Christine Lagarde foresees the end of banking from cryptos - Why would a turkey vote for Thanksgiving?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


So Christine Largarde recently had a meeting at the Bank of England where she extolled the value of cryptocurrencies and foresaw the end of banking as we know it. Huh? Is this a joke? For the full context, have a read of this article describing her recent Bank of England meeting here. You can also find a related IMF article here that has a full transcript of her speech.

Before we move on, you should also remember that this is the same Christine Lagarde that is willing to even deliver weird occult messages from the elite as required. Remember this one?

I also suggest that you refresh your memory on the 1988 Economist article predicting the destruction of all world currencies and the rise of a single world currency in 2018.


What are the world's central bankers really up to?

So the world's de facto banker in chief has rolled over in front of the Bank of England and is essentially starting to play dead to the coming crypto takeover of banking? Something smells very funny with this very early acquiescence to a crypto future. Some could be inclined to write this off to the fact that Christine Lagarde is simply far ahead of others in banking and no longer feels the need to represent the future interests of the banks. Frankly, that would make no sense at all. We all know from centuries of previous experience exactly how these central banking pricks operate and they are not just going to roll over to cryptos without a plan to screw everyone in the process. Furthermore, if Lagarde were to genuinely do this, she would be out of her job tomorrow (or have a very convenient accident).

Alternatively, some might believe that she and the banks are collectively throwing in the towel to Bix Weir's supposed "good guys", and that behind the scenes they are preparing cryptos as the way to hand over their previous global power in order to peacefully save the world from total economic pandemonium. Sure, maybe they do see cryptos as the way out of the exploding debt in the current system that can never be paid off, but if anyone thinks for a moment that these guys are just going to simply hand over the reigns of power to some new crypto upstarts without completing their New World Order wet dream, they're simply brain dead.

These guys have had their "Great Work" plans, including their plans for a Luciferian one world government and currency, for millennia. (No really, millennia!.. Likely since the fall of Babylon.) There is no way in hell they are going to let some crypto geeks get in the way of this multi-millennial plan. Therefore the question that everyone needs to start asking themselves immediately is, what do these guys have up their sleeves, and how will they attempt to hijack the crypto movement to put them firmly on top and in control for the long term?



There are only a few key options that make sense for a banker crypto power grab

Rahm Emanuel was famous for saying, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." You can be assured that this saying was not an original from Rahm Emanuel and that he took it from previous elitists that have lived by this motto for hundreds of years. This motto very likely embodies exactly what these sick pricks are going to do to get control of the new crypto-based monetary system. Let's point out opportunities of how such a crisis might present itself.

  • A massive terrorist false flag event supposedly funded by cryptos could easily be utilized to force the public onto government controlled digital currencies. Anyone caught using other "non-compliant" digital currencies will be treated as terrorists. If 90+% of the populace comply, everyone else that doesn't comply will simply be rounded up (or even turned in) by the majority

  • A massive catastrophe that leaves people without resources could be used to force people into digitally chipping and tracking all resources and people globally. This is the AC Chain scenario that Sean at SGT Report has outlined as a plan that is already taking shape in China. (Don't forget that Christine Lagarde has also suggested that the IMF could move to China more than once.)

  • A controlled digital currency requirement for Smart Cities could also be applied that would force specific digital currency usage in completely insular and controlled Smart Cities. The Internet of Things (IOT) and Smart Cities are all part of the globalist UN 2030 Agenda. Once a catastrophe of any sort takes place, the response will likely be to herd everyone into Smart Cities for "safety and humanitarian support" reasons. Part of the requirements to be taken care of by the "government nannies" within Smart Cities would of course be the forced use of specific, government-controlled cryptocurrencies. (A replacement for EBT cards that will probably be run by JP Morgan as well.)

  • The use of Trojan horse crypto-currencies that are already being driven by the elite is also a viable option. Of course no one in the crypto community ever wants to believe that any of the cryptos they are buying and hodling are for such purposes, but I can guarantee you that this is already in play. There are lots of new crypto projects that are ready and willing to sacrifice full privacy and decentralization to those that are funding their projects far behind the scenes. Not to mention the fact that the next round of crypto buyers likely don't give a shit about any of these crypto principles, but just want to get rich off of them. As soon as this lacsidaisical attitude is the case with the majority of crypto holders, you can expect to see a number of big cryptocurrencies that are essentially the "Facebooks" and "Googles" of crypto tech. They will work hand in glove with the government and central banks to keep everything under tight control.


We don't know exactly what they will do, but we know they will do something to take back control

Even if we don't know their exact scenario, we must be prepared that there WILL BE a scenario (or even multiple scenarios). The central bankers have all the current resources and everything to lose. Don't be so naive as to believe that they are not planning their takeover of digital currencies.

The UN Agenda 2030 agenda spells out exactly what they have planned for us. They paint it in glowing terms as a technocratic utopia, but it will be a Orwellian / Huxelian superstate that is intended to be an electronic, mental, and cultural prison that you can never escape from. Get ready for technocratic neo-feudalism, and THEIR digital currency will be the core of their control program. If you have any doubt of this, you need to listen again to this classic interview below with Aaron Russo. He describes his close friendship with Jay Rockefeller who confides the long term plan to Aaron. The crux of the plan is that if you step out of line in the New World Order system they are going to put in place, they simply shut off your crypto chip and you can't buy or sell anything, i.e. it's total centralized control via the control of digital transactions.

Watch the whole interview, it's simply excellent. Aaron was a true friend of humanity and warned us of what is coming even though he put his life in great danger to do so:

If you have other views as to how and when the central bankers may make their big move, I would be very happy to hear them in the comments.


I would like to suggest a much more disturbing, and likely scenario. You correctly point out the absurdity of Lagarde's comments, as a turkey voting for Thanksgiving. I think too few people in the crypto-space have seriously considered the murkiness of Bitcoin's origin. Isn't it peculiar that the world's most widely distributed cryptocurrency, has no real info on it's creation? Imagine an ICO today, with no info on its development, dev team, etc... would they do well and become the world's leader in volume?

Just think about it. We are told a fantasy story about some guy, Satoshi Nakamoto, who most likely is as real as the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus. The likely reality, based on the timing of the release (2008, following TARP bailout funds being paid to Wall Street) and the coding of the program (C++ with SHA256 encryption) points to this being something that was put together WAY before 2008, perhaps in the early 90's. Also, there has never been a coding error found in the bitcoin program, can you imagine any program being released across the globe and not having SOME kind of bug that requires patching? No, this program was likely developed by a team, and tested extensively before going "live". I will be writing a article further expounding on this theory soon, but just wanted to chime in, because you just found a smoking gun that confirms my suspicions... Bitcoin was created by central bankers and their cohorts.

I 100% agree with you. Bitcoin was clearly a government creation. Why otherwise would the developer want to stay so anonymous and also never touch his massive wealth in Bitcoins. In addition, the perfect code also implies that a very skilled team was behind it. (I certainly don't buy the recent BS story of AI developing Bitcoin.) Don't forget that Satoshi Nakamoto roughly translates in Japanese to "Central Intelligence" as well.

I also expect that is was no coincidence that Milton Friedman "predicted" a digital currency similar to Bitcoin. I assume there was a government think tank, including Friedman, conceptualizing it much earlier on and then building it in preparation for the right period for release as you propose.

You just pissed into my nice bowl of bitcoin cornflakes. Damn, some good points made. I wonder.

Sorry about that.. I know that feeling all too well and I don't like it either. However, the only way to truly get people to a completely new system (i.e. digital currency) is to get them to demand it themselves. This in my view is exactly why they created Bitcoin.

That made me laugh sauna... Great info newsandviews and survivofit

I still don't understand crypto's...... don't get me wrong, I understand the idea and a little of the tech, but don't understand why people would invest so heavily in an equally insubstantial substitute for fiat (although I appreciate it has built in rarity). Gold and silver remain largely unloved and they are not only tangible, but untraceable and not subject to internet/electrical restrictions. I believe its not a coincidence doubt has been cast over this real money with the 'discovery' of tungsten bars. I don't trust bitcoin, but am equally kicking myself I did not buy in at $300 when I thought it overpriced then. Think I'll go and buy some more silver coins now to console myself :-)

You can't lose out with silver either. At some point the corruption in the metals market will be broken as well and the metals will do the same thing that the cryptos have done - silver especially.

I have and have written a very lengthy reply. (Sorry, I took over your comments section.) It's an excellent historical summary, but the concern with Bitcoin is in my view unfounded. Bitcoin is a symptom and not the New World Order "solution" they are planning for us. Bitcoin is simply a deflationary, experimental currency that is getting lots of attention because it is showing us indirectly that every other market is a hyper-inflationary Ponzi scheme with no legitimate return values. Consequently, everybody is rushing into Bitcoin instead to get the returns they should be getting in the metals as well as the horseshit, high risk "A - AAA" bonds available. It's also why the stock market is flying higher than a kite. No one knows where to get real value return because the value is being stolen out of all the traditional channels.

What scares me most is the government and intelligence agency next steps with new cryptos. They are developing new cryptos to fully screw us all and I am convinced that we already know some of these new cryptos all too well. (Think Ethereum and NEO although I'm not convinced these are the "final" platforms they will use either.)

Awesome post - so well put - depressing as hell, but I've long been thinking this and nobody else on Steemit is discussing it.

Do you think Monero is a potential work around?

Thanks a lot! I think there are a number of privacy coins that could help as work arounds for a while, but depending on the scenarios that they use to enforce compliance, there might not be much of a community to trade with any longer.

I think it all comes down to what percentage of people with no clue are using cryptos vs. the percentage that understand the fundamental need for full privacy, fully distributed blockchains, and no government interference. In the democratic processes our governments want us to be in (even though the US is supposed to be a constitutional republic), idiots can rule a democracy by simple volume of votes rather than by inherent individual rights and/or well established common law. In such a scenario, the end results will be driven by how many intelligent and informed people fight back for their rights vs. how many sheeple simply bow to new monetary masters.

The use of phone pre-pay cards in countries like Nigeria is interesting.

I'm hoping the "government" is in the no clues basket

The government is filled with idiots. The central banks controlling the governments behind the scenes are not... unfortunately for us.

Yeah, I just read the chapter in henry kissarseingers book about technology, and although I don't think the evil old psycho could have written it himself, it was surprisingly on to it.

Never underestimate the rotchilds!

These NWO guys would rape, torture, and kill their own families if they thought it would get them faster to their NWO end goals. They have no moral or ethical boundaries whatsoever. Add to this to the fact that many of them are highly intellectually intelligent and you now have the ultimate psychopaths that are essentially in control of the most powerful governments, corporations, economic systems, and war machines on the planet. Anyone that thinks that somehow the crypto movement is going to stop these guys is totally deluded. In fact it's just the opposite, they have seeded the crypto movement to get everyone to root for the new digital currency they are going to put in place.

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