
There are many out there. This one was from jwildifire :) gonna try out the others today!

Chaotica is a good program and the renderer is probably faster than JWildfire, but you cannot render big sizes unless you buy the full version.
That's ok if you can afford to, but JWildfire has more, much more to offer and it's free!

I think jwf won't run well in my computer... Hell none of the programs do when rendering... It likes to use all my computing power for it :( there a way to do it faster?

You can choose to only use part of your processor power by going into the Preferences and choosing "tinaPreserveFreeCPUs"
Here's a visual for you -

Make sure you have the correct version of Java installed. If your machine is only 32bit, then you need 32bit Java and 64bit if your pc is 64bit OS.
If it is 32bit, then you will not be able to render very big sizes. I'm not sure about how big you can render, but it is not very much. Maybe 640x480?
Much better to use a 64bit Java with a 64bit OS.

At first I didn't but I redownloaded the 64bit Java. Still takes ages :( hardware is decent too on my pc

Yeah, render times can be long, depending on what type of fractal you're trying to render.
What quality is your render setting set to?
Look at the settings next to the big render button on the top right side.
I usually render to 1000 quality on my screen renders and 2000+ on print jobs.
Take your "zoom level" down to near zero and your "ppi" up to above 300, I try to be above that, but if you are slowing down, then drop it to 300-ish. You can set those in the center of the bottom of the editor with the first tab at the bottom open.
What size are your renders? Bigger than 1920x1080?
How long are they taking approximately?

I don't recall exactly.
My house been out of power since yesterday. I'm currently at work so I can't really remember. Been busy with the Irma hurricane.

No problems Mark, more important stuff to consider with the effects of Irma!! Be safe!

The program is JWildfire, it's free and open source.
I think it's the best 2D Fractal Editor available.
Try it out!
You need to have Java installed on your machine, that makes it work on any system. If your system is 64bit, which most are now, get the 64 bit version of Java.

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