The two slaves (Fables)

in R2cornell4 years ago



There were two slaves who served a certain master who said to one of them

-"You must take this trunk to the other side of the ranch, for we need the things found there.

Looking at the other, he said:

-You will go with him so that he can do his work, and you will be there if for any reason the trunk or the slave does not arrive at the agreed place.

The master left and the slave said to the other:

Take the trunk and start walking.

So he did, but this one was big and heavy, so he said to the other slave as he walked:

-Help me for a while, for this is heavy, and it will be easier for us to carry it.

To which the other replied:

-Of course not, I have not been given that task, it is you who must carry it.

They were walking, but in the morning heat and on the long road the slave was so tired that he was carrying the trunk that he said almost begging the other one:

-"Help me, I feel like I'm dying.

He repeated the same thing and a few meters further on the slave carrying the trunk was dead of a heart attack, this attempt to make him wake up but it was found that this was already a corpse and was still halfway through the journey and he remembered the words of his master where he warned him that it would go very badly if the slave and the trunk did not arrive, so it was time for him to lie down on the back of the trunk and the corpse. Then he thought:

"Why didn't I help when I was asked? Now as a punishment God will make me carry an even heavier burden than I refused to carry.

This is how it was, the slave had to do this work and with this he learned to listen to others and not just think about him, because his actions would have consequences.

So it is better to do good without looking at who.

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