
in #blazers2 years ago

We rediscovered the 44 VHS tapes, Arnold Attic home videos. We saw the Blazers beat the Warriors. I predicted they would win. We visited Uncle Story. My first time at Prime Time where we said hello to Don who was the father of that one chick Katie knew. We took the Tri-Met Bus and MAX Train. Crazy homeless man with trash bag on the MAX. Interesting to see the people at the Rose Garden.


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Why is Eliza Bleu attacking people?

Oatmeal Daily - 2023-02-08 - Wednesday | Published in February of 2023


Before going to Taco Tuesday on Tuesday, I forgot to mention me and Rick talked to Michael Vanderzanden for like an hour. Storm messed up the carport. Trailer park management added siding when repairing. Different than the other carports and sheds. Mike went up there with horse shoe like nails or what have you to make they do not roll off. We talked about Kyle, his family. Memories of the past. Like sleeping. Getting a call, get to work at 7Eleven. The arcade in his room. Stories. Tuesday night and Wednesday night, me and my brother slept in our original room in the Forest Grove Ghetto (FGG). I was on the inside, My brother has a water breathing machine thing to help him sleep. I was up around 09:00 AM or maybe earlier. Breakfast, 09:00 AM. We went over to see Dave Webber or Weber who is the pastor of the Cornelius Community Baptist Church (CCBC) which was out first church. We moved into the trailer in FG around November 1983. Toilet near my bedroom I think said October 1983. Dan Lawler founded CCBC around 1982 or something. Met at houses and other places. The church building was finished like in 1985 or I forget which year. Mom was going even before the building opened and took us her kids. Dad came a few times over the years in the 1980s and 1990s. Dave was like the third pastor from like 1987 to 1992. Not sure but it was a few years. After that it was Tom Harris from France. I mentioned it to Dave that morning. The other guy in the office was Mark who I did not know. The church looks good. Dave had a nickname, Uncle Story. His story on that was people wanted him to preach. He didn't want to do it full time. He already did other things as a teacher etc. So he would do some preaching. The Uncle Story character was for Vacation Bible School (VBS). I remember that. Maybe. Like last person to call him Uncle Story was Cody or whatever his name was like some years ago or whenever it was, I think I played with Cody etc like in the 1990s like 1998 or whatever or whenever it was. So Rick shared his Honduras ministry and a paper about it with Dave. He did the same for Sharon Tuesday. So that was good. We went back home. We stopped by Walmart. Rick got window wipers for Robin's jeep. Maybe bought other things too. We were able to find the 44 VHS tapes, the Arnold Attic of Oatmeal Joey Arnold, in the suitcase in the shed in the carport at FGG space 163 where we grew up at. I took photos of these 44 or so tapes. I was also taking photos and copies and stuff of the 58 VHS at LMS on and off over the years since like 2018 or whatever too meaning like 44 plus 58 tapes. Well plus around 200 or more tapes. Well, not exactly 200 tapes on top of that as most of that is not home video related at all. But this has been in the works for years and you see other articles, videos, posts, tweets, blogs, etc, for more information. We went to not Sunshine Pizza but Prime Time instead which is what it became later on. People burned it down. They ended up building a new building in a new location nearby. We said hello to Jesse Vargas earlier that day. Guess who works there? It is none other than Don Earley or whatever. His daughter had another kid at the age of like 40. Good to see him. We took photos there in front of a Blazers picture and a ball. We hop on bus 57 just like we did as boys back in the good old days. We hop on the MAX in Hillsboro. We hop off at the Rose Garden. We took photos in front of the fire. We waited a bit in the bar near by. I see cute girls here and there. We could not get the digital tickets to work when coming into the Rose Garden. The QR code not working, maybe a phone resolution problem. So we had to go to the ticket master which I think moved over to the building nearby. We got old fashion paper tickets. We got in. I filmed and took photos. I maybe was on TV there for a second here and there assuming it aired. We see Terry Porter doing a show inside. We shoot this small basketball and I missed both shots. Was trying to win a free car. We walk around. We get popcorn. Girl in front runs her head into my leg for a second where we sat at the top behind a hoop. She said sorry and I said no problem. She was with her BF. More Warrior fans than Blazer fans it seems. Just the three of us at the game, me, Rick, dad. Game started at 07:00 PM. Blazers won. I may add details later on. We almost got lost walking the long way around the Rose Garden before finally making it to the MAX which went to Beaverton. We were going to hop on Bus 57 there but dad wanted to hop on the next train to continue to Hillsboro that way. We see guy with a trash bag of food and stuff. He was dumping food from the ground into the bag. Like from the floor. I was thinking maybe he was cleaning up a mess. But Rick was like no I saw him eat food off the ground. Like he crazy homeless and I say maybe so. So we hop on bus 57 eventually. We stop by 7 Eleven near home and I get spicy chicken wings. That was good for my dinner, around 11:30 PM or after. This is an outline of the day. Maybe there is more. But this is just from the top of my head for now. Please see the videos and photos we took this day for more information.

Answers. Archeology. Archive. Articles. Art. Arts. Autobiography. Basketball. Bible. Blogs. Books. Choices. Communication. Construction. Contact. Content. Copyright. Crypto. Culture. Dance. Design. Dictionary. Directory. Download. Education. Emotions. English. Entertainment. Feelings. Find. Freedom. Fun. Games. Geography. Groups. Health. Help. History. Home. Independence. Language. Law. Legends. Life. Love. Market. Math. Memes. Mirror. Money. More. Music. News. Other. Parts. People. Photos. Places. Play. Problems. Psychology. Questions. Religion. Rights. Services. Science. Social. Sorry. Store. Support. Technology. Timeline. Topics. Videos. Visual. Watch. We. Websites. Work. You. Zoo. Timestamps: All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Daily Oatmeal Post. Welcome to the Oatmeal Daily with your host, Oatmeal Joey Arnold. That's me. I'm Oatmeal Joey. Each day, I publish these entries, posts, articles, web pages, stories, etc, to websites, etc. This is mostly a personal blog, diary, journal, or autobiography. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. However, the template here is mostly that of a boring log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 09:00 AM. Forget dreams. Sweep. Mop. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, instant oatmeal, 09:00 AM. Lunch: the Prime Time Burger and fries at Prime Time, 03:30 PM. Dinner: spicy chicken wings from 7-Eleven, 11:30 PM. Footnote: ADVICE ON HOW TO FIND ME SOMEDAY IN THE FUTURE WHEN MY WEBSITES/SOCIAL MEDIA/BLOGS ARE DOWN/DEAD. Google my display name, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, lookup my username, Joeyarnoldvn, type in random keywords like 1985 Oregon, etc, in order to find out where you can find me on different websites, social media networks, blockchains, other links, other sites across the Internet, or click here. The web address or URL for my blogs is/are generally domain-name / @joeyarnoldvn. Just replace domain-name with the name of the website. It might be Peakd . com or Ecency . com or Steemit . com or Hive . Blog, etc, etc. My main official username or display-name for most social media apps, blockchain networks, websites, email addresses, forums, message boards, bulletins, sites, etc, is JOEYARNOLDVN or joeyarnoldvn, as in @joeyarnoldvn. If some of my links are broken, you can let me know or you can come back later and try again. I've linked to future articles, posts, etc. ACCOUNTS. LIBRARY. THINGS | PRINCIPLES | SEARCH | FILES | LINKS | MAPS | PROJECTS | SERIES | TIMELINE | UPDATES. WELCOME TO THE MAIN MENU OF MY DECENTRALIZED WEBSITE | HOME | ABOUT | LOCATION | QUESTIONS | SEARCH | SUBJECTS | TIMELINE | TOPICS | TYPES | OUTLINE. PLEASE START HERE IF YOU ARE NEW. HELLO. WELCOME TO MY BLOG IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST TIME, HERE IS MY INTRODUCTION. MY NAME IS OATMEAL JOEY ARNOLD. I MAKE CONTENT AND OTHER THINGS TOO BOTH ONLINE AND OFFLINE. IT MAY SOMETIMES BE HARD TO FIND MY VIDEOS BECAUSE YOUTUBE BANNED MY 10K+ VIDEOS BECAUSE I SAID TRUMP WON 2020 IN A VIDEO I UPLOADED IN 2021. IT CAN ALSO BE HARD TO FIND MY PHOTOS OR MEMES BECAUSE FACEBOOK SOMETIMES SUSPENDS SOME OF MY ACCOUNTS. FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME. YOU CAN ALSO JOIN MY CULT ON DISCORD. PLEASE WRITE DOWN MY USERNAMES. SINCE 2014, MY MAIN OFFICIAL USERNAME HAS BEEN @ JOEYARNOLDVN (AND STILL IS CURRENTLY AS OF 2022). KNOWING THIS CAN HELP YOU FIND MY CONTENT IN THE FUTURE. I'VE HAD DIFFERENT USERNAMES OVER THE YEARS. TO FIND LISTS OF MY CONTENT, YOU COULD TRY SEARCHING FOR MY ANNUAL BLOG OUTLINES. I'M CURRENTLY HOSTING MY BLOG ON HIVE . BLOG OR HTTPS :// HIVE . BLOG. THAT IS THE DOMAIN NAME TO THE BLOCKCHAIN WEBSITE THAT I PUBLISH MY BLOG POSTS & ARTICLES TO. I ALSO TRY TO SYNDICATE MY CONTENT ELSEWHERE AS WELL. YOU'RE ENCOURAGED TO MIRROR MY CONTENT. IT IS NOT COPYRIGHTED. PLEASE WRITE DOWN MY DOMAIN NAMES. TO FIND MY CONTENT, YOU JUST HAVE TO REMEMBER THREE THINGS. THE URL WEB ADDRESS TO MY DAILY BLOG POST IS THE DOMAIN NAME, MY USERNAME, AND THE DATE. JUST REMEMBER THOSE THREE THINGS. YOU CAN FIND A BLOG POST FOR EACH DAY GOING BACK TO 2020. FOR EXAMPLE, THE LAST DAY OF OCTOBER CAN BE FOUND AT Hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/2022-10-31 - THAT IS URL HIVE . BLOG / @ JOEYARNOLDVN / 2022-10-31. AS YOU CAN SEE, THERE ARE ONLY THREE PARTS TO THAT WEB LINK. BUT SOMETIMES LINKS CAN DIE. SO, AT ANY TIME, MY LINKS MAY DIE. SOMETIMES, DOMAINS DIE OR CHANGE. FOR EXAMPLE, IF HIVE DIES, THEN CHECK STEEMIT . COM OR BLURT . ORG OR OTHERS. PLEASE STEAL MY CONTENT. PLEASE DOWNLOAD AND REUPLOAD (MIRROR) MY CONTENT. YOU DON'T HAVE TO GIVE ME CREDIT. BUT WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T DELETE OVER TEN THOUSAND FUCKING VIDEOS OF MINE LIKE YOUTUBE ILLEGALLY DID IN OCTOBER OF 2022. PEOPLE SHOULD SUE THE HELL OUT OF THEM FOR DOING THAT.