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RE: Life Sure Does Hurt

in #community6 years ago

oh , God bless your Child i will pray for him.
i do have much Faith in God. more faith than i have in steem.
God can undo what satan has done. God makes all things New.
and i never will forget that.
God bless.
------end of comment---------
this comment cost me so much. but i just had to write it.

steemit has cut off my fingers. (hf20)
more of this in my newest post which will be up in some hours untill i reach 15billion RC. and this comment costs 2 billion. im now 11 billion. so i dont know when will my post go up on stream.
so thats why i will stay silent and not do anything on blockchain untill i can. post it. so dont get upset if i dont reply. cheers

but if i do the maths..
41 billion, 96h it takes to recharge it all.
24 billion recharges at 48 hours
12 billions recharges. in 24 hours
6 billion recharges in 12 hours. damn. i guess it will take 12 hours to recharge!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
before i can post. HF20 sure does suck. i guess im one of the spammers they are trying to fight with here on block chain. well let me say. it works. im totally imobilized on steemit blockchain.

i sense unfairness... everyone RC replenishes at the same speed.
but those who have it more it replenishes faster and they can do more.
but me with less it just takes forever to recharge and i cant do anything. not even vote. cos it too costs RC its nonesense.


There is no need to pray for my boy, he is perfect the way he is. The adjustment is on my wife and I. He is our happiest child 99% of the time and we often wish we could see the world as he does. We are very happy he loves the beach as he does.

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