Ant-Mimicking Jumping Spider (Myrmarachne melanocephala)

in Beauty of Creativitylast month

This typical spider is widely known as ant-mimicking jumping spider, one of fascinating species that I rarely found throughout the years involving in finding and observing the insects or spiders. I barely saw this spider for having a tiny body which sometimes run fast and hid behind the leaves or even it jumped over. It is know known for its remarkable mimicry of ants. This adaptation not only helps it evade predators but also allows it to get close to its prey. Part of the Salticidae family, these spiders are known for their excellent vision, agility, and distinctive hunting strategies. Myrmarachne melanocephala is distinguished by its elongated body and limbs, and a coloration that closely resembles that of ants, particularly in its black head and thorax, which mimic the ant’s head and body. Frankly to say, it took me much time to make it steady and though it was extremely hard to tame it anyway, but the more challenge it gave, the more I wanted to take its pictures, and after having several attempt, I was finally able to take the couple of pictures of this beautiful tiny creature.





LensLensbong Macro/Modified Macro lens
 last month 

You photographed something quite terrifying, by terrifying I mean the front part of the face really looked quite strange and terrifying to me. But it was a beautiful presentation.

 last month 

Unique and beautiful spider. I saw this spider first time and love to see it.