
So going soapless and without deodorant can reduce anxiety. Fascinating! That is the best post I have read from you and deserves an upvote indeed. I suffer from depression and panic attacks so I may try this. It makes sense. We should probably get away from food that has been treated with all the crap and packaged too. They probably do not want folks to know this as it is all about money. LOL Thanks my friend.

@readallaboutit, this is very interesting. I resteemed it but not much luck on other people seeing it. You will have to do follow up posts. I am on discord part of the recovery-addiction room I will bring it to their attention as their is quite a number of people suffering from depression and anxiety. I thought you are a young guy, now I see you see 50 years? I am glad you found so much relief!!

I agree about the re-steems, but I always try. How do you "repost" a post? Must you just copy the whole thing and post again? I told some of my family about this today and I did tell them in the recovery-addiction room in PAL on discord about it. I actually cannot believe that going "soapless" have such a great effect on you. My sister in law asked if she can then maybe wash with "aqua cream" So I told her about the"chemical free" soap. I struggled a lot with depression a few months ago but it is all better now. For me, it is controlling my thought patterns and not giving in to the "sadness". Instead of giving in to the negative thoughts and start crying, I chat with my hubby or just go to sleep and when I wake up, I am all better. Since I have been practising that, it is going a lot better. If I start to think all the negative thoughts then I spiral down into an abyss and start feeling suicidal very soon. I was free of depression for over 9 years and this year it just suddenly hit me again. I never thought it would come back, but that's life I suppose.

We are not allowed to drop links there, but I did tell them to look at your post and mentioned your name. There were a few that reacted. Thank you for your in-depth reply. I appreciate your reply. The most important thing is that you figured out it works for you. I am so glad for you. I will try it sometime when I can take a day or two when I am not so busy and running up and down the whole time. I understand how you copy the post, with the 2 windows open. I usually do that when I do a post because I almost always refer to previous posts, so I copy parts. Wishing you a great week further!

That's a very interesting thing for you to have picked up on and noticed an immediate difference in your mood and health. I am glad that it is working for you. I have a few factors that might limit me from this experiment. I will try it out for a day. You know, M.R.E. (military ready to eat) bags that our servicemembers have to eat when on field-ops or deployments...a lot of the preservatives in those meals use the same ingredients as shampoos and conditioners, you can't help but think...just how terrible that ingredient is if it can preserve a food's shelf-life for years like ages 12+ and why is that so close to our bodies. Sorry for taking awhile to come on over and reading your article. Thank you for dropping by and reading mine. I appreciate your time in generating content and curating for your fellow steemian community who write as well through your comments. Have a wonderful weekend!

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