Little Glimpses

in #yoga8 years ago

I don't know why, but my nature is to tend people. (actually I do know why, but that's for a different post.) That's right, to make sure they are happy, see if they need anything, ensure comfort, and to prevent or ease discomfort. This sounds lovely, right? And I suppose it is in many ways, but it can get out of balance such that I end up unconsciously feeling responsible for the experiences of everyone around me. 

Realizing this habit of mine I declared my intention for the month of July to be:

To hold space for folks and let them have their own experiences. 

In other words to not intercede and try to fix everything and get wrapped up in feeling their pain and resistance, but instead to stand by as a friend, steady and stable, with love and compassion and let them process their way through their own struggles. 

Earlier this week my sweet SIL began attending my favorite yoga class. She hasn't been practicing yoga much lately and this is a challenging class. I was there in class with her on her 1st day and over all she seemed comfortable. But, I thought I could sense her feeling challenged a few times. This should be expected, because this is a hard ass class!! In the past I would have started making assumptions about what's going on in her head and looking for anything that I could blame myself for. Just crazy shit like: 

this class is too hard for her and now her discomfort is my fault, because I encouraged her to come. Oh no, she's taking a child pose! Of course that's what we encourage students to do if they need a break, but I'm afraid this child's pose means she is miserable. I want her to like this class, but I'm worried she hates it. She just can't wait for it to be over and is never coming back! Oh great...the instructor just called out a REALLY challenging arm balance that I love, but I don't want to make SIL feel badly if she can't do it so I will just hold back and skip it...blah blah. 

Yes, listening to the committee in charge of blame and worry inside of my head gets very tiresome. 😫

But all those thoughts like that, which normally would have been triggered by SIL's challenging moments...didn't happen this time!! I actually practiced my intention for this month and Held space. I maintained mental steadiness and ease instead of dropping in to the old habit of worry and blaming myself and trying to think of how I could change/fix the situation. Aka resisting. I even put my full effort into those hardest of arm balance poses. 

Glimpses of bliss!  😊💗🙏🏽

(photo credit @sean-king)

Talked to my sweet SIL after class, and she didn't hate it! She came back for another class later in the week...and she is now even signed up for 2 more next week. 

Breathe. Hold space. Let others have their own experiences. This is a big part of my practice right now. 

Namaste 🙏🏽


Its nice to be calm inside. I was tracer (guy who make Parkour) and in that moments i feel my self good.

Thats me...

Amazing shot! U r a natural for a physical yoga practice. Do try it.

I've Always Wanted to do yoga :)

That's a pretty neat intention of the month!!!

I have never practiced Yoga myself, but I think the mind body connection is a very important and cool thing.

As a music teacher, (It's summer so I'm not teaching right now) - I try to foster the 'Students having their own experiences' at the same time as doing our curriculum. Whether it's my Choir classes with singing and sometimes improvisation or my general music classes trying to understand a new piece of music and how the instruments all work together - I let them tell me what they hear instead of forcing my will upon them.

Great post!!


As a writer, I have to practice this with readers. Obviously, I can go to Goodreads or Amazon and see what experiences people had with my books, but, for the most part, it's not my business and I prefer letting them have their experiences without my involvement. That's one of the harder things with releasing a book, actually: recognizing it's not yours anymore.

So maybe this is a universal common struggle? Thank you for commenting Leta. You are one of my favorite authors.

You sound like a wonderful teacher then. Exposing them to information but letting them make their own conclusions based on experiential learning. Your students are lucky to have you.

It is easy to self doubt base on the "Comittee". I think I make a the point a bit differently

Yes I think we can relate to one another. Although we do have different ways of expressing this. Great post you did.

You too thanks .

Speaking as your sweet SIL (<3), I'm glad you didn't go there in your head because I wasn't miserable at all. Poses were challenging at times and it was an interesting class, but I didn't have a single moment of misery. So I'm glad you didn't let yourself worry about that.

Regarding the theme of this post, I've also been working to hold that kind of space. Had a conversation with someone yesterday which consisted of, "I'm going to let them have their feelings about that and I'm going to have my own feelings over here. Their experience doesn't need to be my business." high five

High five back! I think we r both on growth paths to be having themes and efforts in common. love...

Namaste! Props to you for the dedication and practice over the years to be able to do this and with great form too! :)

I love meditation, but yoga is too painful for me, at least for now)

Sounds like you are suffering from a form of social anxiety. Everyone is responsible for their own happiness. Happy you are holding your space to allow yourself to rest. This is also something I've worked on over the last year. I feel much stronger in my ability to self sooth.

Yes! I am aware that the mental committee chatter that I have to fight thru to think clearly is a form of social anxiety. Awareness helps quiet the beast as well as not denying I'm trying. Glad you feel that you have made progress in self soothing too.

I live in Japan. Thank you for the very beautiful photo

My pleasure and thank you for the compliment. Your photo of you(?) in front of Mount Fuji(?) is tremendous as well.

That's right. This photo Mount Fuji.
Fuji is a very beautiful mountain.

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