Human opinion has created all religions on earth!

in #yeshua5 years ago

Social media is a fascinating insight into human opinion, upon which all religions are based, human opinion that is! How can I say that? Well you can read the Bible which is God's Word and you can either obey the Word God has given or you can form your own opinions based on some of the stuff you have read in translations of it. If people had actually done the first then society would be a very different place as all would obey God's Word and refrain from sin and obey His commandments that say this as Yeshua put it, (Mat 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind. Mat 22:38 This is the first and greatest commandment. Mat 22:39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Mat 22:40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.)For if people were to observe these two laws, none would do anything to either do wrong to God or their neighbour. We would have peace on earth people! As Truth would have it though, people do no such thing! They make up their own gods in their own image most often although sometimes when they worship others they put them on a pedestal! On the whole though people make themselves their own god and pass it off as thought they were serving the God of the Universe confirming yet another scripture of Truth, (Romans 34 Never will God be anything but the Truth but man(kind) is a liar just as it is written, in the manner you were justified(made righteous) is where you gained victory instead(or over) of your damnation). This has been done for centuries and still goes on each day as mankind continues to be liars and God continues to be True as He does NOT change! Yes people, Truth is an absolute just as Truth is a person and His Name is Yeshua! And just as That Person is only One so there can only be One Truth and not many versions of it just as people imagine in their heads to be which is really nothing more than those same people imagining themselves to be gods! These people have bought into satan's original lie and thus they partake in that same sin Adam and Eve committed! They ate its(the lie's) fruit in other words! The fruit was never on an actual tree(it was but that was the physical) but the fruit they ate was rotten and it was a lie. The 'tree' it grew on was satan(the destroyer). He destroyed the good that God had created and so before any of this took place in Eden God had already devised His plan of salvation, to save His creation, the Universe and all in it! Yes people it's not just about us even though you may place yourselves in that spot there are many more heavenly creatures we know nothing more about than what the Bible tells us and many more on earth we know nothing of just the same! Now the only reason I'm writing this is to try and wake you up from your many delusions and start seeking the Truth with your WHOLE hearts! These scriptures really say it all properly translated that is(once the man is a liar layer is removed and the Holy Spirit steps in that is!) Here, (Galatians 519 But the works of the flesh are apparent(easy to see) of which some are adultery, porn(fornication), uncleanness(physical, spiritual and moral), lusting, 20 idolatry, pharmacy(witchcraft), hatreds when you are jealous or angry, electioneering(putting oneself forward for political office), divisiveness, heresy(meaning of which is to prefer one's own opinion instead of God's Truth), 21 envies, murders, drunkennesses, revellings(riotings) and the like of which I forewarn you and I also told you before that those who practice such will not inherit the Kingdom of God.) All these and more will stop one from entering the Kingdom of Heaven and see how many people will twist and turn to justify their version of their god which is really just them of course! For example how many "christians" do you hear say, I'm in or into politics because how else can you make a difference or bring changes! Sound familiar? That's because it suits their false god, ego! And right there is again the sin of heresy(αιρεσεις=prefer self) a word purposely translated wrong by many Bible "scholars" for obvious reasons of self delusion. Now I know that people reading this will come from two camps, those interested in Truth and those NOT. The second group will go on happily deluding themselves telling themselves that this guy writing this knows nothing and the Bible I read is fine it says something different etc. But anyone who truly has the Holy Spirit and has ears with which to hear will be nodding right about now! The only reason I write this is so that I have obeyed the Lord in doing so and so that that second group will have NO defence on the Day of Judgement! Therefore if you belong to that group let me warn you one last time before you unfollow, unfriend or whatever you think will set you free to continue in your delusions! You are hereby ignoring one of God's last warnings before things really start hitting the fan. You think the climate disasters you are seeing(or ignoring most likely in your case) around the world are bad, the earthquakes, the blazing hot sun etc. When the anti-christ rounds you all up and gives you the choice between losing your head or being able to buy and sell you had better make the right choice because what ensues is your eternal reality or very temporary one and if you can think for yourself at all you can match up which belongs to what destiny! As for those making the wrong choice a lot of pain is coming your way and will last for eternity so this then warning you yet again repent while there's yet time because time will end soon for the world as you know it!

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