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RE: Social Contracts and Sacred Rituals

in #anarchism8 years ago (edited)

Hello rage-flag boy,

Indeed the social contract is ridiculous but you can renounce your U.S Citizenship and go live in Liberland, an an-cap nation in Europe with absolutely no problem. 2 friends of mine did just that. Another one lives now in Kuwait and another in Sweden. They accepted all of them them with no problem after filing the form for political asylum. It's time consuming but it can be done.

You can't expect others to give up their dellusions just because you have a different set of morality in a place where you were borned much later on. Simply, it won't happen. Tradition is a very strong influence on someone. They don't care about logical fallacies. Logic gets you from A to B when you define the constituents of an argument. For example "I love my country ---> therefore I follow its rules". Go tell a Murica man that he is doing an "appeal to emotion" argument. Simply, this college-tier arguments are just intellectual jerk circle that belong only in safe spaces like college campuses.

This is why doing (like living in Liberland) is much more effective than talking — especially when you do it in the most philopolemical nation of this planet, the US-of-f'in-A. It's like preaching to cannibals in the Amazon that human consumption is wrong and that it violates individual rights. You might be correct in your western-anarcho-voluntaryist glass bubble, but they simply don't care.

Remember. Morality is subjective. This is why you shouldn't bother with other people's morality whether they are stoning people in the street, burning women along their husbands (india), drowing young girls (china), executing people (usa), etc etc. If your way of life is more efficient in liberland then more people will join constituting USA or any other "social contract" nation obsolete. In this way you become a voluntaryist (like moi), minus the whining.

PS: Here is how voluntaryism is done


Anyone who disagrees with you can have force initiated against them for trying to leave without permission?

Violence isn't an argument. Morality isn't subjective. We've already covered this on other posts.

This is why you shouldn't bother with other people's morality whether they are stoning people in the street, burning women along their husbands (india), drowing young girls (china), executing people (usa), etc etc.

Are you really suggesting that these things are moral from a certain perspective? I wouldn't bother with their "morality" because these things are immoral.

If your way of life is more efficient in liberland then more people will join constituting USA or any other "social contract" nation obsolete.

I'm not sure why I would need to subject myself to the initiation of force in order to not have force initiated against me.

Again, appeal to the cudgel isn't an argument, sophist.

Anyone who disagrees with you can have force initiated against them for trying to leave without permission?

Depends on the principles of morality of that particular country. I don't agree with it but that's just the way it is

Are you really suggesting that these things are moral from a certain perspective? I wouldn't bother with their "morality" because these things are immoral.

You seriously need to open a dictionary. Same applies to your cheerleaders

: beliefs about what is right behavior and what is wrong behavior
: the degree to which something is right and good : the moral goodness or badness of something

What is good and what is bad is also subjective. Depends on the environment and culture. I can't believe I have to spell these things to you...but i guess if you accept this your entire tinfoil philosophy crumbles.

I'm not sure why I would need to subject myself to the initiation of force in order to not have force initiated against me.

Whether you like it or not you belong in a society that rules with a democratic rule. One of the rules is the initiation of force as a moral constituent.

Again, appeal to the cudgel isn't an argument, sophist.

Try again. I am explaining basic definitions from the dictionary. You are the sophist since you use the words as you wish.

Whether you like it or not you belong in a society that rules with a democratic rule. One of the rules is the initiation of force as a moral constituent.

Truth and morality aren't democratic. Doubling down on your appeal to force doesn't prove your definitions; it just makes you an asshole. Fuck off bro

But they are democratic. I am not making the rules. Nature does. Whatever you considere "moral" is the cumulative will of the people under specific enviromental conditions.

This has been true throughout human history. Also, how the heck you can live with your hypocrytical self when you restrict freedom of speech and then reply on top about voluntaryism?

We obviously have 2 sets of morality and insist that morality of objective. room temperacture I.Q my dear SJW.

(make the gf picture bigger...probably the best thing that happened to you after your long term relationship with your hand in your mom's basement)

@kyriacos, indeed many can leave, pay their slave fee of renunciation and establish a freer life abroad. There are many places we could go and be freer as immigrants than as property of US Inc. Of course, immigrants in the US can enjoy more freedom than their home countries in many cases, as well as more freedom than US citizens residing in the US. But that's another topic.
Some of us find it incredibly difficult to leave because of various responsibilities. I, for one, am enslaved to a medical system that I have tried for years to escape. It's not my health. I have been blessed with a healthy body. But my wife had cancer and is unable to manage her health without modern medical assistance. It's not terribly difficult, but still constant and necessary. In order to move abroad I must find a viable means to provide the medical attention she needs. Making such a transition is incredibly arduous.
I was two months from leaving just two years ago, when my plans fell through due to external manifestations I had no control over. So I've been back to the drawing board, attempting to figure out a way to make this work.
You accuse folks of broad brushing in their comments about government. But a few breaths later and you're broad brushing people who want to make a change locally because expatriation is too difficult in their current circumstances, or they just aren't yet willing to do what it takes. In my case, I'll do it, and would have already if it was just me. But I cannot drag a wife with compromised health someplace where she cannot be taken care of.
I would advise some study of empathy and de-escalating debates. Disagreeing is fine. You and I have traded disagreement politely, I think. But some of your comments come across as the proverbial bull in a China shop. There is a wide arc around your swings that might be better served with more graciousness, compassion and surgical precision.

Much like the rest of guys complaining you have to weight the good and the bad. Obviously USA has a shit goverment, plenty of initiation of force (worst country i ever lived) BUT

has plenty of comfy shit as well that nobody seems to complain about. You see it is one thing to be an idealist, a couch philosopher and another thing to actually live by the things you believe.

Yeah, sitting around complaining doesn't really do any good, and will ultimately breed bitterness. Learning how to think rightly and acting accordingly is the goal. It still has some tremendous obstacles for many though. Others feast on whining anyway, so will never do anything about it. There are those that really want to but never overcome the fear of the unknown. Yet others understand the challenge and choose to stay for various other reasons, because there really are some wonderful opportunities, incredible beauty and a great deal of wealth here.

LOL! They will force $3000+ out of you to leave or they will also throw you in a cage.

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