
¡ǝɹnʇnɟ ǝɥʇ uᴉ pǝʇoʌ ǝq oʇ ǝɔuɐɥɔ ɹnoʎ ǝsɐǝɹɔuᴉ oʇ ʇuǝɯɯoɔ sᴉɥʇ ǝʇoʌ puɐ ɹoʇɐɯǝǝʇsǝɹ@ ʍolloℲ ˙sɹǝʍolloɟ sʇᴉ ɹoɟ sǝʇoʌ ƃuᴉʇsɐɔ ʇoq ʍǝu ɐ sᴉ ɹoʇɐɯǝǝʇsǝɹ@
oƃɐ sǝʇnuᴉɯ ᄅ · (Ɩ-) ɹoʇɐɯǝǝʇsǝɹ[-]

spammity spam, upside the dam,
see the falls trickle, you fickle!
Don't resteemate me, you be crazy!
Spammin' all ridiculous, I'll give you a small flag ;-)

(-; ƃɐlɟ llɐɯs ɐ noʎ ǝʌᴉƃ ll,I 'snolnɔᴉpᴉɹ llɐ ,uᴉɯɯɐdS
¡ʎzɐɹɔ ǝq noʎ 'ǝɯ ǝʇɐɯǝǝʇsǝɹ ʇ,uop
¡ǝlʞɔᴉɟ noʎ 'ǝlʞɔᴉɹʇ sllɐɟ ǝɥʇ ǝǝs
'ɯɐp ǝɥʇ ǝpᴉsdn 'ɯɐds ʎʇᴉɯɯɐds

[-]resteemator (-1) · 2 minutes ago
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b e v e l - l e v e l - l i m i t - l i b e l

c r e a t e - I f r o m - n o t h i n g - e l a t e !


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