Set me off!

in #yoga8 years ago (edited)

I was back in yoga class again today. (I know...go a lot. Thank You for affording me that, @Sean-King) I was rolling about on my Dharma Yoga Wheel (DYW) and enjoying how the stretch felt and loving the feeling of expansiveness that this tool helps brings to my spine…to my Full body, really. Then it hit me that a few years ago all of this DYW rolling, and many of my now favorite yoga poses, would have totally set me off for hours, or days(!), with back pain. 

Then It hit me... the same thing has happened to me mentally from years of yoga practice as well! Before years of yoga practice little ole things would trigger me and set me off! For example, coat hangers...yes, freakin' coat hangers! 😆 When they used to become entangled I would get BEYOND irritated, yank them all down and throw them in the floor screaming and stomping my little feet in a fit of rage!  However, when this happens now, I just sigh and smile (laughing inside at how this used to piss me off) and slowly untangle them. They're just freaking coat hangers for goodness sake! No biggie.... Or now a days if someone is a jerk to me and cuts me off in traffic or in line I just breathe, and generally feel unruffled. Before my years of yoga such moments like that could trigger anger and resentment. Setting me off for hours of irritable grumbling misery about how I was wronged...the nerve! 😡 

Anyway, it's not like I took a yoga workshop on How To Not Get Pissed Off At Coat Hangers And Asshole Drivers. It just happened for me over time through the practice. 🙏🏽 Just like really deep back bends or even clasping my feet together behind my head no longer set my physical body off into spasms, stressful life triggers like a fender bender or the puppy peeling on my rug no longer set me off in a fit of rage or days of angst (not as much anyways...😉)

Grateful for this practice.  



I have been inching my way towards being able to put my left foot behind my head. My right let still needs a lot of work. I need to practice a lot more. Really awesome how yoga helps your everyday life get better. Its not just about achieving the poses but what achieving them allows you to do differently in our everyday. Great post!

Foot behind the head was arbitrarily my goal pose when I first started practicing 9 years ago. It wasn't a reasonable goal at first! But little by little as I let go of the goal and just started enjoying the practice more and how good it felt to stretch that deeply into my just happened. millimeter by millimeter. Thank you for commenting. 🙏🏽


Oh my god! That's some insane level of flexibility there! How many years have you been practicing?

Thank you! This pose, believe it or not, feels amazingly good to me now. I've practiced for 9 years.

Wow! I was going to ask if you were always this flexible but your comment above answered it for me! 9 years is quite a long time. It's great to see your passion for Yoga at this level. :)

Great job I am astounded how flexible you are and you arent bad on the eyes either :)

Thanks, honey. I enjoy the practice...keeps my crazy away.

Yes! The yoga is super! She helps to find peace of mind and to bring a body into a good form.

Hooray! I enjoyed yoga today, too. I really does put me in a good frame of mine. I'm so grateful to have a class time that fits my schedule. Thanks for working that out.

😘 I love having you in class.

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