How To Move From Pipe Dream To Attainable Goals.... YES YOU CAN!!! Also, @saywha is saying YUNK is DED --- UH excuse you?! ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!

in #yunk7 years ago (edited)

Face Palms All Around

One of the first things I noticed as crawled into chat this morning was that @saywha had hijacked the Yunk channel and renamed it Anti-Yunk.... Not cool!!!!

My problem is this -- We have this brilliant person @yunkzill who is started his witness campaign and He HAS my vote! But the concept of Yunk (that began as a great joke) is so much more than that.

We have a word that we have been using to express how cool it is to participate and make a difference in the Steemitverse by being a better Steemian.

So how do we take the pipe dream of what Yunk started as and turn it into an attainable goal?

Acknowledging Imagination

Let's go big on this issue. Most people think that making $1 Million in a year is a pipe dream. Why? Who told them that it is impossible to earn $1 Million this year? Or were they told this their entire life?

The most Yunk thing to do is acknowledge the beautiful imagination for without it we would not be sitting here reading and writing on the blockchain. The next thing to do is bust out the pencil and paper -- we have work to do.


Yunk It Up

I am going to be honest -- do not start with a realistic dream when you draw your first map. It is better to get it all out and do map out end result several times. There are no wrong answers, but rather new questions that need to be asked.

I am going to share with you my process for this year. If you have a dream and are not sure how to get started, leave me a comment and I will do several maps over the next few months for you wonderful Steemians. Because that is how I YUNK!

First, write your dream down -- don't be skimpy. I want to make a million dollars in the next 12 months. Being that this is not my first time mapping, I know two things, this is a business related goal and that I am starting from scratch.... a million bucks in profit is a great stretch with my current resources.

However, the better and more attainable goal is:

Gross over $1 million in sales/rentals in the next 12 months

Now this it is time to call this a goal, but how do I get there? What do I need? What Yunksources are going to take me to the promised land?

The idea is to list every single stepping stone that is needed. And I mean EVERY SINGLE STEPPING STONE. Do not think about the big goal being unattainable or it will always be just out of reach. Instead focus on what you would need to get there. Do not let lack of current resources stop you from listing something.

Think of it this way...Fake It Until You Make It. Successful folks do not place tacks on their roads. You are designing a map to destination and your thinking should reflect this idea of success.

Here is my list -- although it is quite basic. In Reality, this should be an 8 hour or more project. My goal is to get you started on seeing success instead of clouds floating by -- beautiful, but always out of reach.


All Roads Lead To The Big Goal

The thing is that Rome was not built in a day and it wasn't destroyed in a day either. A project is only as good as you as the time and effort that you invest into it. If you want to sell insurance, but all you do is throw you name on some business cards and leave them around town, do you really expect to get phone calls? No. That isn't a plan -- That is LAZY.

What you should notice as you list out your needs is that categories formed -- on average there are between 3 to 7 roads that you must be traveling on towards the big goal. Ready for the big secret?

Those roads are have goals on them. Now you went from the big goal to have a ton of itty bitty little goals -- this is how successful folks get where they are going. They do not let the big furry monster in the room distract them from all the stepping stones that are needed to slay the furry monster.

In my case, I have 5 roads (for now) that I am traveling on. In a few days, I will begin breaking these roads down into their "stepping stones" so that you can see how project management is not a scary concept, but something that IS necessary to successfully move from pipe dream to attainable goal.


Copyright © 2017 by Diamond Sutherland, All Rights Reserved.


"What is dead may never die" - yunkborn

I got Yunk for millions.

millions of what? unknown variable...

RESTEEMED - I am a firm beliver in never letting yourself put up your own barrier to success. Imagination and work can do wonders if utilized with the willingness.

Great post. Though I can kind of tell you wrote this passionately aha (I wonder if you will guess why I say that ) :p

I have my goals -- true. But you have talked with me long enough to know that they are never just about me. :)

I intend on making a sound investment in the amazing folks that are here.

I use the yunk tag in every post, yunk is alive and well. throws yunklove

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