
I have and have written a very lengthy reply. (Sorry, I took over your comments section.) It's an excellent historical summary, but the concern with Bitcoin is in my view unfounded. Bitcoin is a symptom and not the New World Order "solution" they are planning for us. Bitcoin is simply a deflationary, experimental currency that is getting lots of attention because it is showing us indirectly that every other market is a hyper-inflationary Ponzi scheme with no legitimate return values. Consequently, everybody is rushing into Bitcoin instead to get the returns they should be getting in the metals as well as the horseshit, high risk "A - AAA" bonds available. It's also why the stock market is flying higher than a kite. No one knows where to get real value return because the value is being stolen out of all the traditional channels.

What scares me most is the government and intelligence agency next steps with new cryptos. They are developing new cryptos to fully screw us all and I am convinced that we already know some of these new cryptos all too well. (Think Ethereum and NEO although I'm not convinced these are the "final" platforms they will use either.)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.16
JST 0.028
BTC 60732.06
ETH 2345.63
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.46