How Intermittent Fasting and Diet Change Cured My Depression

in #health7 years ago

A lot of people have been asking me what it was that made all these changes in me in the last few months.

It was a lot of things and a progression of about 2 years of work on trying to heal myself.

Psychedelics played a role, especially in the early days. Some forms of counseling helped. Exercise helped. Meditation helped.

But, nothing seemed to have as large of an effect as fasting and diet.

All of the major changes all happened right on my very first juice fast. On my first juice fast I quit smoking... and I wasn't even trying to quit smoking... it just happened.

A few more juice fasts later and I became a raw vegan/fruitarian. Again, it wasn't even something I wanted to do. My body all of a sudden just told me that is what it wanted.

And a few master cleanse fasts later and I quit drinking.

And from the moment of my first fast my depression went away. And once I transitioned to a raw vegan/fruitarian diet along with daily intermittent fasting where I would not eat between 9pm-3pm my depression was a thing of the past.

My diet can most easily be explained by reading this book, "Prof. Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System."

In the book, written a century ago, he explains how he cured virtually every disease known to man via this fasting and diet system.

And, surprise surprise, as his method was becoming popular he was found dead in strange circumstances... almost certainly killed by some faction of the US government wanting to protect the pharma and food industries which would be destroyed completely if everyone knew this information.

Here's more information on how this diet and lifestyle change seemed to have cured me of depression and much more:

As a sidenote, I watched the documentary, What The Health, the other day and it does a good job of explaining just how a vegan diet can heal people... and it is even more healing when you combine it with a large amount of fruit intake, raw vegan and fasting.

You can see What The Health on Netflix or currently here on Youtube:

Since doing this diet I've heard from hundreds of people (yes hundreds!) who have tried it and every single person has said it has cured them of their ailments or they are feeling better than they have ever felt in their life.

I suggest you give it a try!


I have experimented with a lot of different fasting approaches and I really enjoy intermittent fasting. During the day only pure water, cold pressed juices and Orin then have one meal whenever fits your schedule, I usually eat in the evening, preferably raw. If anyone have any questions regarding fasting feel free to ask, gonna make some videos about it going forward! :)

Awesome. What about the fiber that you're missing out when juicing. I usually go for smoothies because of that, but I'm curious what your take is on it. My fiance and I have been intermittent fasting for a few months and really seeing great results and feeling awesome. I think a good tip I realized was to ease into it, starting 1 day a week, then building up from there so it's easier to sustain. Looking forward to learning more about your experience!

It depends on the status of your internal system and unfortunately most people are a big mess inside. If you got a lot crap clogging up your system the importance of good fibers goes up. If your clean though fibers are not as vital.

I wanna shine a light on the four sources of pure water ( all machine-made distilled waters [distillers, evaporators, condensers, solar distillers, air wells, fog fences and dew ponds], all sky distilled waters [rain, mist, snow, dew and fog], all body distilled waters [saliva, plasma, amniotic fluid, urine and breast milk] and all plant distilled waters [raw fruit and vegetable juices] )

Will make a post with more in depth information about water and show you what kind of equipment we use here in our little communal house in Gothenburg , Sweden! :)

Awesome to hear! Looking forward to your future posts on water. I'm fascinated by water and feel there is so much to learn about it. As an avid gardener I also am excited to do experiments on different types of water and how it affects plant growth. Great to connect, @reko!

Cool! I'm mostly focused on foraging at the moment. Lots of nettles, dandelion, ground elder, wild grass etc. Use it mostly in cold pressed juices with apple, carrot, lemon, ginger... after one of those it's definitely FULL STEEM AHEAD!! ;)

Awesome! Do you harvest the nettles only when young or when they are full grown as well? I have lots of them around here. Do you harvest with gloves or have a good technique to avoid getting stung? Thanks for the advice and here's to natures abundance!

I harvest them all season long, my Green Star Elite juicer which is especially good at wild greens which saves me a lot of energy chewing and digesting.

Nettles can really hurt though as most knows, the trick is to not touch the upside of the leaves and avoid stroking motions. I usually do without gloves and just be steady and precise. If I get tagged I just take a leaf on the downside and roll it into a ball. Then just rub the place where it hurts and it works as an effective antidote.

Very interesting about using the underside of the leaf to calm the sting. The stinging kind of feels good haha, I wonder if there is a medicinal quality to it?

Have you heard of that black vegan bodybuilder who does 24hr fasts ? He just eats one meal at noon the size of three meals everyday. Think he is in his 70's but looks like he is in his early 40's

Yeah, I definitely found some of his ideas to be inspiring. He definitely looks so young. Pretty amazing. Have you seen this:

Thank you. This video was amazing.

I know right! Pretty wild stuff. That video first got me into IF.

The Story of a 78-Year-Old Vegan Bodybuilder - Jim Morris: Lifelong Fitness - Short Film

Wow. It is unbelievable. He doesn't look 78. I think, a person who is a vegan doesn't have complete minerals and vitamins his body needs.

I have heard of that one! A friend of mine tried to do that, and he actually really liked the way of eating!

What The Health is a documentary I purchased on Vimeo because of its excellent research and insightful (secret) recordings. "We cannot do the interview based on the influence of nutrition on health. The hospital makes money off the patients." Took a long time to get that on camera, but Kip Andersen managed to uncover a lot going on in the world of pharmaceuticals and hospitals.

This post received a 2.9% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @ericwoelk! For more information, click here!

Bro, i never expected a guy like you being depressed.. lol.. especially when travelling the world and making thousands of dollars
everyday.. ;) cool post though..

that's kind of the whole point of him posting this... depression can/is affecting nearly everyone in the world... we have to be more vocal about how we feel so we all know where we're at together. 1love

Good on 'ya Jeff!
Yep, I've been intermittent fasting for over a decade before coming to realize (just recently) that it was the "right" thing to do; powerful Dr. Rhonda Patrick!
Jeff, you may want to explore biphasic sleep; I've been experimenting with that since 1998...
No clinical data out there that I've found, solely anecdotal evidence, and this practice has served me well.
Have a wonderful week brother! 😊

Thanks for sheering

I like that you got more personal recently, and have focused on looking at growth and health more. A lot of humans, I think, are missing genuine, raw interaction in their lives, and they love to see people being real and open about life and the learning process. If ya never pretend you've got it all figured out, most won't expect you that you do. :)

Keep it up, Jeff, your posts brighten my days!

I returned to Steemit today, btw. Go see my post....if ya want. You know I cant tell you what to do! ;)

I've heard our gut is linked to our brain and serotonin is produced there too. So cleaning out the gut will improve the head.

yup research gut brain barrier/axis

Hi Jeff, What a beautiful post - it's so important for people to know that all emotions have their 'nutriments' and if you cut off the source of that 'nutriment' then the emotion will cease to manifest (Thich Nhat Hanh). I'd be fascinated to hear what you think about the massive EOS ICO that is going on right now - it seems like a game changer? My post from this morning:

Have a beautiful day!


Totally agree with you @jeffberwick. I've been doing intermittent fasting for about 6 years and it changed my life. I don't really think about it anymore, it just became who I am :)

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