[SteemApp] Steem Store development Status (May 1st)steemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year

There are some progresses on coupon posting.

Posting a coupon

Uploading images and description about the coupon.

Now you can see the preview of the coupon post. It will seem like this one above.

If you tap on the 'options' on the bottom, you will see the following options view:

Here you can choose the thumbnail image which will be shown in the feed screen.

About this app and service

The service model is very simple. There are two stages.

Stage 1: Bring many new users

  1. The app provides a very simple sign-in method. Quick account generation.
  2. A new user gets voted by a voting pool.
  3. A new user can buy a mobile coupon such as a coffee coupon with the earned steem.
  4. This app is considered as an X2E service.

Stage 2: Users' Store

  1. A user can sell a product or an item
  2. Other users can buy the item

We need much more apps on Steem

I summarized the services that I am developing.
We need much more apps to make Steem great again!

Please resteem this and support my witness.

I am losing my witness ranking.
Please consider voting for my witness

@kopasi (증인 보팅 부탁드립니다!)

@steemcurator01, Thank you for Your Support


Posted through the AVLE Dapp (https://avle.io)


Sounds really amazing can't wait to see and try it out. Wonderful work my friend.

 last year 

thanks! i am doing my best!

You are welcome

즐겁고 보람찬 한주 보내시기 바랍니다. ^^

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