How To Get Paid To Watch YouTube Videos - The Internet Goes Wild!

in #youtube6 years ago

Whatsup Steemit (Even though i'm using

I said, Whatsup Steemit? I can't hear you! oooooooooooh.....Who blogs on a decentralised blockchain application under the sea? I do, it's me! Sorry to disappoint you, I know the tune is stuck in your head now. Me too!

Breaking news..This just in..Extra, extra read all about it

Now that I have your attention, I wanted to peak your curiosity with my latest discovery in the world of Blockchain. Ladies and Gents this is a monumental day for those of us who internet! You can now get paid to watch YouTube. Yes, we've made it, we've reached the promised land. This is a new day, the site is called BitTube and it is the American dream.

Getting paid to do absolutely fuck all but eat Doritos and watch videos online has been the dream of many interneters. Gone of the days of having to be an influencer and doing all those squats and showing off your ass for likes, or making lets plays or any of that shit and hope to earn some ad revenue.

@dTube and @dLive made those concepts an antiquated way of the past with the power of STEEM. But it still required you to put in the effort and create content and edit it. Like why would I want to learn how to use Premiere Pro or PowerDirector? The last time I made a video was with windows movie maker, it was shlep then and its a shlep now, just a shlep in HD or 4K!

So why would I want to do all that if I can get paid to watch cat videos and vine compilations?

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Show me the money

BitTube is the new Kid on the block tryna make a name for himself, make money and chill with the honeys, sign autographs and offer whatever the people want from it! So BitTube is a bit like dTube in that creators earn money from their efforts in the form of a native currency called Tube. However, there is an 80/20 split and 20% is split with the viewers of the video.

For the sake of my sanity, I won't go into the details regarding the mining process, you can read that yourself, DYOR!

Tubes are currently available to buy and sell on the following exchanges:

  • Bittrex
  • Upbit
  • TradeOgre
  • Livecoin

BitTube + YouTube

The problem with BitTube as you can see from the screenshot is its filled with shitposts. It's more like shitTube than BitTube. So I was like I don't care how much I earn I can't put myself through this pain and watch these terrible videos. I'm sorry, my mama didn't raise no fool.

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BitTube homepage of shitposts

But then I found out about a nifty little browser plugin for

Which allows you to watch your YouTube content on BitTube and earn money for it! Once the plugin is installed you can browse your regular content on youtube and watch it on bittube to earn coins!

So you can earn money with bittube, just by being a viewer! Simply create an account on and use this browser plugin to watch your youtube content on there.

Isn't that the most amazing thing you've read all year?

Not to be Cock-Blockchain'd

So not to be left behind and cockblocked, titTube I mean Tube8 has decided to do the same thing with the use of a shitcoin ERC-20 token called Vice Token. Which should be availble sometime next year but who really cares? You can read more about it here from an article on Coin Insider Her -

My issue with paying people to watch porn is who watches that much porn to make it a worthwhile exercise. As a dude, I've watched porn before and well not much has changed. It's a total grind fest, it's like Minecraft but you're watching a penis smash into anything it can find, instead of a 2D character.

It's not like im going to binge watch a whole lot of porn like I do on Netflix now am I? I am not going to hit up my favourite porn podcast for 3 hours like I would YouTube. I'm not going to watch my favourite nude version of hot ones - The show with hot questions and even hotter wings (I'm obliged to say the tagline. Sean Evans holla at your booooy).

The average porn site visit is 12 minutes, 12 bro, that's how much the normal person can handle watching a show that has no character development, poor cinematography, a terrible played out script, wooden acting and don't get me started on the characters questionable motives and decisions making. I DON"T get why the pizza boy is getting laid, I don't! Can someone explain this to me???

So whats the damn point? Seriously porn, stop trying to make crypto happen. Its never going to happen for you!


Have any tips or just want to tip me?

If you have jumped into BitTube already, how has it been treating you? Are you enjoying it? How much have you made thus far? Do you ever get nervous? Are you single? Let me know in the comments section!

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Howsit...nice review, made me laugh.

Have you figured out how much you would make by watching Bittube though? Thought that might be interesting.

Viewer rewards = ( 13.3 ÷ 10,000 ) × 60 ≈ 0.08 TUBE per hour so roughly 2 per day if you watching for 24 hours. Basically fuckall at current valuation. Its like 12 cents a day or rather R2.50 but a lot more than you're currently getting from YouTube.

I would say earn some of it if you can help it and then exchange it for Steem!

Ok, thanks for that. I suppose it ads up eventually if you could watch 24 hours a day. There is always the future value aspect though so could be worthwhile in the end.

I suppose so and while the value is low and you getting stake before everyone else gets in is a good thing, i can see plenty of early Steemians who are a testiment to that fact!

Hilarious review. I might check out the plugin for Chrome and watch my youtube channels that I do anyways. Won't earn much from it but I'm going to watch it anyway so might as well do it via BitTube.

Lol thanks, it was a pretty boring topic, I had to jazz it up somehow. I'm thinking the same thing lol my affinity for listening to podcasts on YouTube may earn me a little extra tokens I can hopefully exchange for STEEM! Lol ill convert anything i get for free into STEEM

This was very entertaining in a pile of shitposts.... in the article didn’t you mean shitvids? Lol good job writing in this comedic way... now how much Tube did u earn?

Posted using Partiko iOS

LOL thanks I’m glad to see there’s a few who appreciate my terrible humour!

Yes I stand corrected shitvids let’s coin that and mint it next to shitposts and shitcoins lol

Oh if you must know I got to about 0.04 TUBE so far! I tend to listen to podcasts and long music complications on YouTube so I’m just hoping that behavior will earn something I can trade for STEEM!

If someone where to watch for the sake of earning man you’re going to have a mad time! At least I’m still being constructive while I’m listening I can blog or do work!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah i prefer ridiculous reviews to serious ones, it’s harder for AI to replace that style !

Posted using Partiko iOS

Well I’ve been trying to find my voice and style with all the cool arty, writers or hobbiests and vloggers having their formula I just didn’t feel up to that

I guess I’ll have to start doing a few more quirky reviews, could be my niche!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I’m thinking of going full on parody like my actifit Fail blog since parody is what i enjoy the most. There’s a shortage of this kind of stuff

Posted using Partiko iOS

Sounds good to me, there are enough stiff steemians and serious steemians it’s time for the rise of the silly steemian

Posted using Partiko iOS

Everyone is better at being themselves... if people were themselves we would have much better reading material

Posted using Partiko iOS

This was my favorite line: “Whatsup Steemit (Even though i'm using”

Posted using Partiko iOS

that titTube part.
it was the most interesting part, dude.

Lol that was just me trying to spruce up a pretty boring topic so I thought what the hell let’s include this too

Posted using Partiko iOS

it was so good though.

Posted using Partiko Android

Nice post what is your user on Bittube, mine is 7yonilkar7, I want to see good content too.

Posted using Partiko Android

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