UN Is Seeking $22.5 Billion To Help 91 Million In Need

in #yemen7 years ago

The money requested is to help the most vulnerable people in 33 countries, and even though it'll drop the need for aid in many countries it will not dent most of the world's crisis.

91 million of the 136 million people across the world are in desperate need of humanitarian aid due to natural disasters, political conflicts, and epidemics.

It is estimated that 130 children are dying every day in Yemen, and the number is rising by the minute. According to Helle Thorning-Schmidt, CEO of Save The Children International children in Yemen are dying of diseases that were overcome in many places over 100 years ago, including cholera.

20 of the 25 million people in Yemen are in desperate need of aid and close to 9 million are hanging on by a thread due to the lack of food. With all the blockades, it is almost impossible get resources for the people in need.

U.N. humanitarian chief Mark Lowcock has made several requests to the Saudi-led coalition to lift the air, sea and land blockade on Yemen that it imposed after a missile attack.

Down below are heart breaking pictures of some of the children suffering from the civil war.

Mother holding her very malnutritioned child.

Link to article from The Washington Post underneath.


Very very sad... makes me reconsider the issues in my Nation, Venezuela, and their REAL scale :(

That is an element which brings to from]nt of the donor countries spreading there hands for the to help their reason mean bad governess, wars militants due these things peoples are suffering around the world we surprising element is this person around the world who are also in the diffusion still did not have anything where they can generate funds while spreading hands to the countries like the USA,Uk and other richies countires and also they want run UN on there the finger tips it is said in the third world moslt people suffering for food, clean and also education which is basic need of any socity.

Google Translate #fail ... + your grammar sucks ... + learn to use dots and commas, for pitty's sake!! :@

It is very disheartening to see those images from Yemen. Why can't Saudi Arabia stop bombing their brothers- I thought they are muslims too. The US is well aware of what is happening but are benefiting greatly from this. Its no wonder Trump was all smiles when he signed arms deals worth 100 billion with Saudis. Where does he think these weapons will be used/ being used ?

I appreciate your comments @practicaleric ✌✌

Well, if this goes like a typical UN funded (anything) then the person in charge will hire himself, and all of his family as special teachers, overseers, accountants...

Then they will go to the foreign country and schmooze with the leader at some high priced parties.

And then they will help the cholera outbreak to expand (or get it started as the did in Haiti)

Finally, they will ask for more money, to keep the parties going.
I wouldn't invest one dime in the UN until they actual start doing anything close to what they say they are to do.

Further, the words "Human Rights" are the most insidious, most awful, most evil thing ever. But, those of us who went to govern-cement schools will never know this, because we aren't taught anything.

If you are a human, you are on the same level as a cow.
You are a man. (or woman)

Human, or hue-man, means the color of a man. Just like the color of law. You are a not a man, you are a thing pretending to be a man. If you are just pretending to be a man, then you can be treated the same as a cow.

Further, the UN's "Human Rights" can be revoked at any time.

A man has rights given by God and they can never be removed.

Ow this very sad, i wish the people of yemen get help soonest, thank you for creating awareness

So Sad:( Governement and Banks shoud helps people not destroy their economy

This is incredibly sad, it is heartbreaking to see people suffer. I wonder if SmartCash would be a viable possibility as an effective solution to bring resources to help this crisis. If you pitch the idea to the SmartHive and if 75% of the people vote yes you receive all of the money requested. This is very sad, and I believe Cryptocurrency could provide solutions to help this unnecessary suffering.

Thank you for sharing about the plight in Yeman. It is important to reach out and help with any and all means, including our voice. Well done @joseph. I'm not here often on Steemit, but I came to give some comments, uplife some people and submit a few new post. I've up-vote to send you an encouragement.

aw this is really sad. i know the mother holding her malnourshed child is suffering it too under her cloths. i was so sad after a glitched hapoen on my account just because of 5sbd but this people is beyond sadness.. they really need help.

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