yourself you jealous, pathetic loser.

Enjoy it while it lasts. I'm a new bitcoin buyer. I don't own a single coin so I don't give a shit where you have been. Only where you are going. I'm glad you are at least man enough to not block commentary at your blogs. People should be able to watch a nobody like me take down a self proclaimed ex-spurt like you.

Ex-spurt definition: Ex >>> has been...spurt >>> drip under extreme pressure.

Yo Jeff! I have been outlining the obvious "manipulation" in the daily bicoin trading..and how you could use the HUGE volume spikes to daytrade "actual" bitcoin. Do you know the guy that just stepped up after this little mini drop. Look at that volume Jeff. That "had better not" be you. I'm sure that's why you are in Mexico. You are preparing for govmint actions perhaps? :-)


Also, to let you know that if it actualy was you making that big trade up here. Well played! ...if you wuz selling. I imagine you are just banking some gains becuase you want to spend frivolously on something else? You da man, Jeff! :-)

One "last" thing. If you wish cancer on anyone...not just Yellen, it is then fair game for me to say that I "hope" your rectal injections give you hemmorrhoids. What are your followers going to do then, Jeff? There will be no more Dollar Virgil ZIMA (zomething in my ass!) buy signals. Anxiously awaiting your "buy the pullback!" call. I'll leave it at that for now. Til Bitcon breaks belowst $2000.

You only have $1.76 in your wallet - Jeff Berwick makes more than that when he farts. Maybe you need to worship satan...

You are co-wreckt! In fact, Jeff likely has made more $$$ just off of your upvotes than I have in my wallet. I'm "positioned" better for Jeff's champagne and cigar spews than you or him currently though. I don't care where bitcoin has been. I only care where it's going. Thanks to Dollar Virgil it is now going looooower. Enjoy!

I have investments in 10 different cryptos, and all have them have gone lower this week, but today eight of them are rising - the only two that are still dropping are Steem and Steem Dollars.

The Bitcoin I own has been a lot lower (back when I bought it!), and it is now rising again. The only people who are losing on Bitcoin right now are the people who bought at it's peak, and even they will be looking OK in a month is my bet

The one that's rising fastest today is Etherium, but that has nothing to do with Jeff Berwick!


YOu can follow my blog on U.S. exchange traded bitcoin tracker GBTC and you will know exactly how much higher and lower bitcoin will go anyway. As GBTC goes so goes bitcoin. And as bitcoin goes...so go the rest of the crypto universe.

You might want to follow mine, I've done pretty well - you don't look to be raking in much cash!

But I guess with $1.63 in your wallet you are ready for action! And I think you may have set a Steemit record for the most zero payout posts - here is a hot tip - include at least one picture in each post...

I stand corrected. Dollar Virgil posted that first video on May 25th. That was the Th bitcoin opened higher and then dropped $500 like shit through a goose. Good move doiing a special Utube post to let everyone know they were getting their asses kicked. Yeah...you saw it coming. You nailed it to the very day actually. :-)


Couldn't agree more. Yellen is a puppet and the more confident these "puppets" get on national television = the market crash is coming sooner than you think. However, if the puppet masters and plunge protection team (Fed Reserve) can keep this Market afloat for a few more months....here is some free technical analysis on ethereum to cash in on (Eth going to $125...get ready to back the truck up): https://steemit.com/ethereum/@eightyeight-mph/ethereum-price-correction-usd125-usd150

Awesome clip!

What's with those people?
Is Yelen in the know? Or is she just a useful idiot?
It always amazes me... the more they talk... the less they actually say...
It is like going to school. If you walk out you are actually more stupid.

You are better off listening to what Janet says because Dollar Virgil thinks the dollar lost 90% since 2011?


Everybody knows the mainstream media is a bunch of clowns. So why listen to a bunch of clowns when you get get all your misinformation from a "new media" guy like Jeff "Bozo" Berwick?

With all due respect. But I have made more money listening to Jeff than to a banker.

Jeff's job is to steer people away from bankers because of the coming banking collapse. Always make sure you time your bank withdrawals according to Jeff's videos. If he is sipping champagne, let your money stay in the bank as bitcon is about to drop. If Jeff is getting an enema...that would be a good time to do your transaction. That is what the evidence is showing anyway. So if you have yet to make your first bitcoin purchase and definitely want to becuase Dollar Virgil say bitcoin is not only pretty neat...it's fukkin awesome....always wait until Jeff has zomething in his ass.

Jeff's a smooooth operator...like this guy.

So joejustjoe ... where is the smart money in your world? You`re long on faux criticism of banking and corporate media, but you cite "Marketwatch" which is heavily pro-fiat money, central banking currency, while condemning Jeff who you say is there to steer people AWAY from the dollar and bankers. You're position is contradictory.

Oh, I dunno...maybe I actually like the dollar. What's not to like? Dollar Virgil and 99% of his 100K Utube followers certainly don't like it. I trade against sheeple and lemming mentality.

This post received a 1.1% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @thedanzel! For more information, click here!

This post received a 2.8% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @thedanzel! For more information, click here!

I have to upvote myself. Because people still just upvote the first comment and NOT the comment with the most value!?

I wrote an article about the dunning kruger effect and its only 2 days left to get a reward.


I will 100% downvote @lexicoin and @dollarvigilante just for teaching people how this site works in practical why.

Keep fighting for TRUTH!!!

This post received a 3.4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @tuvokhl! For more information, click here!

wym downvote and why? (i know what a downvote is)

Regulating value.

Another great post.

Haha what a ridiculous statement!

Keep on STACKIN that gold and silver :)

Get your 500oz silver and 5 gold. Then stack blockchainz.

More precious metal... then tons of cryptos lol

You know, we'd all have a lot more if we were capable of following proper boating safety regulations.


Sure. Anything but toilet paper money :)

But lets not defame TP to much ... :-) I seem to recall massive shortages of the stuff in Russia after the breakup of the old USSR ... as a matter a of fact I seem to recall the story of a party member standing up before the Duma proposing a new 3 year plan. The party member first proposed all Russian citizens have two cars by the end of the first year, which was met with wild applause. By the end of the second year every Russian would a have vacation home in the country, and by the third year, all Russians would have their own airplane ... all proposals were met with great enthusiasm. Then after the applause died down one Duma member asked why every citizen might need their own airplane ... To which the addressing party member responded; " Ah, yes Comrade I`m glad you asked ... suppose you live in Leningrad and suddenly hear they have toilet paper in Kiev"

Definitely 🤣😎🤣

Yellen is talking crap. we will see a financial crisis soon as what you always predicted. Hold on tight to your seat belts before that.

HAHAHAHA!!! She is mastering the art of Greenspeak... Hilarious Mate:)

I think the bond market is F*cked and I wouldn't keep any money in bonds to be honest. The overall market to me looks stable, but never having another recession again is ludicrous. I would be happier with a little higher GDP growth, and some damn tax reform!!

Federal Reserve = Not federal, not a reserve

FED = Fucking enormous dickshits

Nice one.


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