Having trouble accessing your upper back and shoulders in backbends?
Does your lower back seem to be irritated before you are even able to feel any sort of activation in your shoulders or upper thoracic area? .
For me, elevating the feet has worked wonders in safely working through and progressing in backbends-I highly recommend giving it a go. As always, be a scientist. Pay attention to your body and to what it is telling you each and every posture. Every day is different so don't expect the same results from one day to the next.
Enjoy. 😊🙏🏼😊
good reminder I need to stretch after sitting at this computer
I am older and less flexible, so I stretch while lying down on the floor and pulling my legs up to my chest, also good for the abs, no more sit ups just legs lifted and bend to the chest.
LOVE! We need more yoga posts on here. Thanks for sharing :-)